(Maybe) unpopular opinion: Symmetra needs Lock-on to finally become viable

Last night I had 2 games where a Sym was able to carry our team. When I say carry, I mean racking up 2-3 kills at the start of a team fight, and it’s not something you can accomplish by upgrading her primary laser.

Plus, it wasn’t with her turrets either.

Ok so she basically did the final kills.

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Buffing the crap out of it? What are you even talking about? Have you seen the side by side after the 20% “buff”? Her primary was nerfed with the massive tick rate boost and the current change has no tangible affect. There still is no reason to use her primary over popping people with her easy to land secondary.

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Kinda hard when she’s the first one on the objective via her teleporter.

So clearly the enemy team were dumb enough not to swing at her considering how close ranged she was. I’m not a bronze player so i don’t get that luxury of easy wins.

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Funny, it was a D-masters game.

But it seems like you wouldn’t understand. Go back to sobbing.

This might sound crazy, but I think what might help Symm’s current style isn’t the insta-lock method it has now, but just allowing her to syphon shield from damage.

I think it might be balanced if it’s only shield health, maybe allow some decaying over shield to be obtained, and maybe (very key word/thought) at phase 2.


I shall, i shall sob with my fellow Symm mains.

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And then you wonder why you don’t have a strong sense of support from the non-Sym mains…

It’s called compromises my dear.

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Honey, even a lot of the non-Symm mains have agreed she lacks so much within her clunky kit. So have pros, I still haven’t seen her played within League… Prob a sign saying somthing?


How about buff the primary on the PTR and if she is to powerful nerf the secondary before the patch goes live?

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Not only was 2.0 disabled friendly (which I thought was awesome because playing 2.0 and 1.0 felt like I could hold my ground in a non single player game. Heroes like Mercy and Sym were why I got overwatch in the first place) but it offered a new way to play overwatch - you didn’t need to be a Widow or Mccashe crackshot.

3.0 requiring such aim intensity is also a spit in the face to people who don’t mind aiming because HER PRIMARY LITERALLY PUNISHES YOU FOR CHOOSING TO USE THE BEAM. With Widow sharp aim results in the red team being dead. With 3.0, her beam results in you being dead against anyone not completely distracted or afk.


I love playing builders. I definitely think Symm 3.0 is finally a builder.

1.0 Was a jack of trades and literal master of none.
2.0 Was how to LMB better.

Symm’s only kit failure (in my mind) is really just her LMB.

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Everyone knows the PTR stands for Free Quality Assurance. It’s nothing more than a preview as to what’s coming to the live servers. Nothing changes.

I just literally told you how a hero can have a skill ceiling without being reliant on aim, are you just being willfully ignorant?

No matter how heartbreaking this might seem to you but competitive games can’t be balanced around disabilities. There is a reason why the olympic games have a special division called the paralympics. Or should a disabled person get a rocket boost so he can keep up with usain bolt who practices day and night??

Your comment on how her rework ‘failed’ shows your lack of understanding of this game and your hero. Her ult is better than shield gen but you have to time it properly now, her turrets melt and with proper aim her primary wrecks.


I feel more building could’ve been done with 2.0… You have Shield gen, Tp Gen, Moving shield, 6 turrets. Now you have big shield, Bad tp, 3 turrets. Shield gen was prob the biggest thing people loved for her kit…


They changed a too strong Ana nerf and a too strong Zen buff once. But stuff that comes on the PTR is usually already tested and balanced (or not). For example Sym 3.0 turrets were planed to be immune mid-air but it was OP and never hit PTR.

Wish i could agree with you, but at the end of the day we are two people with different opinions. You can’t say i’m wrong nor can i say you are. Personally her old ults exceeded her current.


I can say you’re wrong though, in fact I just did. Old sym had very little room for improvement compared to other heroes. This is just your way of saying, “well I can’t debunk what you’re saying but my ego can’t handle accepting that you’re right”.

Very poor attitude, successful people in life are able to admit when they’re wrong and make sure they learn from it. You are like the other herd of old sym mains who simply can’t adapt to a rework.

everybodysay sym needs some “aim”
but sym wasnt created to be an aim hero thats why what you said is true