Matchmaking since Season 2 has been absolutely garbage

Yeah, just got into the saddest, most misery inducing OW Comp match. We had a Soj on our team that did 22k damage and had 56 kills, but our tank continuously died because he wanted to get that team kill, punishing the rest of the team. The other dps was lackluster, but both support had a 6k heal difference on the enemy team.

We still lost. Because for whatever reason, some low ranked player ended up being our frontline and died over and over and over. It makes me want to never queue again. In OW1, I was a 3900+ masters player. Now? Stuck in gold/plat because my role has 0 impact. I can keep them alive, damage boost, but what do I do about the suicidal Doom? Nothing. And I’ll continue to be in Gold as long as I queue support, my favorite role.

Whoever decided that this 7 wins 20 losses system was a good idea should in fact, be fired. No other competitive game system is like this. I didn’t care if my numbers went up or down by 15. I care that I dread the 7th win because I know I’ll see it go down again. This ‘visual rank’ idea is toast and they need to throw in the towel and go back to what worked.


It actually started a few weeks before S2 started, around the time that the login numbers were clearly dropping a lot. The matchmaker sucks now because it crams any player it can together, cuz there aren’t enough to have evened out games.

I don’t know what is going on with the matchmaking but it’s almost always a stomp or get deleted, hardly any close games. I played OW1 for 5 years almost every day, and i was able to because most matches were balanced… I cannot play this game longer than 4 matches and i’m done for the day. And then the poor balance in general on top of that makes this game very unenjoyable.


I Feel you, sad thing is I lost about 15in a row… finally won 7 and still went up in rank…
This Real rank vs Displayed rank needs to go, Just show us are real SR and rank us accordingly.

Matchmaking has been so trash right now. My team either stomps the other team, or the other way around, and the games are almost never fun due to the clear lack of skill gap between both teams and teammates.

Please Blizzard, fix this “hidden (real) rank” x displayed rank thing and create a better environment for everyone to play in ranked matches.

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I think in first season of OW 2 competitive matchmaking was more fair than now,teams was better balanced then now. I had a lot more wins than losses, last season I had 7-8 wins in a row, if the whole team played well, this season it is impossible to achieve such a result. Now i had a series of defeats of 6-7 in a row and only then 2-3 wins, maybe the Blizzards changed something in their matchmaking system so that people lose matches more often, I don’t know, but after each such lose streak, I want to permanently delete this game, especially if they will be you every season roll back 10 ranks, this is complete nonsense, as for me, OW2 now has the worst matchmaking system. Maybe blizzards have plans to kill their game, now it looks like that.


Yes, matchmaking need to fix, the loss streak in this season is totally garbage.

rofl matchmaking has been garbage since the game released , and i mean OW1 not this remake hahaha

ffs, literally just had a game with my tank being g2 and the enemy tank being ex top 500, in a diamond lobby, guess what, our tank got rolled till a point he just stood there and gave up, i cant even blame him you know, blizzard please fix ur game man, fr. bad ranking system, bad reward, bad balancing (road hog just roll u no matter wat, 5000 M range hook with a one shot combo, entertaining and engaging. bad matchmaking, and bad battle pass. just bring back jeff man. jeez

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I am so sick of this matchmaking, just searching for a Place to get it out, ist a just complete garbage

its horrible. i just tiled and uninstalled after 3 losses as a healer. all 3 where like 70kills vs 10. a genji on two maps feeding his a… off vs sym getting 0 kills for a complete map. a reinhardt nonstop charging into 5 enemeys, a hog player gettin antinaded and discorded and dying nonstop. i try to heal some m… that dont switch even if hardcounterd and with 0 kills after 10 minutes. man i give up, this is just to much. why do i have to play with these people. i am not in bronze. as a plat at least give me some teammate that understanmd the basics of the game. its so sad, i love ow but the games are so horrible

Lost 10 in a row, yesterday won 10 in a row, normal Ow matchmaking, i am so sick of it. Far worse than in ow1, 5v5 made it worse. I am now waiting for pve because this is only a joke

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what i dont understand is why the devs put a plat healer with a bronze tank. i cannot carry a tank that nonstop charges into 5 enemys. same with a bronze dps vs a pharrah mercy. they will never gonna shot them down and as a healer there is 0 absolutly 0 i can do. why for the love of god do you mix bronze with plat or plat with masters. just make it so the max diff is 1 tier, there it is. you have fixed mm.

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I don’t know about “never win” but I do say I tend to have at least one team mate on my team that is utter trash. We are talking 1 and 25 as widow, or 0 and 10 and Ball.

Your only hope half the time is the enemy team is even worse. But if you think about it, it makes sense.

We some how have q times of under 5 minutes, quite often all 3 roles are 1 minute. Both in Comp and QP. I highly doubt millions of new players started to play after the lack luster season 2 and 3.

No they have just removed any and all restrictions on match making imo. Or possibly put bots in the game, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. Wouldn’t be the first game to do so when player numbers drop.

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Above and beyond “just throwing people together to get a quick match”. Blizzard has always pushed that whole 50% win/loss rate. Putting higher ranked people into lower ranked teams is either an attempt to raise them up, or push you down.

Though obviously it works best with higher ranked dps than any other role.

the sad thing is i payed for ow1 and played it for years before they took it away, gave me a 5v5 game with 1million new casual bronze players, smurfs and cheaters. all combined with 0 matchmaking.

I’ve been outspoken about the matchmaker for a while now but I have to admit that it has improved quite a bit in the last week or so.

It’s still not great. I still occasionally get top 500s and gms in my plat games. Last week, I played dual dps with my son, who is somewhat new to the game (probably played 10 games or so), and the matchmaker placed us against a GM dps. Not sure how a plat and a (probably) bronze newbie would get matched up against a GM dps.

That said, it has gotten a lot better. The wide disparaty games seem less frequent than before. It used to feel like every other game and it now feels like its every 5 games or so.

Still some work to do but its moving in the right direction.

No sorry for me it is worst as usual, sometimes you have luck but 90% of all games are not competitive. In quick Play every game people are leaving because of that which makes it even more frustrating so be in those games. In ow1 least talented gamers had the chance to close the gap with a good comp and counters, but the loud 5% of people convinced blizzard that is a bad thing and we need to get rid of 6v6 and focus even more on the Meta. Ow league should be outsourced, ow was once the most successful shooter in the world, a game for everyone, and look what we have now, a money grabber with focus on the whales even in gameplay because of the fantasy to create a new sports league that will make billions. Won’t happen blizzard

tbh at this point i think they wont adress smurfs and so the mm will never be fixed. just played vs a smurfing masters genji (just gessing) with a new account that just shredded the backline with 21-2. if u nerf genji some people just make new accounts and have fun killing 5 people in a row as genji and completely sh… on everybody in lower ranks. and the sad thing is thats on top of people cheating and on top of just overall bad mm.

If even one person is tilting, that can result in a hard stomp in what should have been a balanced game. If you’re getting a lot more losing stomps than winning stomps, then you’re the one who’s tilted. If you were consistently bad then your rank would fall accordingly. But it’s inconsistency that causes bad games.