Mei’s icicle falloff

I hope you at least realize the irony in declaring it a “Welcome balance change” in a thread made specifically to denounce it.

Neither hanzo nor mei’s projectiles involve a random number generator
Mei needs 2 headshots to kil a 300hp target, instead Hanzo with one shot can take down a 250hp target, with two headshots 500. A Widowmaker’s headshot takes down 300hp.
Also Mei needs prediction and more skill to be effective due to cast time and need to recharge, Hanzo has infinite shots and can release when he wants the shot

You could make this point if Mei’s icicles were an actual one-shot. Alas, they only do max 150. Also they are pin-point accurate rather than RNG.

What are you on about?

1 shot per ~0.84 seconds
~0.4 second charge time per shot
unable to hold a shot at max charge to adjust aim
150 damage max

If you get killed by a Mei from across the map, you’re either Tracer, Zero Suit, or very bad at situational awareness. Don’t stand still, do stand behind barriers or use the environment as cover.

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Mei is still…Mei. Situational.

People just finding reasons to complain

If you headshot using Mei from across the map with the delay on her RMB projectile, it’s not RNG or luck. There’s absolutely no reason why she should do less damage than every other hero at range.