🧞‍♀ Memorial to Old Sym and what could have been; Youtube Highlight (what I consider the best abilities Sym ever had.)

Imagine what could have been if reworked differently



Oh my god the puns. This makes me want Mercy to be able to revive her victims in FFA. For reasons.


After watching, imagine what could have been if we had: (what I consider the best abilities Sym ever had.)

Old primary fire,
New Alt Fire (but goes though people, no Aoe)
New flying Turrets (but four of them)
Old Summonable Shield
New ult but two of them (Wall Shield and Teleporter)

(Consider her a DPS still, but more like Sombra is a utility Dps)


I miss my queen cries


Guess not many Old Syms left to appreciate this…

Sigh well Fallout 76 last beta is in an Hour and a half away.


Yeah but That Sym still had bugs.
The teleporter did not work on Inclines.
It does now.

So, does the new Sym, but I am going for what works, effective and is fun to use.

The new Sym is just terrible and so unlike her past “Dps” role.

Totally a different hero and even worst then before.


:musical_note::monkey: Sym is Gone! :monkey::musical_note:

Wait, wrong song:

:trumpet: :pensive: :triumph: :sob: :trumpet:

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New Sym is better, more versatile, and more engaging than 2.0. She’s just underpowered and does not have a broad enough niche to merit being picked over other dps options.

With some minor buffs and qol changes she’ll be good.

Old primary fire should stay in the dumpster.


R.I.P. sym, i like the rework somewhat but i only like about half of it.


You know, New Sym and old Sym just suffer from the same problems, it just one has what the other actually needs. And Vice versa.

Like Old Sym’s Summonable Shield and New Sym’s Turrets
Old Sym’s Teleporter and New Sym’s Super Wall

I dont see why we cant combine the old and the new to improve. (Plus I found the old, usable and fun then the new.)


i don’t care at all how strong sym is. I don’t think any amount of buffs will ever make her fun again. If it wasn’t for torb I would have left this game


if I could make my dream sym it would be sym 2.0 with throwable turrets


Here is a song to chill to… (currently waiting on Fallout 76, not expecting anything new on the ptr today with Sym)


Her playstyle was too static for the game in 2.0. She spent too much time out of the fight and Blizzard rightfully swapped that on its head for 3.0.

She’s way more engaging now. Her abilities still need to be sped up a bit, but overall her downtime is a lot less than it was previously.

I do see why so many 2.0 fans miss that iteration though. It’s completely different from how she is now. I just don’t agree that anything from her 2.0 kit was better for her versatility in this fast-paced game. That’s my personal opinion and I know many long time Sym mains will disagree.

well Jeff disagrees actually, recent article release… just now:

“With Symmetra, I personally am in wait-and-see mode,” he said. “There’s two elements there: One is, did we get the correct mechanics? Is this character doing the things we want them to do and occupying the gameplay space we hope that they occupy? And then the second part is the balance. We feel like, with characters like Torbjorn and Symmetra, they’re mechanically doing what we want them to do now, but I don’t know if they’re balanced correctly.”

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The visuals still blow my mind :sob::two_hearts:

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If you keep listening its not just that song in there… its my 25 favorites. (with no commercials from youtube.)

While I do agree that Sym is less static than before, they could have just added those features on top of old Sym, so that people that liked her previous iteration wouldn’t mind this rework.

Like, imagine if 2.0 had her new TP (maybe as a second weapon?), throwable turrets, and let her old ult to be deployed at range or even let her precast her SG. Bam. Less static, viable on attack, feels like Symmetra. Were other changes actually needed?


Well jeff at least think something is wrong.

I can sleep easier knowing that.

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