The context would be : was it a successful strat more than any other?
No or else it would have been done more and her win rate would reflect that.
You’re right about the context of se exploits being conditional to other players which is what I am literally saying. It was an exploit that only existed because Mercy wasn’t doing too hot with it anyway.
This is about mass Rez flat. Mass rez with huge Rez didn’t give mercy huge win rates m it didn’t add anything or take anything away as far as her power. So do I care about some whine babies acting like it was op and took away their kills? No. Because she wasn’t op, it wasn’t her sole power, and wasn’t guaranteed to work per her win rates.
Mass Rez’s problems weren’t isolated to how “fun” it was to play against. In some applications, in chaotic settings and such, Mass Rez could be seen as unfair, or OP, or too strong, and then in other coordinated settings, it was very much the opposite.
It had a bunch of problems unfortunately. How successful or common hide n rez/huge rezzes were doesn’t really matter in some ways. That’s not to say the rework was great, or that the Valk we currently have is an awesome fit for a replacement or anything like that.
It’s important to recognize accurately all the influences. One of the things I disliked the most about Mercy discussions is how both sides nit pick what supports their narrative and ignores what doesn’t. It just makes for a chaotic conversation.