Mass Res Will Return | 10 Reasons Why

Still angry and upset. :weary:

Well, atleast I tried.


The terrors or responding to Mr Hyde. :upside_down_face:

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Strange… It’s like it’s trying to tell us something, as if it’s important… Huh… oh well. Must have been nothing of relevance. Moving right along! :blush:

That’s fine, I disagree with most of your points as well. But as to not repeat what I’ve said previously here, I’ll just reply to the points that I believe haven’t been said before.

So… Is hiding not protecting yourself? I’m sorry, but I don’t really understand the point being made here?

Mercy could rez at any time? I’m pretty sure she had a cooldown on 30 seconds from the beginning. Which patch note was she given the ability to rez any time she wanted? Or even a 10 second cooldown at any time? No, I’m pretty sure that 10 seconds was exclusively within Valkyrie… But do correct me. Regardless, how does this prove that Valkyrie was more balanced than Mass res again? :blush:

No one asked for the rework. There were lots of people who were against it, but it went live anyway. In my opinion, that’s a forced rework.

Your first sentence holds some merit. When she had Valkyrie and became a must pick, there was certainly an issue of people getting upset when a Mercy wasn’t on the team. Your second sentence? Seems to be an opinion. We’ll have to agree to disagree there! :blush:

I’m sorry, define “re-relearn”? Do you mean… Recollecting past skills? If it’s the latter, I don’t see how doing so is a problem. In fact, humans by nature are actually really good at it. It’s like riding a bike. If you rode a bike as a kid, and then as an adult drove a car, in most cases, you don’t just “forget” how to ride a bike, and getting the hang of learning how to ride one again happens a lot faster, then say, learning something entirely new. Also, the facts remain. If you have previous assets that exist, it is faster to make something with them, then if you are doing something completely new that may or may not work. If you are suggesting that they are better off sticking with Valk and trying something new with it, instead of a revert. Let me ask then, what can they do at this point that would make Mercy more impactful, rewarding, and engaging to play with, and against, that isn’t resurrection? I’m interested to see your suggestions. :blush:

Yup they would! You do realize that after Mass res, there is a wait time before resurrected players can move around right? And if we want to be technical, we can then add a cast time, LoS and make her and her team mates vulnerable to damage with damage reduction. Alas, problem solved. That was easy! :blush:

I’m sorry, are you me? Do you know me? If the answer to both of those is “No”, explain to me how you are able to speak for me in terms of what “I know” in terms of what they are talking about? This answer sounds to be a projected opinion on what you think I should know. Not based on fact. :blush:

Oh, do you have Jeff saying “Mass res is not going to come back”? I would like to see a source of him saying those exact words, and not just assumptions on what you think he said. If you please. :blush:

I am going to have to disagree with you there. We’re beginning to dwell into the “what if’s” portion of why either of us think people hate rez on E, instead of actual facts. We don’t speak for everyone, and so, our opinions are subjective. Thanks for offering your opinion nonetheless however! We’re going to have to just agree to disagree on it. :slight_smile:

To me, a successful hero is one that is truly fair, engaging, balanced, and rewarding to play. I would consider Ana, Moira, and Zen as balanced heroes right now, as they are all viable, rewarding to play, and fair to play with and against. I believe Mercy is balanced and fair to play against, but is unengaging and unrewarding to play with. Her fallen pickratres, below average winrates, and abysmally broken on-fire rate are all evidence of a hero that is not successful except for people who play against her, and that is why bringing her back to where she was truly fun, fair and balanced, engaged, rewarding, and impactful, with a revert + the tweaks (LoS, damage reduction, and a tiny cast time), is the best way to bring Mercy back to her former glory. But hey, if you disagree, that’s fine. That’s just my opinion. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Stop. You’re not helping your case.

Just move on and hopefully one day Xavvy will finish their response as they’ve been at it for ages now. Maybe you can quote that. If not, at least you can quote Titaniums post. Cuz lets be real… You don’t have a damn thing worth hearing to listen to.

:blush: What a surprise! You have nothing to say against the points I brought up! :blush: Adorable…

Lol Xavvy, never change.

You really are extremely fortunate. :frowning:

Huh? Is this just another attempt at acting like my life is lackluster while you completely avoid everything on point that I’ve said?

If so, carry on child. Im sure this is pretty much the epitome of your ability to discuss a topic objectively. Just snide little personal assumptions and attacks. Just like Xavvy.

My life would have to be very sad to care wtf you people say about it.

Edit: I am enjoying this so much considering what both of you have said towards people that level hostility toward the Mercy community. This is rich and hypocritical af. I love it.

Nothing saving 'em from the white light now.


I’d be fine with it if both of them hadn’t tried to be this “be respectful and considerate” type of people when it came to other people being hostile toward Mercy mains etc.

Now, here these white knights are, just ONLY offering me personal insults and assumptions. It’s hilarious…

Like really? Do you have such poor memories this stuff doesn’t seem hypocritical to you?

Oh I was just responding to the training bot bit. D: I am purposefully staying as far away from Mercy Discourse as I can as it’s the closest thing to a dead end topic that exists on here.

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The training bot bit was honestly the only thing worth while to come from this thread…

Almost 1k responses…


You’re free to join me if you’d like. As with any bad aura, it loses it’s effectiveness the more you ignore it and appreciate it’s lack of existence. Especially after agreeing to disagree with them and promising them that you’ll ignore them from now on before hand.

After laying the ground work, you essentially just leave them to their own devices. And they are so desperate for your attention at that point, they’ll become almost obsessed with you, and replying to everything you say. This is a great ego booster by the way, so I highly suggest trying it yourself when you’re feeling ignored :heart:

I’ve found it quite amusing, and it really helps you in random instances where they essentially keep your threads alive for you as well, since of course, they are nothing without you at this point and have to now always justify their worth through which reply they can get you to respond to. hehe :blush:

No need to stoop down to their level and argue with them, they’ll do the stooping all on their own for you, as observed below :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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They stated she is supposed to pump out the most healing over the course of the match. This implies she is supposed to at least contend for a place in the main healer role, just in a different way to Ana and Moira. She is a single target only main healer with no burst or aoe capability. Valkyrie of course ruins this, and takes all the skill out of her so that should probably go away.

Anyone who played Mercy on 60hp/s knows if you spent time just pocketing people instead of splitting your healing among the team with good priorization, your healing would be abysmal and you were a waste to your team.

Now, on 50 you have no choice but to pocket those who are generally furthest from the fight, which is a sign of someone who is more of an off-support but they key features of off supports, are that they usually have HUGELY powerful ultimates because they sacrifice so much to normal healing potential to do so and stop dealing damage to use their ultimates. Show me Mercy’s damage and boost numbers versus her healing numbers compared to any other support. Now show me her ultimate that would match that of an off-support to warrant being a pocket. Because she now takes up an off support slot, you lose out of Trans or Sound Barrier, this is hugely detrimental to the team because they will become more likely to lose team fights that have ults.

A pocket support with no huge defensive ult has no place in the game, because you lose out on a better ultimate for team fights by having it take an off-support slot.


Yeah ignorance is bliss. Life giving off a bad aura? Just ignore.

I don’t recall agreeing to disagree, I might have though. Tbh what I would say is it’s in your best interest to not discuss things with me. You can’t keep up.

Huh? Is this your attempt to make yourself feel good for being unable to contest my retorts to your statements? Whatever helps you sleep, man.

I’m not one to keep threads alive. I don’t necro, and I’ve failed to respond to lots said to me as to not necro a thread.

But hey, whatever helps you.

I’m not stooping down to your level. I’m so far above your level. I’d have to stoop down to reach you. You understand, yeah?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of Pink Sunrises.
Quest :blue_heart:

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The Passive Aggressiveness from the OP in this thread is P A I N F U L.


Gotcha. Right now, I’m just seeing where this thread will go. I have this weird feeling that it’s going to get locked. :thinking:

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You’re stooping pretty darn low with the pettiness of this whole post. But what do I know? I’m just an observer. Quest shouldn’t be giving it back, but disguising this under a thin, somewhat-patronizing veil of civility and emojis is arguably worse, especially given the whole “anti toxicity towards Mercy mains” dialogue. You should be doing better, given you’re the OP of this thread and all. Do better.


The beauty is they can’t even realize how painfully passive aggressive it is.

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This is very true. I have no problem getting silenced for this, as I have for oh so many things. However, trying to take the higher road clearly failed… So I said hell with it. Fire with fire.

What would I know? I’m just a noisy goblin.


Seems like both sides are somewhat guilty of something.