[MEGATHREAD] Can You Hear the Audio Issues? I Bet You Can! 🔇

It removes a lot of deprecated settings that may be in the settings file, resets some to preferred defaults (that aren’t visible or modifiable in the UI) and sets the audio API to use WASAPI instead of XAudio2. Setting the value to 2 will use DirectSound, but that’s been deprecated a while.

And I thought I went crazy.
Big thanks

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I’ll have to try this out, thank you!

First time I see this thread I believe. Just wanted to say that since few patches ago (I think when you added microsoft sonic boom or whatever its called) I experience terrible audio problems. Ive reported those several times, but nothing was fixed.

I experience sound problems every single day I play the game. Sounds randomly will not play at all.

Incorrect volume thing also does happens.

P.S. I use USB stereo headphones with Dolby Atmos enabled, Windows 10 latest version (1809 as of this moment)

It is still happening to me. I think the reason is internet connection. If you experience packet loss too often then game disables hit and healtpack sounds and sometimes auto skipping the killcams. Pls blizz you need to fix this it is very very annoying.

I don’t have time to catch up on the thread, but perhaps I can help those who still have issues. I decided to contact Overwatch. They told me how to reset the audio system and the issue was resolved. I went months this way, but didn’t bother to contact them. Kinda dumb on my part. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately, I don’t remember what they told me.

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I’ve been looking at this post for over a year now and trying to find a resolution to this issue as well. Posting a reply to keep it going to I see/hear (most importantly) a fix :slight_smile:

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Seriously, Overwatch’s sound design used to be top-notch and functional. There were videos talking about how amazing it was but now? A sad, broken mess.


Oh wow I thought it was just me with all these issues. No music on map splashscreens, spotty voice lines, delayed hit sounds, weird volume inconsistencies in various noise cues.
One I don’t see mentioned here (although I only skimmed) is sometimes I hear enemy ults from the wrong directions. Not just a little bit off, but like hearing the ult line loudly right behind me when they’re actually in front of me on top of a building. I end up having to spin all around and look for them and get killed because I automatically look to where the sound comes from. At first I thought I just had my headphones on wrong, or was being really blind, but it’s happened with at least three pairs of headphones so many times it’s pretty clear it has to be the game.

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Still having audio issues as well =\

Sometimes my husband will watch me play, and a reaper will come up behind me and we’ll both say “wow didn’t hear him.” So I know it’s not just me being distracted…

I usually play support so audio cues are very important


Anyone experiencing issues with using the keybind for a voiceline, its like its not registering, i dont even get the “too many messages sent” if I try to spam the voiceline. Some interesting facts, my friends can hear the voice spam but i cant…already uninstalled and reinstalled, same issue.

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Lately I’ve been noticing a lot of audio dropping out, most notably enemy ults. In the past week alone I’ve been caught out by multiple flanking Genji and McCree ults that were triggered at close range, didn’t overlap with any other ult callouts, and yet gave me no audio indication. The ult line plays fine in the kill-cam, but not consistently in the game itself.


yeah I don’t know why but they still havn’t fixed the audio issues in the game, i promise you’re not the only one dealing with audio problems.

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Just got removed by roadhog walking right next to me. My conspiracy theory - they ignore this issue so garbage characters like junkrat reaper and roadhog to be viable.

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I’m still having the footsteps issue after months of it. Got snuck up on by a reaper who was literally running and jumping behind me and never heard him…


I contacted them for support, they told me how to reset some things, and I haven’t had an issue ever since. I was having intermittent audio failures. Some stuff you could hear, while other stuff you couldn’t. e.g. I could always hear shooting, but sometimes foot steps, abilities, or those jump pads, I just couldn’t hear, but only every few seconds.

But you won’t tell us what you did? I’m ripping my hair off (what’s left of it) with these sound issues. Just got killed by Mercy 'cos i didn’t hear her pull ulti behind me, fly above me and shoot… Half of voice lines work, half don’t…

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This game used to be amazing for directional sound, and wearing headphones could really help you avoid getting snuck up on. These days, you can barely tell where noises are coming from, and teammates are all louder than any enemies, whose footsteps you cant even hear most of the time!

Can’t believe so many people are reporting issues and they still can’t or won’t fix it :confused: Really tired of dying to flankers who’ve managed to get the drop on me because the audio isn’t working like it should!!


The core modes suffer from unreliable audio too, but FFA where everyone’s an enemy is basically unplayable because of this. Can’t hear Sombra uncloaking in the same room, can’t hear Hog/Reaper/McCreep, can’t tell which jump pad is used, didn’t know Widow had wallhacks up, didn’t hear the Pharah hovering above my head etc.

I cannot believe this doesn’t even get acknowledged. Bugs get called game breaking all the time, but this actually is one of those.

edit Playing McCree and Hog is borderline bug abuse at this point, I can literally walk within melee range of an enemy and they don’t hear me as long as I approach from off screen.

There’s no war in Ba Sing Se game breaking audio bugs in Overwatch :crazy_face: