Mercy’s new change 2.0

It is still a bug. They even said it in that same post.

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They said it started as a bug, but it got changed into a feature now.

Think it’s more if anything really changes in the coding that makes it not work.

Sure it worked when they showed off the PVE mission back at Blizzcon and it still worked with the first roll of Beta. But there’s always the chance something could change that makes it not work anymore.

I mean I don’t like they keep messing with it either but we did something good out of it-the directional change mid GA.

Just hope they’ll be done after this…or if anything they just do away the the charge meter (if it’s still causing issues) and be done.

Super jump is the result of a bug that occurred during Guardian Angel. This bug became a core mechanic of high-level Mercy gameplay, and it added a lot of depth to her movement. Our goal was to integrate it into her kit for Overwatch 2, so it wasn’t as hidden for new players.

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In literally the article you are posting beneath here they call it a bug that they want to integrate into her kit. I don’t know what else to say. If they see it as a bug that needs to be integrated then its going to be changed.

You won’t have to worry soon enough about this as SJ is obviously going to be changed no matter what you want.

I always used SJ since way back when the glitch was found. Just like I used the Genji momentum bug way back then also I am a dirt bag and will use anything to get me ahead. So you really don’t have to tell me i don’t have to use it because I do lol.


Key words; is the result of a bug They never said it was still a bug, but they described how it started as one

Here they are still describing how it started as a bug but they never say that it’s still a bug. :wink:

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The change sounds fine. Now they really need to start fixing the actual problems with the rest of her kit.

The whole thing feels like someone spending hours and hours on getting the right look for a presentation about a new project, and no time at all on getting the project itself to work.

It is the 4th time that they touching the superjump, I hope that this time it turned out well and they leave it alone!!! and start fixing Mercy where she needs it!!!