Mercy brings nothing to appeal to players

Mercy has become a literal healbot without a flashy moment. I’m sorry, but try to explain to someone new to the game or someone who isn’t interested in playing Mercy unless she’s meta that pulling off a valuable Resurrect is a “flashy moment.”

Give her a big ultimate. She is objectively boring when compared to other, much more busy heroes.


She’s the most popular and recognizable healer to non OW players other than D.Va. People new to the game are most likely going to pick her, not knowing any of the OW metas, balancing, reworks, terms, etc. I don’t think new players would care as they have no past experience of the game to go off of.

Reworking her kit is touchy as rez is a key part to mercy and any change to her could be overpowering or just plain heal-bot.


Mercy’s like a set of training wheels now: newbies pick her when they’re new, but as soon as they get the hang of playing the game they put Mercy in storage, never to be played again.

None of the new players will want to put any effort into really learning or mastering a glorified healbot who never has any flashy moments.


whispers: she never did. There’s a lot of people who didn’t like her back then and still don’t no matter what they did.


Remember when they said they’ll look into tweaking her for a better quality of life? They never did.


There is still great amount of “no aim = no skill = not interested,” players, to make her more appealing to those = make her ana 2.0

Not even Mercy players like her now which is upsetting.


I enjoy playing mercy still so… I guess you’re a minority because majority of my qp games have a mercy :slight_smile:


Quickplay x Competitive

Those two are entirely different from each other.

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Prior to this season Mercy had a stable pick rate in competitive, where as Moira’s dropped the higher you went. Both Moira and Mercy are outshined by Ana, and the only reason Moira is meta right now is because she’s the best support to deal with double shield.

Mercy isn’t as bad as you make her out to be though. You’ve all been on this bandwagon ever since she’s not been meta.


‘‘Has become’’? She’s always been like that lol


Dude, Mercy was always the training wheels healer. Mercy 76 and Rein are the intro heroes to all of the roles and have been since day 1, what are you even talking about.


I remember way back when Lucio was considered the true ez healer - all you had to do was exist and sometimes boop some people.

Ah, that was a long time ago now.


I personally don’t remember Lucio ever being the “easy” or intro healer. I remember him being the middle ground between mercy and Zen though. Left click priestess was always meant to be that gateway to the other healers.

No hero is ever going to be appealing “to everyone.” If a new player decides mercy isn’t their cup of tea; it’s not the end of the world. there are plenty of people who enjoy mercy.


Nothing, eh?

She is absolutely not appealing to players? Not even her (generic and cliche) design? You are absolutely certain she doesn’t appeal anyone?

You wrote ‘subjectively’ wrong btw.


Oh yes he was, but we’re talking the very early months of the game. People would tell you to just exist and then you were contributing. He was my first main as someone with terrible aim (I honestly didn’t get Mercy at all back then).


Nope, objectively is the correct word, as other heroes have “flashy” abilities, Mercy doesn’t.

Something cant be objectively boring.

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Where is Moira’s flashy ultimate? hahahahahahahahhaha. It looks like super saiyan but it’s a huge joke.

I feel like I get more done with the Mercy ult as I can damage boost 5 people.

You REALLY underestimate the power of damage boost!

I have a question for you, what is your damage amplified per 10? You’ve mentioned that Mercy is a heal bot so I’m under the impression here that you rarely use her damage boost.

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