I responded to your other thread in the Bug Report forum which I stated…
Matchmaking is simply a matter of comparing your current hidden matchmaking rating/skill rating and finding teammates and opponents with a reasonably similar skill rating so that both teams have an relatively equal team average skill rating. Under no circumstances does a matchmaker provide you a game that you are automatically guarenteed to win. Yes it is possible to lose multiple games (one time I lost 15 in a row), but loss streaks are more than likely going to be related how you are performing in the game as you are the only consistent factor seen in every match. As a personal tip, it is often a good idea to stop playing Competitive Play when you start losing more than 2 matches in a row.
Learn more about matchmaking and skill rating adjustments in this handy community guide:
This is not the appropriate forum for this, I recommend posting feedback in the Competitive discussion forum. Blizzard does not respond to threads in the bug report forum. Its only used to collected to identify issues when playing Overwatch such as objects passing through walls or user interface features displaying incorrectly.