McCree out of control thanks to the state of D.Va

Is powercreep when You try to justify mccree power just buffing dva. You know why? Because with those buffs, dva Will be good against mccreee. But she Will be a lot better against heros worse than mccree…

Then now we have to buff other heros??? Is a Lot better just nerf mccree. And Also mercy dmg boost or healing

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It doesn’t matter what it benefits in the short run, ANY character being meta is inherently unhealthy for the game. One character should NOT be better than another who has the same role. It’s impossible to effectively balance, but that doesn’t mean that any character should be the most effective tactic.

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McCree doesn’t even influence D.Va’s state that much. They’re independent variables. One was buffed too much, the other was nerfed too much.

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Important to note they said viable, not meta. I think they just want her to be a viable option and not hard to make her work as she is now.


This ^^

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Reaper is 40% win rate this week in GM after the “OP buff” (previously around 50% prior to the “buff”) but certain heroes cough McCree are allowed to remain top heroes for centuries because “big skills”

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Is fun when they says that mccree is high skills but they play safe around the both supports, with a stun, massiive dmg on close range and god on mis range. Lool

The words D.Va and meta were used in two sentences not far apart from each other. If you bring out benefits of a change, you are FOR that change.
For example if I go and explain all of the benefits of changing a certain law to the Legislative Branch, I’m probably for a change of that certain law, right?

There was a hero specifically designed to keep certain problems in check, they were all foolishly nerfed.

Oppressive flankers - pre-dumpster nerf Roadhog
Spam damage - DVa
Barrier spam - Sym
hypermobility - Mei
Ult spam - pre-rework Mercy

…just the few I could think of off the top of my head. Every time one was nerfed a predictable problem that was warned about immediately reared its ugly head.

I was basically stating that if D.Va was meta it would open a lot of choices…

I just want her viable to all ranks.

They changed the visual to better reflect the new hitbox. You can see it still isn’t a perfect rectangle, more like a trapezoidal prism. Because the width of the matrix becomes larger as it’s farther away from the Dva player any change to it’s range also changes the actual width abilities can be caught.

I was so sure they said they only changed the visual, and that the actual DM box has always been this way. I could be wrong though

McCree, Ana, Baptiste etc etc. Surprise, you weaken the tank that is good at limiting the enemy hitscan and the enemy hitscan in both categories become stronger. But nooooo, we don’t need 15 meter matrix back. Let’s keep the obvios imbalance created with the lack of a good matrix.

Defense matrix is so unreliable right now. I am honestly having trouble eating Moiras orbs. Not only me either, all over reddit and even forums there were d.vas showing clips of that mess. Sometimes it appears that the orb flies through me.

Most recently they did only change the visual, but they nerfed the range back in GOATS.

Wow, it’s weird that they let it go on for so long.

Here. If you have any issues with defense matrix please put it on here:

It’s a bug report, and it would mean a lot. We need blizzard to fix all of the issues with defense matrix.

Exactly. So you are in favor of D.Va being Meta? Correct?

I just want her viable, but that’s what would happen IF she was meta.

Defense Matrix is wonky and unreliable after a hasty, untested range reduction.

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