Matchmaker put me in an "unwinnable game", I won

probably true, well they mentioned how someone hasn’t proven the facts against them because their stuff isn’t wrong. (not in those words but that’s basically what they’re saying)

I guess I’ll just have to use their own words against them. Like you can’t say this is the facts and then say from what we can speculate. Speculation isn’t fact Receitpts sorry.

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Exactly. Which is why I distinguished between the first part (dev commentary stating 50/50) as fact, and going beyond that is speculative - although can be belief/informed by the tech in their patents on rigging.

Because responding to it was just going to clutter. And the topic is about “unwinnable” - which we can get technical about if people are willing to interpret the tech.

if someone is having a bad day in their real life then it’s possible for them to preform worse worse than they would on a normal day causing you to lose. Also an AI doesn’t know if someone is tilted and would make your whole team play worse. It also depends on what heros each person plays, like if you get a bunch of one tricks on your team that fit together great, but it’s also totally random that you might get a ball one trick, a lucio one trick, a zen one trick and a pharah one trick on the same team. Also 70/30 is pretty good odds. You decide the outcome of your games not the AI. Yeah there are going to be some unwinnable games that you get and it’s going to suck but at the end of the day if you’re not winning more than you’re losing it’s your fault not your teams. I went 3-6 yesterday because I wasn’t able to focus and was tilted. Was that my teams fault??? No it wasn’t it’s because I wasn’t playing well. The AI doesn’t know that I’m having a bad day so it may put me in a game that it thinks would be a 50/50 on me winning or losing but it might be 30/70 because I’m not playing well. It’s not 30/70 because of blizzard it’s 30/70 because of the players and daily life. You’re going to have AMAZING day and you’re going to have HORRIBLE days.

Yeah if they’re trying to make it 50/50 then they’re trying to make the games fair not rigged.

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You’re misrepresenting that statement quite a bit.

Scott Mercer:

That is the original statement.

Here is another statement from Jeff Kaplan:


What else is new? The entirety of their arguments are based on misinterpreting statements like that and others to give them excuses for when things don’t go their way.

Whether it’s saying bad teammates are somehow labeled to go on their team so “force them to lose” or that somehow smurfs are identified and thrown on the other team to “hold them back”, it doesn’t matter. The weird mentality of “I lose so I must have done too well before so the game is ‘balancing for me’” instead of “that the other team just did better and I probably could have done something better or differently in order to help us win” shows the ego behind these mentalities. They can boost their pride win or lose because if they win then they clearly deserve to be higher since they won’t but if they lose then they still deserve to be higher because the “rigged game” is holding them back.

Can’t have it both ways, either you’re at least partially responsible for the outcome of your games, win or lose, or the game decides if you’ll win or lose and you get no credit if you win.

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I’m still sad that daddy Jeff left us :frowning:

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They’re just whinny and cranky because they couldn’t adapt and get better at the game. So instead of blaming their teammates they’re trying to blame the devs for blocking their way in particular. Jeff Kaplan himself said they don’t do it lol.

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btw presenting the polls means nothing because they’re just regular players. They don’t have inside information they just have a feeling ON A BATTLENET FORUM where players are going there to b*itch and complain anyways. Also in that post “we have also voted to ban handicapping of ranked matches” you can’t vote on something that doesn’t exist that’s not how that works.

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Yes, no one willing to discuss the rigging patents is saying the game is 100% forcing you to lose. It’s a slang term that comes as a byproduct of:

Which implies rigging towards a 50/50 outcome expectation. And if you infer the patents, the SBMM in CoD, etc etc…then you realize it will 1. relax that 50/50 over time if constraints can’t be satisfied quickly (e.g. 40/60), and 2. your hidden mmr will contribute to that 50/50 rigging, meaning if it calculated your mmr too high and budgeted you in to play like an absolute monster (for that “fair” 50/50 game in the <500), and you underperform, you just totally outright lose.

“Unwinnable” games is really a hyperbole. The true rigging is right there in the commentary - forcing 50/50 games (not winrates). That is rigging the contest, is anti-competitive, depletes rank integrity, and turns laddering into a sham.

Hope that clarifies!


Not to mention the polls are always loaded questions like “does handicapping have a place in comp?” nowhere explaining/defining it in the poll for people taking it or saying if it exists already. Just “is it okay?”

It seems too many of them think time played = ranking up, no matter if they actually improve faster than their peers or not in the same way they seem to think detail and buzzwords = accuracy and facts.

You already know the contradiction I’m about to say, right?

  1. You wish to prove things by using dev statements yet,
  2. you ignore developer statements saying they don’t use the patents.


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you have an issue with them attempting to make a game more enjoyable for everyone?

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Do you not realize the game tries to make “fair” matches by load-balancing them around a hidden performance criteria (MMR), and cherry-picking players/teams to rig towards a 50/50 outcome expecation (and other variables like margin of victory, MoV)?

That’s fixing the contest. It’s rigging the match outcome (whether you define that as fair or not). That means some players are handicapped. It also means ranked labels are less important (if not meaningless over time), and the ladder is adulterated, the progression isn’t natural, and the ecosystem is anti-competitive, because matches that take place on it are rigged.

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Wait wut? Where did they say they don’t use patented matchmaking?
Can you provide that source? I’d love to see them on record saying they don’t use patents.

It’s a ranked competitive mode, and ecosystem for competitive integrity, a path2pro esports, and a livelihood for some people.

True ladder fairness means ensuring the matches are NOT rigged. True competitive fairness means hands-off.

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receipts please unprivate your profile

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Don’t worry about something like that. It won’t help you prove anything about him. lol

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if you’re good enough to climb you’re good enough to climb and that’s it sorry

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I’m just going to assume they’re silver or plat lol

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What does that have to do with rigged matchmaking that forces towards 50/50 outcomes?

Exactly, lol. Imagine having to character attack or rank shame because you refuse to accept the dev statements saying word for word they rig for 50/50.

I have nothing wrong with silver or plat players they just seem to be the most common to complain about this kind of stuff.