Whenever we put out good feedback and ideas, they were taken to the megathread, or flagged by trolls, kinda like the megathread rn
The burden of proof is on you, not me. I’m therefore fine until you guys actually provide said proof.
Let’s look at that shall we.
Oh, here’s a set of videos and posts on reddit that were massively popular that literally state the opposite of what you just said and seem to believe.
well you’re the one who began with extraordinary claims… The burden of proof is more so on you than them. Also keep in my opinion based polls are not evidence. There could be a multitude of pro hide and rez videos with a ton of likes and polls supporting the idea that its okay and that wouldn’t be evidence of it being viable.
Erm, yeah. That one was debunked in previous arguments. Next.
So you’ll take their anecdotes because they support your claim?
I’m talking about before the mega thread. Good feedback and suggestions were bulldozed by the “revert Mercy, the devs killed Mercy” crowd.
Oh man it was always a complaint, it was really dumb tbh.
But of course it gained ground because of a streamer. Figures amiright
There’s never going to be evidence of it being viable or evidence of it not being viable. It happened so long ago that we can’t possibly know it’s effects on the current meta and whether or not it would be effective or even strong.
All we have to go on is what happened in the past. And from what I can tell, there’s hardly any Mercy guides, if any at all, that actively state that the hide & Rez playstyle was inferior, if not viable.
All we have right now is old videos with video evidence proving that it was viable with won games and video proof.
We will never know if it will work in the current meta but it’s not worth bringing it back for an experiment or “just to test it out”
That proves nothing.
Well… correction. It proves that the community perception was that Mercy hid then popped out to rez.
Community Perception can be wrong.
Also… What exactly constitutes hiding? Does stepping behind something briefly when the enemy DVa throws her ult count? I never thought it did but I’ve had people straight up say I was hiding and rezzing when I was in fact just ducking behind one of those cars on first point Kings Row to not get blown up.
We just went through 8 months of a social experiment to see how long it takes to drive your average player insane watching Mercy make everything useless every 30 seconds, is replacing one ability really that outlandish at this point?
You have yet to provide objective data supporting this. Player perception is anything but.
In my opinion ults go like this:
- Transcendance
- Graviton Surge
- Eartshatter
- Dragonstrike
- Dragonblade
- Death Blossom
- Tactical Visor
- Blizzard
- Self Destruct
- Supercharger
- Photon Barrier
- Pulse Bomb
- Whole Hog
- Minefield
- Primal Rage
- Sound Barrier
- Coalescence
- Molten Core
- Nano Boost
- Rally
- Rocket Barrage
- Meteor Strike
- RIP Tire
- Configuration Tank
- DeadEye
- Valkyrie
- Infrasight
Moira for me, as a support player, is ranked as a mediocre ult. It is really versatile and provides both the choice to either heal dmg like crazy or deal dmg from afar. I think it’s a decent ult. Not UP, not OP. As for mccree, I somewhat agree with you. Tho I think it has far better potential and impact than valkyrie. It is still bad compared to other dps ults
Quite literally the amount of dmg in the game is disgusting. That’s what I mean by dmg creep. Burst dmg is becoming really annoying and nerfing a consistant healer is just buffing the dmg creep more.
IDK how much mercy you play, but however you play valk, unless battle valkying, It just feels boring and unimpactful
Taking cover for elongated times while not assisting the team in the objective.
To me, this is just game smarts. This isn’t hiding to rez. Hiding to rez means you have the actual intention of outliving a majority, if not your entire team, by basically abandoning them to the struggle so you can come out and rez the team. Basically, the enemy can see your beam so you stop using it, thus you are hiding and abandoning your team for them to die, thus you come in and rez after they die.
Hide and Rez.
Yet you have yet to even attempt to provide anything except anecdotes proving the opposite. If you can provide anecdotes, so can the rest of us right? Or is this about the burdon of proof or something stupid like that? I provided my proof, and all you said was “That was disproven. Next” while not even providing the proof that’s objective, let alone not anecdotal.
We provided definitive proof this was happening. I’m sorry that it’s not “good enough” for you, but you’re just gonna have to get over it and actually respond to the claims put before you.
Do you know how scientists do research? They make a claim and then try to disprove that claim. You can’t think of everything like a court room. This isn’t an argument infront of peers. If it was, it’s pretty obvious who would win (the one with the most supporters). This has turned, effectively, into a research group. Disprove me, and I’ll believe you. Until you do that, there’s never going to be a solution.
Ah, but that’s not how this works, mate. You’re making a claim, here. That puts the burden of proof on you. In the mean time, I can do whatever the hell I please, including making a fool of myself.
History is exciting, isn’t it?
OP doesn’t even play Mercy. But he is an expert on her somehow.
Burst damage has always existed. Combos are always a thing in almost every game with abilities and such. Here’s a hint. If you’re able to outheal >50% of damage coming in, the only thing players are gonna use is combos and one shots. That’s simple countering. If the healing is constant over the second (50 per second, or 60 in old Mercy’s case), with literally no downtime, the only effective way to kill is to do all the damage in <.1 seconds. Mercy was the only one that never had to stop healing, thus, she was the only one that you had to 1 shot whomever she was healing. Every other healer either cannot out heal small portions of damage or had to stop, whether it was to reload, recharge, etc. Mercy never had to. One shots (not damage creep) was a major Product of the Mercy meta.
Damage creep is when the developers consistently buff damage on every hero via numbers (ie, everything slowly gets +20 damage or healing gets -10 across the board). This simply wasn’t happening.
Which is an opinion. While I respect your opinion, there’s quite a few Support players that also play Mercy sometimes that feel Valkyrie is fine and fun for them. It’s not right to say their opinion doesn’t matter right?
I made the claim. Someone provided the evidence while I was away. You refuted the evidence with a statement that has no factual proof or evidence in opposition to that claim and evidence provided. Thus, that claim is true until it can be argued without.
The thing you’re failing to understand is, you’re not even trying to prove something didn’t happen. All you’re doing is saying it didn’t and clapping your hands and shouting “DEBUNKED” around the world.
The claim and proof are in-front of you. You’re failing to even address those claims or acknowledge their existence.
Absolutely it is.
That’s what I always thought to. Thing is… the community at large is terrible at keeping track of what exactly their Mercy is doing. Anyone who’s played Mercy for any length of time can tell you stories of times where they got dove while standing next to a teammate and their teammate didn’t even twitch.
So… pardon me for disbelieving community perception of old Mercy.
The act of turning off your healing isn’t enough for it to be hide and rez. All 5 teammates got caught in a Grav Bomb combo? No one can out heal that, so as Old Mercy you best believe I’m turning off my healing and stepping behind something so I don’t get hit by the bomb, and Resurrecting them after the fact.
Was that hide and res? No because until those two ults got dropped I was healing and damage boosting. But did it look like it? Quite possibly.
That’s why I’m always so skeptical of claims of “Hide and Res” was rampant. Including that thread that I’ve seen linked several times.
Exactly, If it did happen it was by people who wanted to exploit it for more SR, and then there were those that were true healers who stayed with their teams and did what they needed to do using Mass Rez not as a way to exploit anything.