Mei skin for Summergames Event (Image)

Personally I love the hair on the pajamei skin, I see no reason to change it?

I don’t know why people are only focusing on the hair only.I changes the body shape and shirt too.The body and the shape look weird in the orignal skin I think.

It did look weird originally but they fixed it

But the whole point of the skin is it’s her pajamas, it makes sense for her to be using glasses since she needs them to see, why would her hair be done normally?

Maybe she decided to keep on her glasses when she went into her pod. Or maybe the animators decided to take her glasses off at the part of her exiting the pod after 9 years. It’s kinda a little detail that doesn’t matter too much imo.

Its not only about the hair its about her body.It still looks weird in the actual skin and they should fix it.I suggest you guys to compare the body in this edit and the actual skin.

oh no. this is horrible. what you have done here and what you believe the skin should be is bad.

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Her body still looks weird though and her shirt still has clipping issues

disagree, love the mussy bed hair its what makes the skin. I would have even prefered the no glasses look like she had just out of the cryo chamber.

WUTFACE??? the bed hair makes the skin good literally what i asked for when i saw this skin

Why not give us both variants of the skins and most importantly fix her weird pose and shirt clipping issue.Its still f’ed up even in the recent patch.

I like the out of bed hair.

What? Why give her the same old hair? The whole point is to have a bed head in your pajamas just like she did in her Animated Short
 the hair is the best part, also nothing is wrong with her current body.

Are people really this picky?? You’re seriously making this big deal because her shirt has a weird clipping issue thats hardly even noticable? lol Just use the skin or don’t use it, pfft, people these days.

Make this skin for Summer games Blizz.