Mass Rez Makes a Comeback in Junkenstein's Revenge!

It the from story of the mode.

You killed everyone one and no mercy brings them back for one last fight except for reaper who can bring himself back

Let’s keep the conversation constructive, if you please. This is a discussion about Mass rez in Junkenstein’s revenge, not travelling down the holes of rabbits. Thanks for your cooperation! :blush:

I apologize, has this thread been created by me each day from the past five days in succession? I don’t recall. Do feel free to remind me though! :blush:

So, how does reworked Symmetra fit into all of this story? She wasn’t in the comic with the abilities she’s had, was she? Unless I’ve missed a comic that featured her with the new abilities (which is possible). :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Sigh you have at least 2 topics of the same title in the past 5 days. The last one was still bumped until a few hours ago. What was wrong with posting in the thread that you had already created exactly?

To be exact.


I’m talking about your conspiracy theory.


A thread that was created in the past 5 days is not the same as “making a thread every day” though, is it? And I don’t know what you’ve been infering, but to answer your previous question, no. I am not going to make a “Mass Rez makes a comeback in Junkenstien’s Revenge” thread every day now. Not sure how you came to that conclusion. :blush:

Were you? How would someone respond to

In a constructive manner? I may have missed where the conversation was to be made there, in reference to the OP posted. But do inform me! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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You are still just spamming the forums when you don’t need too just post in your already bumped thread?

Also you don’t need to spam an obnoxious Smiley face every sentence either…

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I had no malicious intent in that post, i’m simply commenting on how this post is somewhat funny?


Mass Res has always been in Junkenstein. They never changed it. Even last year when her rework was new.

I don’t believe I have. I believe I made a new thread about Mercy, 6 days previously. Is that considered spamming? Hmm… I don’t believe it is. I’m not sure I can follow you there. You made the assumption that a new thread was being made every day by me, right? After I’ve proven otherwise, there seems to be some miscommunication as to what your original statement was. So if you will please clarify, that would help greatly.

Have I made a new thread every day that talks about Mass Rez making a comeback in Junkenstein’s revenge? Yes or No? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Probably because, this year other heroes that got reworked got their heroes changed. A prime example would be Symmetra. That being said, something like this is most likely just solely to make sure the “Witch of the Wild” isn’t garbage.

I quite literally just linked you the already relevant thread you made with regards to your “Reasons why mass ress will be brought back”

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Consider this tho! symmetra was probably outside of LOS range :open_mouth:

Or maybe mass rez simply fits the PvE game mode and is better to keep than Valkyrie. I think you might be overthinking it.

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We can only hope. If Mass Rez doesn’t come back they gotta buff Mercy otherwise oh boy we’re going to be Trash Tier all over again.

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You haven’t answered the question… But are instead linking a 6 day old thread. I don’t believe that would count as a “new thread being made every day” right?

Once again, allow me to ask.

Have I made a new thread every day that talks about Mass Rez making a comeback in Junkenstein’s revenge? Yes or No? :blush:

Perhaps. I find it interesting however how Mercy was left alone, yet Symmetra was reworked. Like… If it was easier for them to leave her as she was, I wonder what pushed them to including her new version in the game mode?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Please explain to me exactly why you couldn’t just add the specific reason of your creating this thread into your already relevant topic on the same SUBJECT?

What is so hard to understand with this logic exactly?


Imagine how infuriating it would be to kill her flying around.
Specially with the hero pool we have.

Because it’s not about what’s easier, it’s about what’s better for the mode. Mass rez exists in the mode simply and entirely because the final difficulty spike after you’ve killed all the bosses is to have them all come back. That’s it. No other hero in the mode is as core as this final boss fight, so they can change as much as they want. It has no bearing on Mercy herself, or the rest of the game, just this mode.


Just stare at a fly. :slight_smile:

Your projection about how threads should be made is cute. However, you still haven’t answered the question.

Let’s not change the subject here. Shall I repeat a third and final time?

A yes or no response would suffice if you please. Thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m sure they would be able to balance it so she wasn’t frustrating to fight while flying around. They were able to change Symmy. I don’t see how changing Mercy would be any different in the game mode. Especially so since technically, Valk is “more balanced” right? :smirk:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.