Mercy actually has a really trash ult tbh

:thinking: I didn’t see any kills though, that isn’t what I mean at all!

Yeah, mass rezz was fun back in the day but the game is a lot different now. Lots of fun new characters to play. I’ll take Valk any day over her old ultimate :slight_smile:


In what alternate reality do you live in where 50 hp/sec can “outheal normal enemy fire”? It can’t even outheal Winston.


:clap: 100 :clap: Percent :clap: this :clap:

THANK YOU! Stole the words right out of my mouth!

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I remember playing a game as Mercy recently, activating my ult and having an existential crisis on what I was even doing for my team as I fruitlessly healed them as they fell around me. It might as well have been a 5 vs 6 for all the good I was doing


I seriously dont understand what youre trying to say. “For the entire match”? “x5 when her ult is up”? What exactly are you trying to say? That 60hps was an unstopable healing number? That rez was op? Or that mercy couldnt heal her team? You yourself dont seem to understand what I said.

This is obviously an example of a terrible time to pop valk. It’s not meant to counter burst damage ults and this person got no value out of their ult for trying to do that. That’s on Mercy, not the ability.

don’t compare zen’s ult with mercy’s for the LAST time. zen’s ult is so powerful because it takes ages to charge and his normal healing is mediocre.

yea mercy’s ult can’t save your team but she can still chain 30% damage boost.

I don’t have 1500 hours on mercy but even I can understand to use valk similarly to supercharge and not dang TRANS.


EXACTLY! This is what I do! I find it so much more rewarding and engaging then pressing Q and my team is back and then it’s back to trying to out run the enemy, with Valk I feel so free in the sky, killing enemy Widows and Pharah, it’s amazing!


Moira’s ultimate is amazing. I frequently get sextuple kills with it in organized team fights, all while keeping my own team alive through the push.

I have never been able to understand why people think it’s weak. Not only is it incredibly strong, it’s incredibly strong and it ignores shields.


I’m saying that, if there’s any time during the match that she can outheal normal enemy fire, she can absolutely do the same thing but on five targets when Valk is on. That’s a hugely impactful ability. Saying it can’t heal through normal enemy fire is just blatantly wrong.

Agreed. I use Valk to kill PharMercy and chase down snipers as often as I use it to heal people. It does way more than heal if you actually want it to.

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everyone knows valk is used to hold/push when fights are not going your way the problem is mercy players want an impactful ULT DENYING ultimate, thats what rez was, have you played mercy? i literally fall asleep while playing the character and rez was kinda the climax of that sleeper time you had to endure.


I know that, in different brackets of the game you can’t get away with that. Obviously vs a GM Widow (unless you’re super cheeky, I’m looking at you OWL Mercy’s <3) you’re probably going to die, but I think that is the risk/reward of it. You learn and can get better with it, timing and knowing who/when to heal, damage boost or where you can finish off people.

I personally feel before Valk, Mercy had to rely entirely on her team but now, she has a lot more independence while retaining her pocket potential during Valk.

Pretty amazing if you ask me!

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Yes what a terribly wrong statement to make right? 50hps is sooo valuable compared to moiras 80 and anas 75! Who needs those when you can have 50hps that barely keeps your teamate alive from a moira ball!? Pff such a lame thing to say.


Except you don’t need to know who to heal because you get AoE heals and dmg boost with Valkyrie… As for finishing off enemies, just don’t. It really won’t work as you go higher up the ranks. It’s less risk = reward and more risk = high chance of flopping.


That…is exactly what I said in my first sentence silly! I said in the higher ranks you can’t get away with it unless you’re OWL level really. But in the case where Mercy isn’t working, that is where other supports get to shine now!

Now that she isn’t a must pick, you swap to counter just like the enemy will swap to counter you. Like the game was intended :slight_smile:

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But while Moira/Ana require aim, ability timing and intense positioning, Mercy is attached no matter what with constant, consistent heals (taking out CC of course, but I’m referring to strictly barriers in this instance). That is what makes her great! Her healing isn’t blocked by barriers like Moira/Ana so while on paper, the healing looks better, in an actual game those numbers are lower! :slight_smile:

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Then let’s just take the pistol out of the equation then. It really isn’t useful. With that removed, the only real thing Valkyrie offers that will impact the fight is AoE damage boost and heals.

A bunch of people just decided to quit…

Every hero in the game counters Mercy… With your logic in mind, I can’t possibly play Mercy at all…

[Citation Required]


I play mercy a lot. I have over 100 hours on mercy. Shes my 2nd most played character.
If you dont like mercy and think shes boring to play, just play a different hero?

I like Mercy cuz of her mobility and how her kit is built around decision making and strategy. If this is just gonna devolve into ANOTHER “mercy is no fun give me mass rez back” argument, I’ll see myself out.

Mass rez was garbage and was never going to balanced in a way that was healthy for the game as a whole. It was always either going to be too good or not good enough.

Buff Mercy’s ult charge rate a little bit to be on par with the other healers and otherwise leave her as is. She’s in a good spot now otherwise.

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It’s almost as if we don’t just want to quit playing our mains because the devs f***ed them up…

I disagree.

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