Mei's body change

Fat girls don’t have real asses. Mei is not inaccurate.

But Mei isnt fat.
She is T H I C C

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I just noticed her butt was nerf on her normal skins. She’s now flat compared to what she got previously.

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Why was her butt nerfed? She looks horrible now. Women aren’t allowed to have a butt? This is pretty sexist.

Before and after patch comparison.

Before patch:

After patch (literally no idea why they just did not fix that skin and left the others alone).


I think it’s universally acceptable knowledge that Mei’s backside is an anomaly.

Let it have it’s own physics

Just made a topic with the comparisons. Feel free to leave your feedback there by commenting if you don’t like the changes.

Is this actually being discussed? Jesus, didn’t think anyone would care.

PFFFT, males are doomed to be old, broken, torn up, covered head to toe in armor, wear super baggy clothes, look older than they should be, or ugly.

McCree’s leg and foot may break in his Blackwatch skin, but the true travesty is when Mei or Widow’s butt is a pixel smaller.

To be fair, the male orientated fans do get some fan service, but it’s a lot less for sure. Still waiting for us to get a good looking younger guy that isn’t Lucio. :wink:

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Look, I live in the very North of the US, and in the winter it is freezing, wearing about 3 or 4 layers of clothes with a jacket makes me look rather… big


Exactly! no way you’re taking off all those layers to reveal a body the same size as with them on lol

@jeffk69 Can we please booty buuf thx

Hanzo, genji, McREEE, Soldier, Junkrat

Excuse me, Junkrat is gorgeous! :angry:

Hanzo looks like 10 years older than both Mercy and Moira who are actually older than him. He has some hot skins though.

Genji? No. A heavily maimed shell of a man that is more robotic parts than human and the community’s most hated hero is not the fan service male.

McCree. Yes, in the same middle aged man way as Hanzo. Has some good skins, but again he looks middle aged at youngest. I specified younger. You know there is only 3 (actually may be 4, has been a bit since I counted this for a past thread) males younger than McCree (37) and like 9 (could be higher, been awhile since I counted) females younger than Mercy. (also 37)

Soldier. Old. Not into edgy grandpas.

Junkrat? Cartoon “ugly” villain face, always dirty, burned off hair showing scalp in spots… which girl character shows this type of beauty? Can we do this to Widowmaker, Tracer, Sombra, Brig, Mei, and Mercy?

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GrrrRRRRr tHiS mAkes me s0 angEry

Mccree’s lifeguard skin, Junkrat’s Winter skin, Young Soldier, and who doesnt want to make love to a robot “shell of a man” Pffft~ it’s 2018, lady… I mean on Team Woman we also have a horse, an old woman, Somone with half her head shaven, a new skin with frankly less than desirable hair and a 13 year old girl. Seems pretty fair when you think about it :man_shrugging:


20 chars REE

I mean i dont see it myself but i know some Genjo fangirls

Maybe we should get the same person who caused the Mei Lunar skin to be fixed while not affecting her other skins here.