Massively BUFF Widowmaker, Blizzaaaaarrrd!

Make it so she also has tracking bullets, too when fully charged.

So they always hit the head.

thats already a feature, its called hackers

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Ah but you forget that when one is a hacker, their brainpower drops to 0. If it’s in the game, clearly, then some intelligence is allowed. :stuck_out_tongue:


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Funny thing is that it’d be unironically true.

After all…

Nobody would be playing this game anymore if this went through. :stuck_out_tongue:

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She’s the same Widow that does the same things and gets pocketed just as hard.

She is balanced right now and 5 second grapple makes her able to always escape and would make her impossible to kill

One shots every 0.75 seconds.

N O.

she needs aim that for sure, she isnt BRAINDEAD EASY. However even with midiocre mechanics you could climb out of plat. She is the single best dps in the game atm.

I think Infra Sights should apply a DoT burn to enemies too. Also make her butt bigger when she ults again pls, rip big butt.

Nice bait buddy, I’m sure a lot of people fell for it, I read until “Widowmaker is a young and fit woman so make her faster”, what a joke, completly delusional.

The UNDISPUTABLE best way to fix widowmaker is:
make her deadlier at closer ranges

make her shift ability do damage

Make venom mine more offensive like let it explode and deal damage overtime in the enemy backline

Make infra sight summon a bigger widowmaker that can autolock and shoot at enemies

(I feel like i should clarify this for my less gifted friends that this is sarcasm)

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 .


NEW widow buff
Health increased to A MILLION from 175
Damage increased to undefined number* from 000
+5000% skill rate when your team is winning

So what you’re saying is, if you want to climb in comp to play the very strong damage hero Widowmaker? Got it.

Sadly the BEST counter to Widow is another Widow. Lets hope the one on your team is the better one.

I can agree with that, it is always a nightmare when I play as her and there is another Widowmaker in adversary team.

that sounds alot like ashe lol

Sure, laugh it up uhauahuahuauahuahua , LAUGH, LAAAUGH. You fear Widowmaker from the Core of your Soul.

As for you, very high quality troll.

Who says I’m bad with her? You assume poorly. I love playing as her, and although I am more skilled with some other Heroes, I know she could have been better, for example I am even better with Moira and think she should be very buffed. But there are just some masochist people who main a character and think it should be nerfed, poor them.

Someone gets it, finally. Those lame haters keep pushing the Narrative she is “fine” just because they want Widowmaker to be as weak as possible.
And Blizzard is dumb enough to fall for it.

I never said she is “bad”, she is still pretty good, but her nerfs are unacceptable and must be voided, just the ways I suggested…

What are you on about? Widowmaker is definitely the most broken character in the game. She’s overpowered, as it is.


You mean massively nerf widow by breaking her hands and making it so that her bullets do no more than 1 dmg and she has to find her bullets randomly on the ground? Yes please