Mercy 3.0 NOT MASS RES

Yeah, it could work.

I mean that’s the biggest issue with it, right? It’s such a powerful ability, but it’s unfun to use because it’s on a 30-sec CD no matter how good you are at her, it’s unfun to play against because the Mercy can literally just sit around like a cardboard box for 30 seconds and still be able to use it, turning the tide of battle for no effort, and it’s super inconsistent even when you can use it because of how easy it is to instantly shut down

Holy Light sounds best in my opinion. It would also be direct counter to Mei’s and Zarya’s ult.
Should the removal of sleep be added to cleanse?

The res have been problem with Mercy’s balancing from the start. Maybe it would be wise to just get rid of res, and make the rest of her kit stronger and more fun to play.

Everything but Holy Light is good although I would tweak down some numbers of Valkyrie.

Also I’m all against Res as ultimate. A guy suggested keeping it as E but with a resource meter. Feels fair this way. She could have repair as E and Ressurection as F key.

Thanks for the Feedback!

If they move res to he Ultimate it will be used as a hide and seek ult, just like her first Ultimate.
Mercy without Ressurection sucks as a character.

A resource meter is the best option to balance Ressurection.


If it increases her skill ceiling,skill floor,counterability,fun factor and overall balance sure lets go for it.

I’m not really opposed to adding more tools for mercy to use especially if it means getting rid of all the downtime in current 2.0 where your pressing all of like 2-3 buttons at any given time if not less during valk.

More skill expression would be nice especially.

This is why you need to make it more worth to stay in the fight by adding more things to take advantage of to help keep her team alive and running.

Mass res reworked as an ult to combat this ult meta we are in. On top of that give res an added bonus that effects living allies like a burst AoE heal so she can use it even if no one dies.

LOS is essential to all support ults so it will be applied to res. A cast will also be applied 1.5s (or adjust as needed). Shorten the radius by a bit to make it more challenging. Give Mercy damage reduction (not invulnerability) so there is a window for counter play in the form of CC and knock backs, boops, and even error on the Mercy’s side. If she applies mass res too early it could be used to heal instead of revive leaving downed teammates dead or missing them altogether because she moved out of range or LOS.

New E can be a skill shot of some sort… no clue what it could be but I’m game.

If all else remove BOTH Valkyrie and E-Res, gut her kit and start over because she is a broken mess and this rework is garbage and always has been OP or not. Fix it or get rid of it!