Matchmaking update: Season three retrospective and future plans

I am having a serious problem with boosters / derankers in almost every single one of my matches. I have noticed that matches where there is at least 1 group on either team, the game quality (matchmaking) is terrible. One time it will be some Diamond DPS player boosting his Silver Mercy one trick on my team and lose because the Mercy is being boosted, the next game I have an enemy duo DPS that is carrying enemy an they stomp. Either way, the matchmaking with groups is TERRIBLE, extremely toxic and tilting. I report EVERY SINGLE ONE of these boosters but NEVER get a response saying you have done anything about it.

Please PLEASE give us solo Q players a separate queue, I am tired of trying to help boost other peoples friends who are terrible at the game, they don’t belong in my matches. Put GROUPS in GROUPS only matches, SOLO Q in SOLO Q matches. The end. It’s that simple. Or give ME the option, I don’t mind waiting for long queue because I know the quality of 10 solo Q player matches are going to be fair.


People leave in comp too for the same thing so the reason stomps happen isn’t really because the backfill is bad. It is a part of the problem not the cause of it.

Factors for match balance to consider

  • map dependend MMR

I dont perform on every map the same. I have good maps and i have bad maps and i dont think i am the only one.

  • playing against comps which heavily counter your main

If i play against my counters i either stay on my main hero and perform badly or i swirch to a more suitable hero, but still perform worse because i am less experienced on that hero. Dont think the matchmaker can do anything about this as the hero picks are done after the match is formed.

  • tilting

Players which come out of a bad loss or got a leaver or simply had bad luck, might tilt and play worse as a result. If you lose the first teamfight badly, you might think your team in incompetent and try to hard carry which often doesnt work and makes things worse.


“What makes looking at stomps tricky is that they also happen with two well balanced teams. A really great ultimate, a key pick, or a few lucky critical shots can make a huge impact in a game of Overwatch,” says Scott.

this is very interesting to me as it suggests that matchmaking isnt the end-all be-all of it. hero design can inherently swing a match even when the players are evenly matched. and it makes sense, some designs are inherently more impactful than others. and even in a mirror match, depending on heroes and maps, a single pick can indeed decide the whole game and snowball like crazy.

that is something completely divorced from matchmaking that still has to be fixed, even in a world where matchmaking is flawlessly perfect.

It’s mind-boggling how the people in charge of matchmaking are still employed after all this time. That alone shows just how little you guys care about player experience.


I encourage everyone to give this a read

They were graphs about different aspects. One about Role division delta (tank as example) the other about Role queue times (damage as example).

Some of the changes they’ve made recently were aimed at collecting groups into lobbies together more consistently, particularly wider groups, which should have the side effect of creating more solos-only matches and tighter matches for solo queuers overall.

It seems plenty common to have someone AFK at the beginning of the match who gets kicked, maybe because they forgot about the auto-queue. (I definitely do that. The auto-queue only working in QP is a contributor, I think, because I don’t play QP a ton.) Or for someone to leave when their team was winning. If you might be interrupted, then you want to be queuing for a casual mode, right? Those games are not necessarily unwinnable.

Also, if they’re holding out a bit longer for a better backfill choice, then that should probably reduce the rate of getting backfilled into a match seconds before it ends too.

now you see why i didn’t disclose which servers are rigged. too many bitter idiots within the company. did i report them for their below defamation? no. i’m not fragile.

apart from the idiot responding to me FIRST, if a user or EMPLOYEE dislikes what a user writes, scroll pass. don’t read. ignore. to sabotage account only confirms validity. this is why users have zero incentive to report numerous issues to unappreciatives. anyhow. i predict no merger. no buyout. massive blizzard layoffs incoming.

I think they just picked the role that was the most illustrative for each. They probably showed the damage queue times because those have been the longest recently. And since the tank population is smaller (queue times are similar, but half as many are needed), that’s probably the hardest role to make the small role deltas for.

It sounds like they are fixing match making for comp and not any of the other game modes? what about quickplay?


I personally leave at the character select screen on certain maps…Frequently, but not all of the time.

If it’s a capture point map like Illios, 80% chance the match will be dominated by turrets. I hate turrets. So, to make sure the team composition isn’t so one-note, I will usually leave the match.

I’m not saying maps are the problem, but a lot of these turrets become a problem BECAUSE team skill level is off and I’m playing with no-sense tanks or hitscans that can’t hit. These days I stick with payload, hybrid, or push maps because you have room and time to adjust your strategy against a better-balanced or coordinated team, and there’s still a chance to come out on top. I wonder if the MMR is also not accounting that some people play better matches as certain characters? I can flop as Genji but carry as, does that only affect the overall number? Seems like an innacurate system if only tailored for the big picture.

Seriously, though, I feel like Solo Queue will solve half their problems.

There’s no magic button they can hit to improve it. They need the data each season to constantly iterate on it. The fact that they are using the data and not ignoring and leaving as-is is a good thing.

Where was a such thing even mentioned?

Obviously I am not talking about that. The match in those cases usually gets canceled anyway.

i can’t be on multiple accounts simultaneously. so sabotaging one account simply because i say something you dislike, (1) has no affect (2) only exposes your inner bitterness and that most account impairments of any user are likely invalid. perhaps just like most in game bans. which seems to be backfiring and dwindling the user base, the same way sabotaging accounts due to dislike of valid forum feedback dwindles user base. players who are mistreated for no reason, by fragile bitter ego’s, are either going to cheat, or leave. therefore, either way, abusing admin privileges is a lose, lose.

Why not? And why are you responding to my post from a different account? lol.

You are such a troll. Do us all a favor, and go back under your bridge.


All I know is that since the start of Season 4, I’ve been getting stomped, in all aspects of the game. Comp, unranked, mystery, role queue, in a party, solo queue. It doesn’t matter. STOMPED. Blizzard can look at my statistics. I’m essentially a 50% win rate career player, but I might have won 3-5 games this season. It atrocious.

This doesn’t include the gripe I have with the ELO hell I’ve been imprisoned in since OW launch. I always queue tank. I can take over games. But I get stuck with bronze Andy’s that drag me down, and this BS system just looks at my win rate. So now I queue all roles. Doesn’t matter though, same result. Oh and if you think I suck, look at my career profile. I pull weight.

This match maker is BROKEN. PLEASE HELP.

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Stomps happen in QP because there’s more often than not less players. 1 bozo leaves, another bozo uses that as an excuse to leave aswell. Then the one that backfilled for the 1st leaver sees that its a backfill and insta leaves because they’re a baby. After that, the classic, your 1st leaver rejoins your game, because they queued for the game mode and role and leave again. Etc etc.

I imagine the MM is far more impressive than what some players might claim after a losing streak, but Blizz will never solve stomps because they’re not an MM issue. They’re a design issue.

Your team is slightly superior, but they’re just not in the mood to pick hitscan again into the third Pharmercy they’ve faced tonight? That could be a stomp. New $20 D.Va skin dropped, so tank has their heart set on showing it off despite playing into Zarya, Sym, Mei and Zen? Stompalicious. Enemy team got lucky by picking counters on Control and won the first fight, and now they have an ongoing ult advantage while defending point, which is easier than attacking it, all facilitating a snowball? Stomptastical.

The MM can’t work miracles to overcome issues outside its forte, just like a dating matchmaker can’t force a romance between a pacifist and a murderer who otherwise appear to be a perfect fit on paper.

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The question is why “bozos” leave in the firs place.
having so many leavers just shows that there is not much initiative to stay for a full match and the bad matchmaking doesn’t help with that.

idk if you realize that but such behavior is not normal for other games.

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