{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

-We’ve been aware of that for a long time, and never have denied this. Nothing more to say because it’s something that’s already been said numerous times before.

-Again, we never have denied the certification process. But that excuse can’t be used to justify things that we’ve been asking since launch; way before the Overwatch League was even announced. Biv’s thread linked in the OP gives a good outline of it, despite initially being from August 2017. A lot of the items on that list were being asked for by other Console Players even on the original forums. And a lot of the items on said list aren’t even that hard to implement.

-Which is fine, everybody has their preferences. I would arguably even give Blizzard a bit of a doubt benefit here if Console-Watch was actually a port. But the problem, is that it wasn’t a port.

-If the account in question can still use PSN or XBL just fine, but can’t access Console-Watch in-game, then that very much is a problem on Blizzard’s end, and they need to understand that fact. Especially since Sony and Microsoft don’t handle in-game bans; only account-wide bans. Both Sony and Microsoft let game developers manage their game how they want to.

There’s nothing that excuses Blizzard’s lack of transparency to their Console Players. And no, just because something was added to Consoles specifically doesn’t say anything if it’s not mentioned at some point before an update that adds said item. It also needs to actually be shown in the Patch Notes in addition and work as well (such as when the Toggle UI and VC - Push To Talk controls were added, yet not mentioned in the patch notes).

All things said and considered, I do see where some of your arguments are coming from. It just doesn’t excuse Blizzard’s lack of transparency to us. Outside of that, thank you for taking the time to read this.


Not sure why people are even trying to argue with you since it’s all basically true and makes sense. My problem is the fact that blizzard shouldn’t of made this commitment in the first place if they weren’t prepared for it. Console gaming is a nice way for poor people like me to still enjoy high quality gaming and not have to drop almost twice the price for even a halfway decent rig. At least some word would be nice to hear from them.

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it depends on the buff. a damage buff would be too much.

5 months later for this thread…
…and still no response!

Insanity intensifies


alot of companys make the commitment and then fail to fill it. its a little sad. why i play on PC i got tiered of the companys makeing a version of a game for PC it then geting ported to console and it being garbage and not kept up

the sadest part is as soon as the next gen consoles come out be it ps5 or xbox whatever. theres going to be a chance that the game wont even play on them. then what will console players beable to do ? the game will start to lose money on consoles and the company will either discontinue it one consoles or have to port it to the new consoles that come out.

if it desides to discontinue it will lose there console fan base. and the money from it. this is one of the reasons i beleave PC companys need to stick to PC games and console companys need to stick to console. (( bathsheba being the only one that i accept to do ports for both becuse there games are mostly solo games that do not need to upkept. and EA even though i feel there garbage ))

i feel sad for console players alot. there neglected by cross console companys dont ever realy hear them out and in the end. a sad truth but one none the less. they become the toxic players that the companys dont want to start with . mainly becuse you can only neglect a side of the playerbase for so long before they get tilted for it.

which most in here are. i can see it in reading comments.

blizz realy should look into makeing there forums more console friendly for the console players and also make it so that they feel like there voice matters as much as the PC players

  • Priority
  • Console

I doubt, and so far it’s been proven by their own (in)actions, that these two words are used in conjunction with each other by the Dev team.

Yeah consoles are MAJORLY limited, which is why I stopped buying them years ago and more than likely why Blizzard doesn’t do much with them. You have to remember blizzard doesn’t normally build console games, so to them it’s a "Black sheep’ (ie an ignored subject). It’s more of a grace by them to have Overwatch out on console, than it is importance.

The last console I purchased we a Gamecube. :open_mouth: . I did this because Wii was not going to ever continue it’s support 100% of the time after it went into it’s final years and Wii U came out and especially switch. Console is by far the most limited piece of hardware you can buy. They are constrained. BUT because Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft lock out most things you can do with them. I can see from a cost standpoint why blizzard does treat it like a third wheel, because it essentially is the console maker’s fault and NOT you as the consumers. :frowning:

This still doesn’t answer why they are ignoring this thread. If for some reason they couldn’t implement something on consoles because of Sony/Microsoft, why don’t they just say so. Then we would understand and move on.

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Just tell me some good PC parts for gaming pls :expressionless:

How would PC players react if overwatch had forced aim acceleration and 50 ms of input lag?

How quickly would that issue get fixed?

Why hasn’t it been fixed on consoles?

Oh wow! I got banned from forums for something ridiculous and trust me that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was being forced to read the BS some have writren here and not be able to respond. Holy guacamole never heard so much silliness in a few posts.

Alright! Let’s get started!!
First: that whole process of agreement for patches and making things go through: false.

While that is PARTIALLY true, this process is not as long and complicated as it is sold here by some people. Console got a few (very rare) hotfixes that came around 1-2days right after a regular patch. This is not a process that takes days or weeks as some are trying to imply. If necessary, a hotfix can and has been applied ìn less than 48h.

NEXT: even if it is not their specialty, blizzard has a sweet deal with consoles because of their reputation. While new and independent developpers might have such lengthy processes, blizzard, activision, bungie, ea and co don’t. They can make deals with the console companies to get patches through faster and more independence regarding certain fixes. Imagine a hero causes the game to crash like d.Va has at some point, blizzard were able to put in a fix in less than 24h even.

Which is why I don’t understand why we had to live for 3 more weeks with OP bastion. That was a real jerk move if you ask me. It’s as if they had left hanzo 8s scatter now until new hanzo goes live, they didn’t. Maybe they learned?

Anyway! If a little team like hi-rez (paladins) can get in patches regularly and add in specific tweaks for console on top of it (in terms of customisation, aim settings, etc.), in what world would blizzard have more trouble to do so?

That is just not an excuse. I mean yes it is but it is invalid!

Next: again, I don’t get why console players still vonplain about separate balance changes. That won’t happen. Even a console dedicated team like paladins devs don’t do different balance. Stop asking for it. It decredibilises the console playerbase.

It’s basically admitting that we’re inferior to pc and we need help to get the game going. I’ve seen controller users rock widow. No balance change can help you there. All you can do is practice. Some heroes will be stronger on console, others will be better on pc. That just causes a different meta.

What is needed is better parameters. Sliders and customisations, the same options that pc have to allow us to actually get to their level.

Why do we not have access to fov sliders? It’s in the game, they went out of their way to REMOVE it for console: Why?!
Why do we ot have a fix for input delay/ render buffering?

I’m not asking to be treated differently and get luxury treatment, I’m asking to get THE SAME THINGS! That’s what some people here don’t seem to understand. I don’t know about you but I want the same game as pc players have, not a different one. If your problem is how the game is in general and you want different balamce then OW is not thr game for you sorry. They will not add an auto lock like Call of duty for widow and cree becazse they’re too hard on console. They will not weaken the dps of aoe spammers. You do know those are just as well a problem on pc than they are on console right?

Also if they would actually give us better aim mechanics those so called ‘weaker’ heroes could be better. Right now problem is keeping acccuracy and the highest possible turnaround speed. Especially against tracers, genjis, allowing us to change fov sliders would give us the chance to have the LoS we want and need.

Having less delay would make hitscans actuall hitscans. To me it happens sometimes that hitscans almost feel like projectile heroes. When I’m completely absorbed by the game I can sometimes feel and almost see the delay!

We don’t need extra balancing, we need better tools. Right now, blizzard is giving us a fork to stitch back buttons on our shirts and all we’re asking is for them to give us a needle.


C’mon Blizzard, please notice us! There’s stuff that needs implementing and fixing on console, please help us enjoy your game even more with quality of life changes we require!

An upset console player :frowning:


Regarding the console patch “delay” and problems with console companies: only Blizz fanboys and PC master racists use this excuse. The company itself has never said that. In fact they have stated they have a great relationship with console companies.


I’m sick and tired of those people. They don’t understand that giving them the tough love treatment helps them improve. This way blizz will never even try to do better. Because there will always be those diehard fans who would never leave the ship, even if it’s sinking, and on fire, and has rats with lepper on it…

And they actually blame us for even dare saying something like that…

Even my own dreams are bringing this thread up now…

Seriously, my dream last night showed this thread actually getting a response from the development team. And this was the first time my own dream brought up this thread. So yeah, even my own dreams are faster than Blizzard .-.

The response in my dream was from Jeff, and it went a little something like this:

I apologize that all of you feel this way. It’s not our intention for a platform’s feedback to feel undervalued.
We have a lot of things that are coming in to Consoles within the next updates specifically to improve the quality of life for you guys on Console. This includes controls that we already have on PC, among other things.
And on the forum ends, one of us will host a monthly Q&A for you guys. This will help in making sure that we never forget to communicate with you guys like we have until now. We also want you guys to have the best Overwatch experience possible, and we want you guys to know that we do indeed care about you guys!
Again, my sincere apologies to you guys. We will do our best to communicate with you guys on Console more and treat you guys like welcomed members of our community.

Like I said, even my own DREAMS seem to be faster. Isn’t that kind of ridiculous?

Side note: 5 months later, and we STILL have not gotten a response. Absolutely abysmal >.<


Betting at least someone from Blizz did at least took notice of this Article existence.

To be fair, it’s likely all or at least partly Sony’s fault.

(They have gotten really tyrannical in the past decade, it’s affected many other games as well.) (One of the reasons, I rebought some my games on Xbox.)

Still waiting for a response

And now here we are in May…

Oh, look. Another thing that Console Players are supposed to care about! /s

Yeah, I stand by the huge rants that I made 170 posts back in this thread.

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Just saw rheir statements on report system… doesn’t really sound like we’re concerned as we don’t have a chat… oh well I’m almost surprised!