Matchmaker is rigged

This is a post made earlier, skip below the patent numbers.

Behold: blizzard patents for overwatch and overwatch 2

US20200114268A1 - matchmaking and handicapping teams.
US20160001186A1 - Rigging players, teams, ladders.
US10857468B2 - Dynamic difficulty adjustment i.e. hitreg/aimassist.
US20190091581A1 - rigging featuring Overwatch (abandoned).
US20160001182A1 - hidden match scores.
US10322351B2 - inclusion and diversity.
US10561945B2 -teamplay and “player likeability” featuring Overwatch.
US9789406B2 - micro-transactions and pay2win.

I have to process contracts for work so are used to reading through lots of pages of waffle to find nuggets.

These patents say the following:

Open queue - Players who queue open queue will often be placed in games that are wider in skill level. ‘So open queue will most likely give you stomp games.’

Junior players - Player who are new and show signs of being a sniper may be matched with high level snipers to encourage microtransactions. It actually says this almost word for word.

Game deaths - It says a higher number of deaths than the player average may result in easier games in future matches. So stop avoiding deaths to easier games basically.

Queue times - the longer the queue time the wider the SR pool gets. So if you want really high quality matches you may not want to wait for long or keep re-joining the queue.

Performance - It can handicap players for wins and losses based on maps and hero selection. So it may place you in teams that it knows you are likely to lose as you are with non hitscan players in a wide/sniper favoured map.

There are so many things in this patent my jaw nearly hit the floor on how bad some of these are.


This is nothing new in the “gaming industry”, people here though will call u conspiracy theorist etc but ignore those.
These companies entire focus is on monitization and what makes them money is player engagement so they develop around keeping players playing, the actual nutjubs who will come in and pretend it does not happen are the crazy ones as this is so normal in the industry. Like no shooter from a AAA company even advertises a fair competative setting for a reason.

My problem is though not with such systems but the fact they might be in competative mode making the matches not a competition really…


Does that make a difference and is that an excuse? Does it stop being a conspiracy if it is industry-wide?

“Normal” doesn’t mean right.


True, but companies wont talk about this ever to the point they will not confirm or deny its excistance to the point they outright pretend the question does not exist.
Also a reason why the really high skilled FPS players/streamers move to indie games like Tarkov as they ussualy do not have such systems.

Like I am 100% against such systems but companies wont engage in that subject and the 99% of the player base will pretend it does not exist.
Its wrong, but thats also why indie companies are quality wise way above AAA titles these days as greed is the root of all evil.


You’re damn right we’re gonna call you conspiracy theorists. The whole concept of intentional losses is utterly stupid and anyone that thinks the game is intentionally making you lose matches is nothing short of both stupid and crazy.


Again with the rigged = forced loss… How has it come that people such as yourself are only able to think and deal in extremes?

You are the prime example of the reason such systems exist, and worst is you deny the existance of patents that are listed by Blizzard themselves.
I wont be engaging anymore though as whats the point even? People like u are so used to abusive systems u would even deny reality by not even acknowledging that such systems are patented by the publishers.


Yes you are absolutely correct OP. Unfortunately.



Can you quote the part(s) of the patents that pertain to this? I dont doubt you - Quite the opposite, id simply love to have that nugget of info for future discussions.

This gallery sums up my experiences with the match making in this game:

Im definitely noticing a “trend”.


You are talking to people who still think forced winrates doesn’t exists lol


No they are not. And you know that


Because they don’t. And never have.


How come i have 80% winrate? :gorilla:

on torbjorn


There are no forced loses, there are games where you are the best player on the team and expected to carry, if you don’t fail the test to prove yourself better. You have games where you get carried and you’ll have games where you are expected to carry.


The match maker is literally designed to put you on win (and loss) streaks in order to maximize player retention.

While the match maker can never guarantee what is going to happen- It can easily shift things in either sides favor by how it mixes players.

These are my first however many games from OW2- Nothing has changed.

That it does this is nothing new. Myself and many others have documented/showed this throughout the years.

Like mentioned before- EA (And blizzard, a lot of companies have similar concepts) pertaining to this kind of stuff. “Win streaks” tend to feel good- and have higher chances of player retention. Of course you cant win every match- So the trick is finding the balance between the wins, and the losses (which is often what the patents detail, along with the specifics of how it mixes the players to encourage these outcomes).

The game does and will absolutely stack things for, or against you, as you go up/down in these moments- “Good” players however will tend to manage to influence things. Maybe you won 3 of the 10 instead of 2 of the 10, or vice versa. Maybe you only manage to do it “every other” go, but over the course of hundreds or thousands of games, it eeks up slightly.

This is how match making works. Why? Because theres money to be made like this. Player retention means players are more likely to spend money- So theyre absolutely going to do things in their favor to ensure players want to stick around.

Itd be silly to think match making is 100% fair and its actually doing a spot on job of making evenly matched teams.


No it isn’t. That is a very ludicrous statement.


Except for the whole “they literally have patents for it” thing. As do many companies.

When they have patents for it, and we regularly see it happening- I mean. Ya. Sure. Believe whatever you want lol. They totally don’t use the techniques in their match making patents they’ve paid money to design and hold aimed at making them more money and it’s just coincidental.


Nothing ludicrous about the statement whatsoever…

Yep and there’s actually a study about this that shows which precise pattern is most likely to retain players.


Given that it is a lie, yes, there is.

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That is pretty much what 99% of patents are. Just protecting an idea, and never actually being used.

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Exactly. And we just coincidentally see results very in line with it.