McCree, Symmetra, and Baptiste need different changes

Did 140 damage orb for Sym actually make any difference in the grand scheme of things? Most people on here seemed to say it was the wrong buff. I won’t deny it looks bad that they didn’t give her any kind of compensation, though.


I’m glad my point that people are okay overnerfing some heroes and not others went over your head. Because I know you love the sarcasm~

I am okay with Widow and Ashe getting nerfs.

I am not okay with people sitting there and demanding they get worse and worse punishments. I mean theres literally a topic about how Widow’s max falloff should be 40.

Dva is one of my main played heroes. I can recognise a pattern when I see one. No one satisfied with changes and wanting more and more nerfs piled on? Very familair, and now I cant even play dva anymore.

Ok first off, 300 dps is not that much lol almost any hero that can headshot can reach 300

Second off, she has to charge her beam.

If you put down your turrets, you lose a beam level. If you already have turrets set-up, you have to charge your beam.

Your turrets are not going to be standing long enough to be tier 3 unless they try to kill you instead of the turrets in which case you’re probably screwed because you have a hitbox larger than Mei’s without Mei’s health, Reaper’s lifesteal, any reliable mobility or a self-sustain ability like Torb’s overload.

Her “potential” is honestly less practical than chaining headshots.

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It’s true, McCree is underperforming and the idea of nerfing him is just ridiculous.


It’s not heroes, it’s tanks.

Bias in balancing exists sure, but it’s contextually different.

:sneezing_face: it’s not always easy to determine sarcasm through text

No one was demanding either get floored here.

All I was saying is they could’ve gone harder on top tier heroes in the experimental card instead of… almost nothing. Good idea, just need a little more of it to test imo.

Um, news update, Dva’s story is entirely different

dva wasn’t a staple pick in goats, in fact she was the most swapped out. Blizzard just picked her for the most nerfs for whatever reason.

Here we are, in 2020 the entirety of her kit minus her bunny blaster (in pilot) has been nerfed and only DM has been half-reverted.

She’s also fighting power creep in how Ball is the better disruptor, Sigma does more damage with his own eat + a barrier and both feed way less and take way less healing.

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It did nothing, because it was slow and despite the visual, actually pretty small

Hell, her old orb that did less damage but actually went thought barriers and players so if anything it had way more application and strength than her current orb


But thats the point I’m trying to make. People are never satisfied when certian heroes recieve nerfs. Its never enough, and because of patterns like this I cant even play my favorite hero, dva, anymore.

So no, I will not agree when people continue to want more and more nerfs everytime certian heroes are nerfed.
Can you honestly sit there and believe people will ever stop asking for worse Widow nerfs as long as she can headshot?

Heck “nerf Mercy” is starting to get popular again.

She was one of the most blamed besides brig on the forums

It’s more the nerfs they do, don’t actually do anything until they KEEP getting nerfs

Look at Baptiste as an example. It was ALWAYS immortality field that was the problem, but they nerfed everything else FIRST, and then when they DID nerf Immorality, he became one of the weakest heroes on Ladder

That’s the problem. Small little nerfs chipping away, that don’t do anything, and then an ACTUAL nerf that pushes them too far down


And why should we want that for Widow and Ashe?

Literally all Ashe needs is reverts. Nothing harsher than that.
And in Widow’s case no one will be satisfied no matter what she gets as long as she can one shot.

As my original point was, the goal ISNT to trash them

For McCree I agree some changes are warranted. Whether or not they will happen is up in the air.

However, I am in favor of the fire rate nerf. It honestly didn’t really help him all that much. His win rate still sucks with it. And it just annoys people. So reverting it will hopefully open up an opportunity to properly help him out. If nothing else it may reduce the hyperbole (machine gun cree) and irrational complaints about him.

I am also vehemently against reverting his flash bang. I’d rather he just suck than buff the flash bang. Game doesn’t need more cc.

I think the answer lies in his ability to survive. His sustain sucks. There have been various ideas: 250 hp, invulnerability roll, reduced hit box, mobility buff.

I don’t think 250 hp will honestly help all that much. He is still slow and has a huge hitbox. And I don’t want to deal with unending sym complains that would ensue. Invulnerability roll while a cool idea is probably too controversial.

I think reducing his hitbox size would be the most helpful. I don’t see why his hitbox has to be so darned huge. Also, a buff to mobility such as giving roll 2 charges (perhaps only one charge can give reload) would also help him get out of a dive situation easier.


But they are

In fact, nerfs usually receive backlash because most don’t want to see them. And that makes sense considering it’s less likely to see someone want to watch a hero burn.

No one asked you to agree.

You just brought up something that no one was asking for and here we are

That’s a lot to get into, and I really don’t feel like typing what I would predict to be 4 more response essays but to sum it up:

  • Widow’s skill ceiling is so monstrously high, justified by “muh skill” that she defies the nature of the game requiring teamplay.

Without reliable barriers in an objective-based game, she’s broken by design.


So, if the game is moving towards a more traditional fps route, and none-traditional fps players still play or just want to talk overwatch, it’s likely there will be some… distaste towards Widow.

It’s expected. She’s being picked a lot. Not saying I agree with it or want it but it wasn’t being discussed here till you brought it up so I have no idea why you’re arguing against it here.

:eyes: ok lol

I mean a revert IS a nerf to be fair, since it’s lowering their power

Also in the case of WIdowmaker she’s just been a flawed design in Overwatch for a very, very, long time. No other hero is able to output as much value, even if they miss 60% of their shots.

Widow is honestly the ONLY hero in this game that deserves to be trash until they can figure out a way to actually make her work without being such an issue. The fact that from Dive until now, almost every single meta has had a focus around hindering Widowmaker is kind of telling she’s a problem


I think it’s only fair that if Mccree isn’t going to have Reaper’s health & lifesteal then he’d lose Reaper’s hitbox.

The double roll is also interesting.


This is the type of excuse people give when we ask for Symm to get better.

Also I’m sorry for being super grumpy. I’m just sick of demands for overnerfs. Ive had it happen to too many heroes I play.

Except I mean, there’s plenty you can do with Symmetra that doesn’t make her overbearing

Heck, she was pretty fine after they nerfed her beam damage after they fixed the hit reg bug; it was all the nerfs she kept getting that went too far… For whatever reason.

Symmetra hasn’t had the game in a meta stranglehold for what… 2-3 years?

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Sym has been meta? :flushed:

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I’m not saying she is. I’m saying thats the type of excuse people who hate Symmetra use when we ask for her to get fixed.

“Turrets are too oppressive” ect.

No, only one character in the game actually can hit 300 damage on a critical hit and that’s Widowmaker.

The only other 300 damage ability in the game is Charge from Reinhardt.

Echo has a 400 damage per second beam, achievable only by hitting targets at half health and only for 2 seconds.

Ultimates are a different category altogether, but there’s few that hit exactly 300. Usually it’s under that number or over it through a specific damage range (Barrage, Self-Destruct, Rip TIre, Pulse Bomb).

Every beam weapon has a gimmick.

Not necessarily true. If your Sentries are already up, you don’t have to lose a beam level.

If you have four different sources of damage piling on a single target with around 200 or less health. THey’re not going to be alive long enough to find the sentries to kill them, before you kill them.

Ideally, you may lose one Sentry, which can be easily replaced between waves. Symmetra will obviously struggle with two or more targets engaging her, but this fairly normal. Not many characters and shrug off two or more enemies with ease, especially ones who have no escape or defensive abilities.

Once back near the start of Double Barrier

They fixed a bug where beam weapons didn’t deal their proper damage, and had the incorrect tick rate of damage

It mostly effected the slower beam weapons (Zarya/ Sym) but also the faster ones (Moira/ Winston)

So they fixed the bug; however the damage increase with the more reliable registration made Zarya and Symmetra’s damage WAY higher (Upwards of 40% increase) so they made their beams thinner, and nerfed their damage

Winston and Moira’s beam damage was almost unchanged, so they didn’t get any additional changes

So for about a week (9 days) Symmetra was meta; and that’s why people were VERY angry about the Genji changes, because it was almost a 1:1 scenario, but Genji was allowed to stay even stronger than Symmetra was for an entire month

Sigh, we’re really doing this?

Here’s a list of every hero that (with headshots) reach or exceed 300 dps without their ult

  • Cree-double tap in one second
  • Widow‘s scoped
  • Ashe- dynamite into a scoped headshot
  • Doom, uppercut after smacking someone into a wall
  • Zen’s secondary
  • Ball- boop or slam into pure headshots
  • D.Va pure headshots with one direct micro-missile
  • Roadhog’s primary
  • Reaper with two shots
  • Sombra with headshots
  • Mei with 2 icicles
  • Echo’s primary alone or sticky bombs into her death beam
  • Hanzo’s primary into a storm arrow
  • Probably some more I’m not planning to list bc you get the point but Orisa/Bap/Zarya/Mercy/every hero that isn’t Moira/Winston/Rein/Lúcio/Sigma can all reach the 200 dps mark with headshots, and amongst those I just named only Lúcio can headshot so I think you get the point.

It’s 200 dps

And only for 2 seconds? The TTK in this game is much shorter than 2 seconds lol

Except most don’t

Only Sym’s does lol

The only other “gimmick” is Zarya’s charge which relates to her playstyle more than her beam.

No it’s true lmho


First of all, sym can’t control who the turrets target.

Second of all, a melee is all it takes to eliminate her turrets and sym herself is ultra-easy to hit, range and hitbox wise.

If they’re dumb enough to walk into a room and actually stay for the duel, ig you’re right


You’ll only lose 1 sentry if the enemies take your life before the sentries lol

  1. No other damage struggles as much as sym does when engaged by multiple enemies. This is partially because sym sucks and partially because she’s too utility based for having not-so-great utlity.
  2. Sym’s kit isn’t even good in a 1v1 scenario
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