Matchmaking FAIL! Queueueueueueueueue

10 min queues are going to be the death of OW, especially when you finally get a match and it goes to skirmish looking for that last player, then cancels so you can wait another 10 mins.

Been playing since open beta, love the game, but losing interest fast with these horrendous queues.


Same here, came back after a month of quitting and the q time actually went up from 7 min to 13 min every game, done…


Death of OW or death of DPS players?

The queue for DPS is ridiculous. And then those games where you get in and someone is afk? Back to the end of the line. Then you’ve spent 20 minutes NOT playing the game. Role queue is garbage. They need to get rid of it.


Support has the same queue time. Queues are terrible for all but 6% of the playing population of OW. Don’t act like it isn’t a problem.


So how you wanna “fix” it? Force people to play tanks?
(also where im acting its not a problem?)

With proper incentivization system it can be fixed.

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Tbh I dont think it will ever work. People want to play DPS, they wont plat tanks, and even if u would give them 10 boxes they would play tank once then DPS. And giving a box each game is like IDK, still prolly most would play DPS. Or maybe we will get an era where you have DPS players playing hog zarya every game.

Then you are missing the entire point of the thread.


yeah the quality of dps players in such long ques is way lower than support or tank. and as a tank/support main…having to wait in those extremely long ques just to take a break from tank and support…is just plain cruel.


You can solo q tank or heals, or you can 6 stack, otherwise, you wait 10 mins for a game…sucks.

They are adding changes to help this, some are already on PTR.

Seems like most of my teams consist of those 2 tanks or Dva and Winston. I rarely get a team now with actual shield tanks. But all the teams I go up against has dual tank shields and 2 healers who actually heal. No wonder I win 1 out of every 8-10+ matches.

To remove it. Pretty simple fix imo.

They are not gonna remove it. People whined for it way too long and majority wanted it. And you winning only 1 out of 8-10 matches… Well you know.

Oh I know. But in all honesty, I don’t really remember hearing anyone whine about it to force us into it. I know at times people always preferred the 2-2-2, which is fine, but people adjusted and from my experience before role queue, people adjusted to the 2-2-2 in the majority of the matches. But even when it was 3 dps, it was still better than 2 dps and 2 healing dps. I also usually always had a team where we had at least 1 shield tank. Now, it is rare I get on a team that uses 1 let alone healers who heal.

Yes. They certainly did. They said it will fix ranked and they finally will get the higher rank that they deserve (lol).

That is your opinion. I didn’t see much of it on the forums etc. at all. The main compliant I would see is people complaining that others don’t change if who they pick isn’t working.

Sure it is my memory. Before role Q it was all elo hell posts and how you cant do anything cuz your team is 5 trash dps and how role que would help them to get where they deserve to be. Now its forced losses and role q sucks.

Less DPS players means less players overall and the death of the game genius. Can’t play a 222 if there are no more DPS players. And don’t tell me they are just going to go to the other roles, I tried that and I’m just done with the game at this point.