McGravy flips out when Plat tank ends up on his team

it was a masters tank. was plat on dps/support.


That poor baby.

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…why is this news? does that website really have nothing better to report on?


Where am I? Is this the reddit everyone talks about?


How did the plat feel about having a washed up OWL player in HIS game?


A) The tank is Masters, not Plat.
B) The tank had zero say in the matchmaking, and doesn’t deserve facing toxicity for it.
C) Off-roles being much lower than main roles isn’t uncommon. The only reason it looks weird is because Blizzard didn’t appropriately reset MMR for role Q, which makes the majority of the playerbase’s off-roles sit at inflated SRs. I’ve seen T500 players in off-roles that legit play like plats or even worse, its not some bizarre phenomenon.


Don’t forget this is the guy who won an award in OWL for being PMA

A human begin got pissed at Overwatch, what else is new.

OWL != ladder. Ladder can be rage inducing for ANYONE.

But he got mad at the existence of the other tank, who did nothing except q for a game at the same time as him.


And prior to that happening, did something happen that made him mad, rough day? Rages are generally not just “WAAAAH I’M MAD NOW” It builds up.

Like say this

While McGravy may have sounded a bit toxic, he explained how it wasn’t the fault of the player and the blame lies with Blizzard. “It’s not the player’s fault, but I’ve not had someone over 4,000 SR on tank on my team in like the past seven games!”

As I said, it can cause you get angry.

He’s human, it’s normal to get angry. Doesn’t matter if you’re bronze or pro.

I’m not saying he is right to have been so mad though over it. Just saying.

You wouldn’t be happy either if somehow you got a bronze tank in your plat game.
Blizz needs to go f2p asap, playerbase is dying.

This only shows the hypocrisy of how high ranked players get tilted when they have a lower rank player on their team or a boosted account, but none of them ever get tilted when they smurf in elos far below their own and none of them care whether or not low ranked players get tilted about them.

No one would. I would not, but I am also not happy when I have a high ranked player smurfing in my matches as well (but since I am neither a streamer nor a high ranked player no one cares), but I guess the issue only gets attention when a streamer gets a low rank player in their matches.

The truth of the matter is if streamers would get even half of boosted accounts in their matches as much as low ranks get smurfs Blizzard would have done something about it long ago, but since low ranks are not streamed as much as high ones and are not as popular as high ranked streamers, no one cares if you smurf in low elo.


One is a player behavior issue the other is literally the player base dying so the matchmaker has to pull people far apart in skill so it can create a game. Not really comparable.
Also plenty of streamers have gotten banned in the past doing bronze to gm.

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I get that. I really do. I know how low of a playerbase the top 1% is and if they Q in unusual hours they get a team consisting mostly of Master’s. I watch a lot of Streamers and am a big fan of some of them.

I personally do not have a problem with Smurfs, do not whine about them nor do I blame them for the SR that I am in, but I also hugely dislike unfairness and hypocrisy.

I also understand why balance changes are being done around high ranks, and I personally would not have it any other way, and I also understand why streamers are more favored over other players in other ranks. I also do not have a problem with that either.

What I do have a problem with is people tilting over boosted accounts in their ranks and low ranked players while they have more alts than I have hair on my head. If I were being hypocritical in my actions I at least would shut up about it when the karma would hit me in my matches. But that is just me.

They all openly Smurf and do their unranked to GM’s series frequently (again smth I personally do not have a problem with, I actually like it and try to learn from it), on stream for everyone to see and they never got punished for it. I would not want them to be punished for it, because if they did I would not have any material to learn from, but it is extremely hilarious to get tilted over smth you yourself are doing. The only difference being it is not so fun when you are on the receiving end.

At least shut up about it and take it, just as everyone else is taking it when you encounter them in your low elo matches doing their unranked to GM. Their tilt tweets get more views than a Silver player complaining about being wrecked by a T500 3 times in a row. It is unfair and hypocritical is all I am saying.

Do as I say and not as I do gets really old, really fast.


He didn’t win it for being PMA. He won it for being the first player to openly support the BLM movement.

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Another reason they avoid a full reset. Bad press from content loudmouths.

Because there are lots of fresh hungry players looking to embarass the establishment of washed accounts. Gatekeeping and groupthink in the top1%, where most of them placed above the clouds 5+ years ago. Living on 50/50 is entirely different then trying to climb in the current mess.

Chaos for weeks is a myth. A reset is 11 games. But because of McContentStreamers, “elo hell” would suddenly exist and “ex-plat xyz” would magically ruin their games - as if those up-and-comers don’t deserve a crack at things upstairs, away from the alt-infested no-reset rigged-mmr mess.

Ok so this dude is one reason my attempted climb out of ELO hell is a nightmare.

I’m going to my smurf.

Bruh, go tf away.

This is one reason why the player base is disappearing. Between Blizz pretending they don’t see toxic s### like this, and cheaters etc… it’s a hot damn mess.

I dont dislike mcgravy, and he even got the positive owl award last year, but how does he think the rest of us feel when the enemy team has a smurf?