Megathread of Pharah complaints from a Pharah main

Pharah’s my 2nd most played dps and I think Barrage isn’t the worst one thing I do to get maximum damage potential is try to be a bit closer to the ground not really close just close enough for the most of the rockets to land on the enemies killing them almost instantly. I prefer it over High noon as high noon is just useless most of the time to the point were I sometimes go for one pick with it and it’s much better then Death Blossom imo It shreds tanks much faster death blossom has trouble killing some of the higher health tanks(Reaper is litterally a meme at this point he’s like Bation and Torb levels of bad).

So all the issues you point out in the original post at the start I have an issue with. The suicide stats, the rockets disappear when you are shot and die, etc. I tank main in comp and phara main in qp and DM. Reason is that in situations where it counts like comp I dont want BS being the reason we lose. What do I mean… see below.

Suicide… she cannot fight close quarters (if she runs low on boost and has to land) an enemy just has to walk up to her face and she will kill herself. Fire a rocket at an enemy standing right in front of you and see what happens. Phara will die while the other person will barely take 1/2 damage nearly all the time. Does not matter if it is tracer or another low HP hero in front of you. Hit the ground near an enemy and there is little to no splash damage, hit the floor in front of you and you die…

Splash damage is a joke with Phara. Unless you directly hit an enemy in the face you need several direct body hits. Hit the player 1 inch in front of them, there is almost no splash damage. The fall off on her splash damage is stupid.

Lets look at this… hanzo has an arrow that travels about 300 ft/s and insta kills with a head shot. Phara has an explosive rocket propelled missile that hits a target with more kinetic force and explodes and does much less damage… seems fair…

Phara could be 300 feet in the air, run out of boost and fall at terminal velocity and land on her feet and all is well. Doomfist grazes you with a flying punch at half the speed and you fly at 45908734 miles and hour into a wall and insta die. So I can drop from the heavens and land on my feet but if I graze a wall after being pushed back from a doom fist and I insta die? Ok… seems fair.

Junk rat can stand on a mine and detonate it and fly in the air and then detonate another mine and double jump and then fire 5 exploding balls and all can land on him and no damage. Phara does a rocket boost jump and takes damage and clips a wall near her as she shoots and dies from self splash damage. Seems fair.

Phara can shoot a wall next to an enemy and they will take little splash damage, she clips a wall near her as she turns and insta dies… seems fair

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Issue 1 :
Pharah has been too easy to use to dominate lower elo, it is normal to buff hitscans heroes against her, since she doesn’t have any hard counter but widowmaker (which can be argued to only be a soft counter, but let’s leave at that)

Issue 2
Let’s talk about it: instant damage, mc cree has it way worse. At least pharah will instant all squishies she aims at before they even understand what’s going on

Issue 3
Being into the air, it’s almost impossible for your rockets to hit you, unless a DVA dives into you in which case it’s your fault for firing point blank

Issue 4
Can reach and heal pharah/ protect her
Mercy zenyatta ana brig Zarya
cannot or can but not optimally reach pharah
Moira lucio rein orisa
Seems fair to me

Issue 5
Yeah, let’s fix that

Issue 6
Many heroes suffer from lore deficit
Agree on the lack of great skins tho

Honestly to me 5 and 6 are the only relevant points of this thread, the rest is fine as it is now. Remember that buffing pharah is buffing pharmercy, one of the cheesiest strats at low elo

100% on point

  • her ult is absolute crap
  • her rockets are ridiculously slow; if they wanted to capture the quake feel, they failed
  • disappearing rockets is infuriating as hell
  • being a hero that’s supposed to use her verticality means you rarely get heals, unless there’s a mercy in which case you become OP

It’s also frustrating how a lot of heroes like Mei and Reaper and Doomfist all have 250 HP, and various self heals, and all of the cast can get good heals from all healers, EXCEPT Pharah who only really gets healing from Mercy, Brig, and a pro Ana maybe, so she needs 250 HP more than anyone else, and she’s the most literally physically armored non tank in the game yet she only gets 200HP and none of its armor

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What kind of nonsense is that? Widow is a hard counter and there’s not much to argue. McCree is also a hard counter, especially after the recent buffs. You could make a case for Soldier being a soft one. Besides that there are plenty of heroes that can kill you without being a counter, such as Genji


Hard hard disagree here. McCree is probably the best Pharah counter, followed by Widowmaker. I suspect that Torbjorn will take the cake after his rework–the main thing holding him back right now is just how generally weak he is, but a good Torb can keep Pharah almost permanently grounded.

Soldier, Genji, DVa, Hanzo, and Mei are also all extremely frustrating and would probably be well-classified as soft counters.

Didn’t Jeff Kaplan said there were some big things coming for Pharah? Still waiting on those …

Might have not made myself clear, I was talking of before the changes in hitscan where mc cree did ok but widow was clearly better at the job

– and a huge*** jetpack…

Lmao is there such thing as a “casual jetpack”?


It could look cute. They might be able to slightly minimise it though, perhaps the Overwatch universe has a civilian equivalent, or there’s a new light weight edition of her military one.

Oh screw off. I knew someone would say this. Learn to aim and then maybe you’ll see results.

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Big things.

Her chest.


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Maybe like a Raptorion prototype?

Jeans, leather jacket, combat boots, aviators and a skeletonized armorless exosuit?


Pharah is a big problem on console so she shouldn’t get a buff. Just buff her on PC

Yeah because people on console refuse to better their aim and just rather complain instead.

It’s so much easier to complain than to just get better.

He’s not wrong my guy, Pharah’s stats show that she’s an issue on console, and it makes sense too. Even with aim assist, the joysticks don’t provide near the precision that a mouse offers.

It’s not that console players don’t want to improve, it’s that it’s incrdibly difficult to or not possible within the given parameters of the control scheme.

It would be difficult to modify her on console in a meaningful way. In truth, it shows the disparity and differences with ports of games. Overwatch across platforms is not equal.

Edit 10/10/18: Dev’s “or we can just Nerf her on both console and PC where she’s already in decline, what a fantastic idea…”


I play on console, and trust me precision is definitely possible. Play Pharmercy against a top 500 Soldier who’s also pocketed, see how that works out for ya.

Main reason why Blizz still hasn’t nerfed Pharah on console (and probably won’t) is because the hero isn’t the issue, players are.


That sounds really nice!

Actually hardly a problem on console, solely because console refers to both PSN and Xbox live. She is not a problem on xbox and a “mild” problem on PSN only.