mEI anD hANAzO arEnT pOwErCreEp!

I highly doubt cheating is common. Balance doesn’t suck. People just hate metas but those same people are slaves to the meta.

:joy: :joy: :joy: damn bro you really got me there nice joke you pulled :joy: :joy: :joy:

It’s more common they you think. I’m not just talking about aimbot or wall hacks. I mean all aspects of cheating, purposely sabotaging games, Smurfing and dropping SR just to continue to smurf, all that kind of stuff just ruins the game.

Not Mei but hanzo this cheap scum and he can spam logs that hs us just bullsh**

Widow and Hanzo for me. But close enough.

I see what you did there.

Knowing you are a Dva player, that dva isn’t viable and that Mei and Hanzo can courier pretty good, will I not be surprised if you don’t play the game anymore.

I’ve been saying that about mccree for ages. His kit is SO overtuned for Damage, and it wasn’t what he needed to be viable. Gatling gun left click that’s almost impossible to react to if he get’s the jump on you. One of the best stuns in the game, and the cheesiest, scummiest most infuriating alt fire in the game. I want him to be reworked for more survival with his dodge roll, lose the fire rate on his left click and put Fan the Hammer on a god damn cooldown (Like it always should have been). Sure it’s short range but it’s still like having hanzo’s stormbow bound to your m2.

Hell I want ALL of the characters with these massive crutches in their kit taken away from them. Put some skill back into the game. It’s just infuriating taking the time to get really good with what are considered to be rather difficult characters, only to come across people getting insane amounts of value out of abilities or combos that are just far too easy to pull off.

  • Mccree flash>fan
  • Mei Freeze > headshot
  • Junk M1> mine
  • Doom’s one shot punch in general
  • Hanzo’s storm bow in melee range
    Just to name a few.

Versing Flash>Fan bot mccrees in deathmatch literally makes me want to kill myself.

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Are they? Where is this confirmed? Not being sarcastic genuinely curious.


It sucks to walk out and get headshot from 100 yards away, I think Hanzo needs his range reduced and his up close shots reduced like widows SMG, storm arrow cannot headshot.

You can’t play any dive heroes really into either of them. No ball, no Winston.

But who can play into them? Orisa.
Kill Mei and less tanks are forced to play Orisa to resist freeze.

I mean, there’s always something that makes people create these “X hero is the reason I’m not having fun”. So once they nerf those heroes, 2 days later there will be a “Zenyatta is ruining Overwatch” post.

It’s a never ending cycle of salt and nerfs.

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This is so stale you know…

Check your grammar, “boomer”.

I don’t mind mei as much as hanzo. With mei I can switch to Ashe and force her cooldowns and kill her from afar. With hanzo, he’s just a threat close and long range, and I hate him.

You do realize that’s the point of the argument. That power creep is real and completely screwing up the game’s ability to be fun.

Hanzo and Widow for me.

As someone who plays a LOT of support and tank while also sprinkling in a few damage games, Mei has never ruined my fun.

Widow has though, doesn’t feel like there is enough counterplay to getting your head popped off.

Stopped reading there


They need to further structure who is and isn’t a sniper. If you want Hanzo to be a sniper, get rid of his mid range/close range stuff and make him a sniper. It’s the same way Widow is designed. She’s easy to kill. But, can put out insane damage if left uncontested. Hanzo puts out insane damage no matter what he does. He can’t be McCree and Widow all rolled into one kit with Genji’s mobility. That’s what they’ve done to him. Mei is just a disaster of a design. So, is Doom. They’re the Brig of DPS.

Mei is way too good right now. Hanzo however needs a nerf to his leap. The leap allows him to escape dive unless it is baited before he is dove. His real problem is close range. His leap needs to be nerfed to allow him to be dove and be less self reliant. Everything else about his kit is fine. Storm arrow allows him to basically self peel for himself when he is dove, but it isn’t inherently broken. Storm arrow seems to be the culprit because his leap allows him to escape so easily and then dumpster people with storm arrow. His leap needs a cooldown nerf. The nerf on the PTR just makes him worse at long range, it doesn’t fix his fundamental issues. So anyone here who says hanzo is too broken is almost 100% wrong and none of you should be allowed to post on here to possibly influence the devs minds to make trash changes for the game.

for me i dont play much because of dva being trash tier