Mental Health Warning

So obvious when you put it that way. Hadn’t even considered it.

So you have no replays right?

That’s weird since you see cheaters everywhere…

Like the others, you will be suspended for false reporting… :confused:

Be careful about it, and about my posts… Maybe you should open your eyes… :slight_smile:

Earth is flat for you I guess?

Earth is flat for you I guess?

As flat as the surface of your brain.


Come on, you can’t say that after this comment :

Especially when, on another post you say :

You’re just toxic because I pointed out a guy lying…


Where is the toxicity in what I said? Last I checked the hunan brain wasn’t flat but oh well. In your comment to me however you were assuming things about me such as that I might be a flat earth conspiracist. So lemme get this straight, your making an attack on my person wasn’t toxic but me responding to you in a funny, cheeky way somehow is. You’re doing some hard mental gymnastics there and ironically enough you’re accusing others of being toxic when you are the one who’s trying to be toxic every time you get an opportunity.

Still no replays I guess?

I didn’t specify where you were toxic…

And you made an attack 1st, don’t cry if someone answers it. :slight_smile:

This… anyone who thinks there are paid staff to review gameplay footage and determine the validity of reports is crazy. They’d need hundreds if not thousands of people based on the volume of reports

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I actually like the approach DEVs from No rest for the wicked said they would take when game becomes multiplayer.

Any player found hacking would just be tagged and forced to play in servers reserved for hackers, so they don’t mess with regular players. I think that itself would fix overwatch, removing the comp and restricting these players to play qp against other hackers… if they want to play comp again they would need a new account and by the time they got 50 games on qp they would be flagged as hackers again.

The thing with blizzard not taking action against these players is because it is profiting from them. Some might put money in the game or bring audience on twitch etc so blizzard is pretty much conniving to it.


Very. I would have to agree.

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And you made an attack 1st, don’t cry if someone answer it.

Again, mental gymnastics, some serious ones at that. Point me to the comment that’s my “attacking 1st”. Come on, I’m sure it’s here somewhere. Oh but there is none…yet in your mind you feel attacked by impersonal language that wasn’t directed at anyone in particular that’s participating in the thread.

“Cheat developers”, that’s all you could come up with. Are there any words there in that phrase that point to you? Do you identify with those words?

If you are really getting that many report confirmations, you are overreporting and probably reporting a ton of innocent or not guilty enough for your bullcrap people. It makes all these posts about undeserved bans seem possibly believable when you think about how many people can have a blast reporting all day, blaming everyone else for their woes, but can’t play the game to save their life.

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Oh thats not even the tip of the iceberg of people who I’ve actually reported. And every single one of them deserved to be banned too.

If you don’t want to have to buy a new comp ready account just don’t cheat pretty simple :joy:

Have you considered trying to just not cheat? It can be a lot more rewarding to win when you’ve actually accomplished it yourself.

The statement you provided contains several logical fallacies:

  1. Hasty Generalization: The speaker concludes that if someone receives many report confirmations, they must be reporting too many players inaccurately (“reporting a ton of innocent or not guilty enough for your bullcrap people”). This generalization assumes that a high number of reports correlates directly with wrongful reporting without considering other factors, such as actual prevalence of rule-breaking behavior.
  2. Ad Hominem: The speaker attacks the character or behavior of the people reporting, suggesting they are incompetent at playing the game (“but can’t play the game to save their life”) and are merely blaming others for their own failures. This approach attempts to discredit the reporters by attacking their motives and capabilities rather than addressing the validity of the reports themselves.
  3. Straw Man: The argument constructs a caricature of the opposing viewpoint by suggesting those who report are doing it frivolously or out of spite (“have a blast reporting all day”), rather than considering that they might have legitimate reasons for their actions.
  4. Appeal to Consequences: By linking the behavior of frequent reporting to the credibility of posts about undeserved bans, the speaker implies that this behavior causes harm to the community’s perception of the reporting system (“It makes all these posts about undeserved bans seem possibly believable”). This suggests a negative outcome as a means of arguing against the behavior itself, irrespective of whether the reports are justified.

These logical fallacies serve to undermine the arguments or actions of people who report others in the game by questioning their motives, generalizing their behavior, and suggesting negative consequences, all without directly engaging with the possibility that the reports could be valid.


I remember when people used cheat codes in games like the first Grand Theft Auto games and it was silly fun that made the game a bit more replayable. But in that case it wasn’t affecting others’ enjoyment of the game, as there was no competition. Nowadays there are so many players that cheat just to have some sort of bragging rights that nobody would even take seriously. “Bro, I’m like Masters rank on DPS”, which is impressive for about half a second or so. The mental gymnastics many of them do to justify it will make you lose all hope for humanity, and the fact that cheating has become a multibillion dollar industry that sells convenient access to cheats for every multiplayer out there should tell you just how much BS there is in this space. I remember in the original Warzone the leaderboards contained hacked entries and obvious cheaters until the very last day and Activision did absolutely nothing about it. The same Activision that launched that game with no anticheat because they somehow didn’t think it would be needed.