The level 1 beam damage is not the problem. Have you not read any of my second to second damage analysis of the beam weapon? I’ll give you a link so you can see for yourself the actual damage of the weapon.
If you checked that thread out you will see that 3.0 tier 1 damage is actually the least bad / needing fixed of all three tiers of damage compared to the 2.0 beam. The problem here is either the fact that the ramp up times were changed from 1s to 2s without reason, or alternatively the fact that the tier 2 damage was not raised higher. Tier 2 of the 3.0 beam fills the same time slot as the old tier 3 of the 2.0 beam and as a result 120 potential damage fails badly when put against 120 sure damage. All of this is bad.
But in my opinion, tier 3 of the 3.0 beam is the most disappointing. Whereas tiers 1 and 2 both doubled their damage, meaning that a 50% accuracy equals the same damage, in tier 3 you only got a small increase of potential damage which makes 67% accuracy needed just to be even with the old beam - and without gaining the health or damage resistance that such accuracy needs.