Matchmaker is rigged

I will put it like this

The matchmaking is as fair or rigged as life itself.

Most things in this world arent fair.

Cause everything revolves around the economic viability.

This was back when game AI was designed back when FEAR game was made, they actually had much better AI than what was in the game in their development but choose to not use it, cause players hated being outsmarted by AI in their testing, this why AI in games still dont do simple stuff like peeking properly.

So the game developers always go for systems that give them maximum engagement, inturn more money.

Now does it mean its impossible to climb NO, if anything these systems help you stay easily at your base skill level even if you arent tryharding.

If you want to climb you have to increase that base level which means actually improving your skill and carrying games.

Sort of like life, anyone can become a millionaire what matters is are you smart enough and ready to do the grind.


If you ignore luck, sure.
Being born in the wrong country, or with the wrong handicaps basically means that no, you can’t become a millionaire.


That’s what I’m saying the odds are often not in your favour.

And ya it can be insurmountable in some cases like you mention esp the country part, honestly if you are living in a democratic country you are blessed, compared to other places.

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If you want to feel rewarded for aim as a hitscan player, you’re better off playing games like Valorant. Overwatch is mainly for those who likes to strategize and use their brain to find the win condition on any given match. Overwatch doesn’t reward good aim that much (at least for hitscans) compared to other shooters. You need to swap to counter the enemies and complement your team’s composition if you want to increase your odds of winning as much as possible.

Also this:


doomers warned about all the monetization and predation creep.
they were 100% right.

they also warned about this rigging trend in the industry.
but naa, they’re 100% wrong those patents can’t possibly be in use. oh wait they’re tier1 active use which means they’re not just protecting an idea, they’re in-play making money on them.

a company that charges $26 for a bundle does not owe you a fair match nor a fair ladder. in fact, they probably owe you a fake one, which is why so many are bad at the game but the fake pixels make them think they’re good :rofl:


In one implementation, the microtransaction engine may target particular players to make game-related purchases based on their interests. For example, the microtransaction engine may identify a junior player to match with a marquee player based on a player profile of the junior player. In a particular example, the junior player may wish to become an expert sniper in a game (e.g., as determined from the player profile). The microtransaction engine may match the junior player with a player that is a highly skilled sniper in the game. In this manner, the junior player may be encouraged to make game-related purchases such as a rifle or other item used by the marquee player.

Uninstalled. :slightly_smiling_face:


Why are you coping so hard dude


I should just try using 2 accounts of the same ranks on all ranks (masters) and give one a premium battle pass and the other not and simply keep track of what maps I get, what teamates play and what I get against me and my stats etc, you know just for fun :wink:


Do it, I bet you find nothing going on


As a follow up to this-

Just my next few sets of super coincidental, totally nothing to it matches.


I could add a few more things. You leave a QP match. And the game constantly keeps re-adding you in. That signals the game is unbalanced. It picked you because you are good in a certain area. To attempt to “balance” it. That’s why there are games it takes so long to find someone.

Second way they screw with you. You won a chunk of games in a row. You will be matched more and more with pre-made teams. Which is why the indicators where removed. I leave when I see full coordination. I’m not there to be a punching bag. Or be ignored. Because I joined a team that has four people. If I see spectators, I leave as well.


I got thinking recently, just because you are the worst player in the lobby shouldn’t mean that you can’t carry. If you are in a Plat Lobby as a silver and you play like a Gold. Then effectively your team gained 500SR if everyone plays at their expected SR. Just by not dying constantly like you are predicted to do in a match like that is a weird carry in its own way.

Ah, another thread trying to put an elaborate scheme with a ton of coding and effort behind things that just happen when random interaction is involved.

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None of this is evidence of rigging. You are taking things out of context hugely. I did read these patents a while a go and posted a decent analysis.

They don’t this is what you think they say. There is a massive difference but you presenting what you ‘think’ they say as what there saying is dishonest and basic manipulation.

There are 3 major reasons the patents don’t prove anything.
1st They include features that do not exist in overwatch and likely are used for different games if they are used at all.

2nd Rigging games does not need to be patented and no company would patent that technology.

3rd Patent are used to protect an idea. They do not need to used as a requirement.

Lastly, if things like CoDs + CoD:Mobile or PvE games didn’t exsist in Activision and Overwatch was the only game then you could wonder why would they invest time in this stuff buuut they do and a lot of these features do exist in there other games.


The patents exclusively demonstrate how they alter the selection of matches to favour one team over another. That is the definition of match rigging. If they did this for any online betting, it would be match fixing.

I don’t know how you can say they don’t display signs of ‘rigging’. It’s written in black and white, unless words don’t mean what I think they mean, I personally think I have a good grasp of English and the meaning of words.

I don’t know how you benefit from trying to disprove a person who just reads something and types out the meaning.


Maybe you want to read what I said. On your points.

Yes, it would be match-fixing. This is not evidence of rigging in Overwatch matchmaker.

I never said they don’t display signs of rigging. So while you may say " I personally think I have a good grasp of English and the meaning of words." You are literally proving you don’t understand the content of my post

I don’t benefit at all in any way. That said, I write my post so that anyone that reads may understand you are manipulating and altering the context of the patents.

If you want to show that these patents are in Overwatch you need to disprove these things…

They are technically impossible to disprove. Without collected evidence.

As for proving your manipulation, you accidentally admit it here.

If it almost says this word for word… It doesn’t say that. Yet you present this under the title…

Other things you mention in there that just don’t exist in it. SR, Open queue
Some stuff yes exists in the patent as you mention buuuut the patents are not made for Overwatch and even mention that indirectly when referring to the mock-up in a patent
“While aspects of the present specification may be described herein with reference to various game levels or modes, characters, roles, game items, etc. associated with a First-Person-Shooter (FPS) game, it should be appreciated that any such examples are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to be limiting. The matchmaking system and method described in detail herein may be used in any genre of multiplayer video game, without limitation.”
not that this is proof that it isn’t in Overwatch but is direct proof that…

Is not true and therefore you are misinterpreting them and taking them out of context.

Either way, this is a dead horse on this forum at this point and has been disproven by many more people than just me.

Last thing I’ll point out…
Not one of the inventors has ever worked for Blizzard and while you could argue they just brought the ideas off the devs… there are Devs from Toy for Bob at the different studio for Activision… where maybe they were making an Overwatch mobile game and who actually worked for CoD Warzone.

And I’ll remind you I’m not trying to prove there isn’t rigging in Overwatch (Just as I can’t prove god exists)
My point is that these patents are not directly linked to overwatch and using them as proof is ignoring the context of them, the inventors, and the absolute lack of evidence that there are being used in-game.
So when you say something like overwatch matchmaking is rigged and use this as proof you are wrong. It’s not. You are missing a key point ‘evidence of use’.

I’ll highlight this as it’s a solid point.

This is the reason they exist.
They are things that could show they rig their games.
The problem is a closed source code is as strong evidence as this so in the context of argument Overwatch is rigged. This shows nothing and doesn’t move the dialogue forward in anyway.

Bet. Time to go throw myself off the map until I have a high amount of deaths.

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…that there’s an open QP game and you’re queueing for QP. At most, it wants someone near the leaver’s MMR which you obviously are. Frankly, anyone who leaves a QP game and immediately requeues deserves to put in the same game.

Remember when they wanted a trade exchange that dealt in real money that they’d have the ability to rig?

Oh Blizz never change.

MK ultra was a conspiracy theory and not real…

As is the biased matchmaking…

Again “conspiracy theories would not exist withour some truth behind them” is again proven to be correct…

Though tbh, if you couldnt see it given the state of matchmaking and fact blizzard is like “no problem here” you were either blind or in Denial…

Honestly im happy to finally have confirmation of pay to win matchmaking being a real thing, been suspect for years