Maybe Mercy’s Kit is Outdated

It’s more of a massive cone, I guess. Fair point. Btw I do agree mercy needs some kit changes

literally grow up and discuss without name calling, people might take you more seriously :blush: ill be muting you now, as you have constantly resorted to name calling me instead of discussing like a decent person

i feel like it got messy after her reworks. I’d like to see how she’d do if she had her release kit but in the current game.
also release symmetra with a few edits as a support in the current game…
if only they allowed this in the workshop

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That would be the flight part of the fight or flight instinct I mentioned earlier. It’s ok to have that reaction when people point out how obviously wrong you were. Buh bye

this is true, reworks are dangerous, that’s why im not necessarily asking for anything, it was just some ideas i had :blush:

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Of al the things you think the lock on is the issue? More supports have a form of lock on than supports who have not, and Mercy pays for that lock on with:

  • limited range
  • a beam giving away her position
  • lower hps than most main supports
  • only single target healing outside of ult

Removing the lock on would destroy the cire of her kit because it synergizes with her GA and she uses it to look around and make call outs. There are definitely issues with her kit, but this is the least of them.

It’s far better to look at changes for her abilities (sans GA) for ideas how she can be improved.

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If someone needs healing immediately, Mercy has to fly to the target before she can begin healing.

If I’m playing Ana, I aim at the target and get hitscan quickness with higher HPS from infinite range.

All I need is line of sight.

Barriers aren’t as big of a restriction. And I can fire though topped off teammates.

If I want consistency, I pick Ana. Not Mercy.

it’s not the issue, but it could be an issue

i’m just saying imagine the possibilities if it wasn’t a hard lock on :woman_shrugging:

Imagine if Orb of Harmony wasn’t a hard lock on…Or Repair Pack…

i think…this is something on your settings?

as long as you’re within range you can heal you shouldn’t need to fly to them or am i misunderstanding what you’re saying?

mercy straight up heals through them tho no?

I imagine it would be difficult playing her effectively. Anything but a lock on combined with GA is asking for drastically worse consistency, and on a single target healer to boot. Think of it like this, if Zen didn’t have a lock on how would he effectively juggle healing, discord, and damage? He would ultimately have to give up one or two and lower his value considerably. Even much improved healing wouldn’t compensate all these losses, and same can be said for Mercy.

well i guess i was thinking more in terms of the main supports since the thing i see a lot of is that her healing is not to par with the other main supports

but the ga thing is true, it would have to be changed too and i dont think overwatch would survive the riots if that happened :joy:

Mercy’s lock on limits her though. No other hero has to switch their weapon to do damage and almost every healer can both dps and heal at the same time. The pistol doesn’t even do significant damage when you decide to take it out anyway so I think its fair she has a lock on.

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i’m not saying it’s unfair i’m basically saying the same thing, it limits her, both in game and in terms of balance

i’m not trying to say it’s unfair in it’s current form, just that for big buffs it might need changes, hope that makes more sense?

I do not think her lock on is an issue itself. There are plenty of ‘ez’ mode healing mechanics in the game that are already present on other characters.

  • Moira has a wide healing cone on primary with a built in residual healing. Orb is very easy to apply as well and its AoE as well.
  • Brigitte has a 30m long range heal that tracks around corners. Residual healing as well when hitting stuff. Armor application itself is easy to apply and can be done while doing other things in Rally.
  • Lucio applies a constant healing aura with limited range.
  • Zen’s healing is easy and tracks around corners for a bit for line of sight. Press Q, and heal.
  • Baptiste while having to aim still has his own extra healing source. Apply and line of sight to other allies.

Mercy’s singular healing effect with a lock on at 55 hps I think is fine. She’s outshone because when other healers can apply healing at effective range they can do other things as well. Mercy can’t do anything extra at all and nor can she directly sway a fight with a unique mechanic herself.

UNTIL resurrection can be used which makes her weaker in a 6v6 fight as other supports can influence a match to secure kills. Mercy shines in a 5v5 or 4v4 fight if she can get the resurrection off to win the numbers game.


She should have a resource meter on both healing and damage boost and have tha rez reworked, cause 30 seconds CD for an ability that can get you killed and is cheesy at best isn’t really worth it. I think a cleanse effect to remove status effects would be great, for just 2 persons max though, cause aoe would make her op, and it would have like a 15 seconds CD.

i agree! this thread is addressing those who want healing numbers like the other main supports

I acknowledged this in my post, I never suggested making her full on have to aim bc that would be crazy with GA lol

I’m just saying even heals similar to Moira’s might allow more room for bigger buffs :blush:

baptiste has a full team aoe, moira too, oh and ana has an aoe ability for a full team too think mercy’s could be full team, they would just have to play with the numbers imo

There is nothing cheesy about rez unless cheesy is just a word for everything you don’t like. No to resource meters since she isn’t Moira and her healing and damage boost would need to go up severely if you started limiting them with resources and Zarya has a cleanse ability on an 8 second CD and it also blocks damage, stops one shots and increases her own damage so why would an ability that just cleanses on another character, basically doing 1/4 of what zaryas bubble does need 2x the CD. If anything it would need to have a much lower CD, making it easy to spam and nobody wants an anti CC ability spammed on doomfist that is diving them. Now that is cheesy

I truly think anyone who doesn’t find Mercy engaging isn’t player her to her full potential. I KNOW I don’t play her to her full potential, or I’d be able to climb with her, but playing the floor is lava while kiting a DPS and a tank, while still healing, and still watching for things to DB, and tracking your teams cooldowns, and being hyper aware of enemy players about to ult, because getting away is usually the ONLY thing she can do about them, while making cheeky rezes, and the 100s of decisions that go into making them, cheeky or otherwise, is hyper engaging. I’ve left long matches literally worn out from the intensity of it all.

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I myself find her fun and engaging, this was me addressing those who complain that she is not fun…like, her mechanics are what they are, if it’s not fun for you no amount of buff will make it fun