Mercy 3.0 (New Ability: Field Medic)

See I feel like the slow travel speed makes it rather underwhelming against flankers (except poor sombra) because they generally have the speed to avoid those projectiles. It’s not ineffective but dang it, I like a little zip in my sidearm.

Too many changes and that ult is OP
I honestly dont want to have another year where im forced to 1trickMercy (ironically since I play her a lot anyway…)

I wish they did some minor tweaks to the way her E works, making it more engaging and not killing off her whole momentum but altogether I really just want this whole Mercy mess to come to an end
Another major rework like this one would most likely cause this drama to start all over again

Mm, but flankers are supposed to counter Mercy. So why should the fight be easier for her to win?

A flanker going after a mercy is putting themselves into a 1v6 (they will have to be behind the team/inside of the team) to kill her. Mercy already has a 2 second cd of GA, which can be used to escape flankers. Then theres also the peel her team mates can give her (Zarya bubble, Dva matrix etc)
Mercy shouldnt be able to solo a flanker easily. It should be a difficult fight for her to win.

It would still be difficult if you have faster projectiles but lower damage. That actually gives them more time to try and take you down. Or really it’s about the same if you balance lost DPS with projectile speed.

I guess it all comes down to what you want in your weapon. I personally prefer the projectile speed over the damage output per shot.

There will not be any Mercy 3.0. Blizzard is not going to make any changes beyond tweaking numbers. Suggesting any form of change beyond just simple balance changes that can be fixed by tweaking numbers is pointless. Providing constructive feedback is a complete waste of time!

One small edit to make to my original post. She CANNOT use the Field Medic while in Valkyrie, I may not have made that clear enough

I think those Rez charges should be an insta cast. And they should be full health, but mercy also doesn’t gain invulnerability. It seems also a bit too complicated for new players. And her kit not during valk would be very stale since she would only be able to fly and heal. That’s it. Using a pistol is basically throwing with mercy. It also seems very powerful. Perhaps making it a 7 second ult?

This is a really good idea! But this version of Valkyrie is a bit too powerful.

Sadly this would take her into OP territory bud, this kit is massively overloaded, the ult would be a combination of transcendence, coalescence and nanoboost without any kind of restriction

When thinking about balance start from the point of view of other characters whose kits are already at top capacity, the more you start lumping ults together, the less impact each one must have