Matchmaking update

Any update on this terrible matchmaking? Victories and losses are one sided majority of the time> I rarely get a good competitive game(i know I cant win em all but the beauty is how the game plays)


Principal Director Scott Mercer has addressed why games feel one sided and why it is normal in games like Overwatch:

“Fair” matches doesn’t always mean that every Ilios match goes 3-2 and 100-99 on the final point, or each team gets the payload to the end in overtime on Dorado, etc. Sometimes when two evenly matches teams play, the result can be one-sided. It just means that at that single moment in time the enemy team played better. It’s not always the matchmaker’s, your’s, or your team’s(!!!) fault that you got stomped.

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The matchmaking has been so terrible recently, so many one sided games for me as well. I don’t like losing a one sided game, and I don’t like winning a one sided game, it’s just not fun.
I’ve come to the point where I’m just starting to not care, I just try to win but if we get steam rolled it’s just “yep, that’s what this game is now” Only thing I have to look forward to now are events.

I don’t necessarily agree with that, if my team only has plats and golds, and the enemy team has diamonds, masters, and a GM the teams are very clearly unbalanced and these are the times when one team stomps the other. (in my experience at least)

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i would say a match with 11 people in the game at 3000 sr (roughly) and one person being 3500 sr is un-fair matchmaking. (happened twice to me recently)

the matchmaking in this game currently is the worst i have ever seen in any game i have ever played ever.

My advice is share links to screenshots of these pairings. I really don’t see too much deviance in the SR balance in my matches so I can’t say if this is true or not. But remember they appreciate details and any videos or screenshots that can demonstrate this. Cheers.

The problem with the matchmaker is that it doesn’t take into account a whole lot of variables that Blizzard has introduced to the game.

The principal one of these being the dual voice-comm system that has been atrocious since release. No other competitive FPS game does this and sets you up for failure from the outset. When you cannot communicate effectively to your entire team (whether they respond or not is irrelevant), then you are already being kicked down a rung on the ladder.

The team that coordinates properly from the start of the match will most likely win.

Matchmaker does not account for any of this.

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I believe another variable is the counters. Hard counters and honestly wildly different skill requirements can really mess up matchmaking. Hard counters can mess up matchmaking by matching one team who are mains of all the counters of the mains of the other team easily causing a stomp. If they stick to their countered mains they will continue to be stomped and if they switch, they wouldn’t be as well versed in those other characters and still get stomped.

Now different skill requirement characters mess up the MMR system entirely. Playing a lower skill character can falsely inflate your MMR and put you in games with people who use characters that require that extra effort to get value. Those higher effort players would be more well versed in team composition, map layout, and positioning.

My personal beliefs are as such; hard counters should not exist and I shouldn’t be able to beat another person just by picking the right character, I should beat them by playing better than them. My other belief is that every character should be as hard as eachother, be all characters as easy as say Junkrat or as hard as Doomfist. This lets those bad at the game stay playing with those who are bad at the game instead of picking a character who is easier to get higher rank value out of compared to the others and falsely climb the ranks.

Unless Blizzard completely removes voice-comms, there is no way this can be balanced. Even then, teams could just use discord to gain an edge.

Aside from statistics which it tracks, what can it track? Remember hidden MMR and SR are just numbers that compare players to players. Now if you believe Team Coordination should be a factor then, group priority matchmaking needs to end. Which I am in support of the idea and have a whole topic about here:

  1. Get rid of the dual voice

  2. Allow an option to group by people that do not turn off or mute others

  3. Punish people that abuse voice comms

  4. ROLE SELECT, to provide some semblance of a balanced comp that can be tweaked from there.

You don’t understand, a player could literally mute comms outside of Overwatch (using their Windows volume controls) to circumvent this. It is technically not possible to enforce or utilize your proposal. Also, Blizzard already does a good job of handling those who violate Code of Conduct if they are abusive in chat.

You are misinterpreting what I said. Only have 1 comm channel. If people want to mute other players that’s fine.