Mei's Cryo is Bugged

There is an issue where Mei’s cryo does not activate when you press it, it’s delayed for some reason. This results in you dying when trying to use it within 10ths of a frame which is often for an ability like this. Here I used it BEFORE I am pinned by Rein, it even shows I activated it, doesn’t put me into it then you hear Rein charge me out of the Cryo since you can hear it break. All while the ability goes on cooldown.

This is an ability I always knew was broken because it just didn’t activate but I couldn’t understand why. This is it. Remove this stupid delay between when you press it and when it actually activates.

The video is not going to be a confirming form of evidence of a bug. A replay code that shows the exact final ruling of interaction is more helpful. I do not believe this is a bug, but a ruling of the server to favor the Reinhardt who attacked you. The game plays by the rule of “favor the attacker” when it comes to deciding how abilities interact with each other.

More details:

Last I heard a replay code is all client side anyway, atleast that was the excuse I was given when I reported a bug with Mei’s wall where things just clip through it all the time so how would the replay code help in this situation but not that one?

Not to my knowledge, it shows the match in its final result, but I will try to get a confirming answer on that.

This video is over four years old and heavily outdated. Several bug posts on this forum disprove the effectiveness of these “predictions”. Search “Ashe shots don’t connect” here on the forums and tell me how many people agree with this video.