Mei vs. Zarya ultimates - fair vs. unfair

Thats playing to a win condition in which case thier isnt much counterplay based on who the individual hero is. Solo graving still is very suboptimal and can be countered by teamwork on your part.

Depends on composition if you’re clumped or not but the options for counterplay are there.

And we have to stop here… Mei ultimate isn’t a weaker version, they are fairly balanced:

  • Zarya Ult activates earlier and roots ppl in place.
  • Mei ult needs some seconds to trigger the full effect and stuns ppl in place.

Ppl under the effect of Zarya ult can still shoot, heal and shield up.
Ppl under Mei ult can’t do anything.

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Before you use Blizzard, tell yourself which 1/2 targets you definitely want in it.
Look for any situation that can guarantee you those targets (Them using their cooldowns, you knowing you can wall off their escape, enemy zarya using her teambubble on something else)
Getting 1/2 targets should already win you the fight, anything else is bonus.

Stop trying to use it as grav where you want as many as possible in it.

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I agree.
Although it is possible to also combo on blizzard (a Pharah ult can do wonders on it, so can a Hanzo and Genji ult).

As I have stated before, I think Blizzard is fine. But I think it serves as a good example of counterplay (and counter-counterplay as you mention, like the wall - also Mei can use her freeze spray for them to freeze faster), where there is almost none for Graviton Surge.

This post is more about Graviton Surge, where Blizzard serves as an example on how it is done fairly with counterplay.

Blizzard’s visual still needs visual updates btw.
When you’re above it, not visually in and still get frozen, huh…
It is a very powerful ult, so I guess it is “balanced” around how it needs to be placed well and be coordinated with your team more than your random zarya and genji accidently syncing.

Graviton is just a movement lock down. If you can’t combo it with someting that can penetrate shields it loses a lot of effectiveness and even that you are not granted good results if the other guy can’t combo or gets killed.

A mei ult that has completed her purpose (aka freezing enemies) lets them open to any kind of damage and secures far more kills. It also grants a wider area of control as the enemies are forced to leave it, creating a lot of space for your team to contest the objective.

not to mention that grav takes almost twice as much time to charge up as mei blizzard which is essentially like riptire

You used to be able to use movement abilities to escape it but they made it to where movement abilities are locked out when caught in it.

blizz & grav radius are also far from being the same.

The only problem with grav actually has nothing to do with grav, it’s DPS ults that combo with it with no counterplay. A grav/barrage combo is fine, because you can block it with shields and kill the pharah. A grav/dragonstrike combo is frustrating because Hanzo can just use it from behind a wall with no way to stop him.

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mei ult vs azrya ult:
zarya ult has a small radius that lets you heal and attack and even fade away for some heros
mei has a big radius that stuns and stops you from doing anything

mei’s ult is legit overpowered, but since she isnt meta people like to think that it’s fine

The freeze of Mei’s ultimate isn’t instant. Enemies can use their mobility or invulnerability abilities to escape it. And even if you don’t have those abilities, can you still walk out of it if you are not in the center of it.

This is why Mei’s ultimate is a zoning ultimate.

  • It’s a zoning ultimate.
  • Heroes with mobility can escape it.
  • Heroes with invulnerability abilities can ignore it.
  • Zarya can walk out of it with her bubbles.
  • Zarya can remove freeze of a teammate with her bubble and let him walk out of it.
  • Mei’s cast animation is interruptable with a stun or killing. Zarya’s not.
  • Mei’s ultimate can be absorbed by Dva.
  • Mei’s ultimate can be deflected by Genji.

I really don’t see how it’s overpowered. It has plenty counterplay and it’s not designed to be a setup ultimate like Zarya’s ultimate or a damage ultimate like Dva’s ultimate. It’s one of the fairer ultimates in the game if you’d ask me.

Zarya also has that problem. It’s a projectile issue with stuns/deaths/state changes.

So can Zarya’s?

I was just listing some of Mei’s ultimate’s weaknesses and counterplay.
Some of them are also apply to Zarya.

Fun fact:
Zaryas ultimate is the only projectile ultimate that has no cast time. It’s being shot like a secondary fire.
This means it’s not cancelable with a stun.

Yes it is cancelable with a stun. Either the server refunds it, or it gets erased. Her secondary fire gets erased on stuns and deaths too. The servers have very annoying problems when it comes to abilities and milliseconds reading who is in the right.

Yep, and thats so stupid. They did that change coz some peoples keep complaing that heroes like Genji gets his ult 100% back if CCd during cast animation (they were right about Genji). But Blizz failed again with that change coz they made it “all or nothing” and made it similar for all heroes, balance doesnt matter.

Mei, Zarya ult should always works if they are already dropped. They shouldnt dissapear in half way. In other hand, heroes like Genji, Rein, Lucio etc. their ult should be canceled if animation isnt complete. It makes sense if u look at balance for certain heroes.

if it didnt slow you down ye

same with zarya but smaller and lets you heal and get out of it with mobility

exactly, if zarya is alone her ult is trash, meei will garentee a 3kill and if she has her team will teamwipe

ult the payload as mei and you win the fight that’s the op part

Gravitation is the most powerful ultimate in the game ( Second against Mass ress) because brokes the entire concept of this game aka mobility. Is a huge CC who leaves you stuck completely helpless against anything.

<-- GM Mei main

Mei’s ultimate is super weak because of 3 key reasons:

  • It is mostly only effective when used in tandem with your Ice Wall, which you also need good angles for. If the terrain is bumpy in any way then accuracy is a nightmare.
  • 23 out of 29 heroes have an ability that grants mobility or invulnerability, and allow them to escape Blizzard
  • Your own team mate’s knockback abilities often save the enemy from dying when frozen e.g. Reinhardt hammer, Dva rocket booster boop, lucio boop, Roadhog ult, Brigitte whip shot, etc.

That last point could be easily addressed by making it so that frozen enemies are anchored to the ground and immune to knockback, in the same manor as a Bastion in minigun mode.

Sure, you’d lose the cheesy opportunity for booping frozen targets off the map, but if they’re frozen they should be dying anyway and you’re not losing much.

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