Master being put in plat competitive games

I started playing this game in beta. First season I was trash but worked my way up quickly in season 2 and got myself to Grandmaster. Ever since then I floated between gm and master’s. I stopped playing Overwatch competitive around when it started implementing weird bs in season 16. Anyways, that’s another topic altogether. What I really do not understand is why a former GM and current master is now being paired constantly with plats and diamonds??? It’s kind of ruining the experience for me because the skill gap is just too large for any sort of coordination. I know we’re few and far between but it’d be nice to just wait in longer queues instead of giving me aneurysms from the lack of teammates. K, thanks.


How long are you willing to wait?

Dude, you’re fine. The game is broken. But let me tell you that before the cavalry comes in trying to justify why Overwatch is perfect.


Careful now, if you make the matchmaker sad you’ll start getting golds too…


That’s normal?

The game does that when you don’t play for a long time (as it should). There’s no reason you should be playing in masters/GM if you haven’t played the game in months. Skills deteriorate, you have less meta knowledge/experience and are out of practice.

It gives you those lower games and if you win, you return to where you were super fast.

But if you can’t win in ranks 1-2 lower than your supposed ‘real’ rank, then you probably don’t deserve to be there anymore?

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I think most people around gm would rather not play then get thrown into a low master clown fiesta

I mean even as a DPS i cant be bothered although i enjoy openque currently much more. Idk what it is but people literally just vibe and chill.

Game quality isnt even much worse than master/ low gm games


I’m plat and I got put into high diamond/masters games recently. wtf. I was out of my depth haha

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So, essentially, you’re saying that you would rather wait for 6 hours+ than play a game with someone 500sr below you?


Are you playing tank? Because that sort of mismatch happens frequently.

I recently had two bronze tanks in mid/high plat. That was really, really awful.

I’ve never been matched with plat as a bronze or silver tank or support. The highest I’ve seen in my 4 years of playing is gold, and I had to be grouped. Are you like… playing in the middle of the night for middle east or something?

Yep and i would log out after 20 minutes and play something else because that wont get me tilted as much for no reason

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So actually your limit is ~19 minutes. That is a more reasonable amount of time however unsustainable. There just aren’t enough people playing with that quality at any given time. The only way for a possible fair match is to force players to not be able to group AT ALL above diamond/master. The quality of your games would then be better and more even across the board.

Do you believe that that would be a viable solution?

(BTW, this is a fascinating conversation. thank you for engaging)

Weekend evening, NA.

Were you grouped with a low silver player? Something isn’t quite right here and I feel like there is information missing.

ur probably queuing at weird times i have only gotten a plat in my team once like 3 seasons ago its extremely rare

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Welp… Found the problem…

You mean, Role-Queue, that saved this game?

On XBox

Well there are many possibilities to explore…

  1. Depleted player base on XBox (people are playing other games)

  2. The hours at which you are queuing, there are not enough players to make a suitable match based on your SR and MMR.

  3. Because you have not played Overwatch for a while, your SR is 3.5+ but your MMR is probably lower.

  4. Etc.

:wave:t2: :wave:t2: :wave:t2: :wave:t2:


Forgot to mention, next time you queue and (if you’re a Masters+ player), take a screenshot of the tab screen (or whatever its called on xbox) and submit the screenshot plus the replay code to BlizzTech Support.

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Nope. I only ever solo.

Since you were a GM, company lost 27% of its active playerbase they say.

Definitely affected Overwatch, matches are most disbalanced than ever

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Meta shift. I spent season 3-26 in masters. Season 27 I fell to 2600 on one account playing what I’m best at (currently my best is off meta). I started playing mccree and I’m soaring back up through the ranks. Several accounts mid to high diamond. Still annoying after spending literally 4+ years never below 3600 and falling to 2600 at one point.


Low key would have wagered $20 that this wasn’t correct grammar.