Mccree isn't hard to play, and here's why

“Oh, you just suck at aiming,” while it’s a bit hard for some people to aim, when you actually land shots, it’s very underwhelming.
Mccree is a character that i think is comprised of a Low-Risk, High-Reward skill set.
While characters like Genji have to just aim their shurikens, or Junkrat has to find the perfect place to spam grenades, Mccree just goes dink dink dink and he can easily get a kill.
If you are playing any “squishy” character, you will almost always die to a Mccree in 2-3 shots. If he is good at landing headshots, you are basically screwed. And certain cheap kill combos can be done with Mccree as well. This combo can kill any character.
(Flashbang) (Fan The Hammer) This is where all the squishies get killed. (Roll) (Fan The Hammer Again) This is where all the weaker tanks die.
Oh, and Deadeye doesn’t feel hard to do either. You just sit behind a shield or a wall, and press one button, then you press the trigger button, and thanks to a certain buff, you have even less time to react.
Originally, i though Junkrat was broken, but to me, he isn’t as bad as Mccree.
Maybe if his shots did a tad less damage, he wouldn’t be able to kill any character as quickly as he could. While people may say this could kill the character, i have a trade-off idea. If you reduce the damage, increase the reload speed. So he can reload faster, but deal less damage, which seems a lot more fair.
And i already know there is gonna be one person (possibly a mccree main) that will complain and tell me why i’m wrong. But this is just how i view the character as a whole.
Also, Flashbang should NOT be able to stun a shielding Reinhardt if you throw it above him. That’s just unfair.
Thanks for reading, and if you are planning to say something toxic or something telling me why i’m an idiot, just don’t. I already get enough hate for being on the side that thinks Junkrat’s Rip-tire charges too quickly.

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Did you just say that junkrat is easy and mccree is hard…?


No, i said that they are BOTH easy.

I never thought I’d see the day where someone made a thread about how Junkrat takes more skill than Mcree and should be nerfed.

Thank you.


Just to clarify, i NEVER said that Junkrat takes more skill than Mccree, in fact, he might even take less. I just used him as an example.

“While characters like Genji have to just aim their shurikens, or Junkrat has to find the perfect place to spam grenades, Mccree just goes dink dink dink and he can easily get a kill.” that’s implying that genji and junkrat are hard…

Junkrat is easier that mccree… usually…

And mccree needs aim, that’s his shtick. He has a high reward high risk ultimate and needs to be pretty close for his fth to work well.


difficulty is subjective. Not everyone feels the same about every hero.

For some, genji is by far the hardest hero to play. While others think that symmetra is very hard to master.

The best general indication of how difficult heroes are is done by the game already. the star system. 3 star for hardest, one for easiest.

Doesn’t mean that everyone would agree with it, but it means that it’s generally so.

Yes it’s just as easy as that. :roll_eyes:

There is so much self contradiction in this post I cannot make heads or tails of it.

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man, if only i have your aim. The only hitscan i can play is Tracer and Soldier mostly because the spray on their guns are forgiving, but to me McCree’s dink dink dink is really more like swish dink swish.

…what? I’m sorry, but if you think Junkrat takes more skill than McCree, you have an issue.

McCree is very unforgiving. His only quirk is the need to aim, and if you put too much pressure on him or the player can’t aim, he’s useless. Sure, Flashbang + FTH is an “easy kill”, but you just don’t go near him.

Yep, just as simple as that. The player doesn’t have to aim perfectly on your head or tiny DPS hitbox or have good positioning to where he doesn’t get overrun. No. That’s all a myth. Big Boss Pine is using a super easy hero to hold back an entire team, obviously. No skill required.

Good aim and positioning is rewarded with McCree. That’s all he has.


McCree isn’t hard to play but he’s hard to play well.

Unless your weapon accuracy is over 50-60% (and considering you’re not shooting the environment for fun) then you’ve got a lot of room for improvement.

Headshots should be the grail for McCree players too and I sincerely doubt a random johnny who’s playing McCree for fun is landing many…

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This has to be a troll thread.


OP is neither a Mccree main nor even hitscan main so I guess it is :joy:

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