Mei can ice block when she's stunned? I just learned this

I’ve somehow either never played against a Mei when playing McCree before, or I’ve played against Meis who didn’t know they could do this. Anyway, having my flashbang/FTH combo interrupted by that block multiple times was annoying in my last match.

This seems kinda wrong. Stuns are supposed to stop you from using abilities, so how come this is the exception?

It’s Mei. Anything is possible and everything is acceptable.

I think it’s more of a ping/ms issue or that it’s because of the animation time.

I frequently see Meis use iceblock while getting hacked at the same time. They usually enter ice block and the hack still finishes, having her hacked inside the ice block.

I assume it’s also what happens when you flashbang, the animation takes a few parts of a second and… I assume it’s counted as transformation and not channeling so it won’t be interrupted by the stun if the ability is already activated.

Think about Bastion transforming into the tank, Genji pulling out his sword or Winston when using primal Rage… you can stun them while transforming but they won’t be interrupted by it. I suppose ice block works similarly but since the effect after the transfomation makes her immune to things, you don’t see her stunned.

Edit: A post from 2017 about these type of ults/abilities:


In that thread it seems like they’re saying that stunning or hacking somebody like S76 at about the same time they activate their ult isn’t gonna cancel the ult. And I get that.

But in this case I don’t see how this Mei could have used Cryo-Freeze right before I threw the grenade, because she was at full health and chasing after me while blasting me with her gun in an attempt to turn me into an easily-headshotted popsicle. In other words, she was on the offensive, not on the defensive.

Maybe I was telegraphing my intent to flashbang and she pressed the key for that at the same time I threw it? And that resulted in either her looking stunned when she wasn’t, or actually getting stunned but still having the block surround her and allow her to heal and wait out the stun inside?

Yesterday I saw a mei ice block a split second after I rocket punched her and saw her ice block fly into a wall…I stood there staring in disbelief…truly she is a creature of evil


Literally LOL’d when I read that. As much as it must’ve sucked, if there’s video of that happening up somewhere then it would be funny to watch. Anyway yes, Mei is terrible, and this almost makes me glad that Moira causes her to cry.

I can’t say I’ve ever seen this. It’s usually the opposite, with Roadhog hook ignoring Mei’s ice block after she freezes and pulling her anyway.

It’s probably this:

Maybe I was telegraphing my intent to flashbang and she pressed the key for that at the same time I threw it? And that resulted in either her looking stunned when she wasn’t, or actually getting stunned but still having the block surround her and allow her to heal and wait out the stun inside?

I mean the flash bang also has an animation time and isn’t instant so you do have time to react.

If you would use it at the same time, what matters is whose input the server receives first so if her ms is 20 and yours is 21 the ice block will go off, even though you see her being stunned on your end before transforming.
The other way around she would be stunned and had to wait it out before being able to use it (and likely for her it would show the ice block animation that then is cancelled by your stun).

I mean it also happens with Tracer recalling, being hacked or stunned during recall. It’s a mix of latency and “shooter first” approach I would suspect. :smile:

Edit: Also noteworthy… if you sleep dart a Sombra sometimes she still translocates out and sleeps at wherever her translocator is. Weird things like this happen. :smile:

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