Make Symm support again!

I don’t. Her gun is kind of weird. I think with the increased charge time and I think they reduced the ammo she’s low on ammo once she hits level 3 unless there’s a barrier tank and it’s so annoying.

I hated Symmetra on support.

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Using bad evidence because it’s the only evidence there is doesn’t make it valid though. The only acceptable conclusion to draw with inadequate evidence is that you can draw no conclusion.

And for the record, I think she’s in a better place than before. She just needs her primary reworked again.

NO heal=NO support
shield generator was easy to destroy and most its hiding spot was known to most players.

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Unfortunately in a game like Overwatch, support is synonymous with healing. That’s just the nature of the beast. Sym could never be a support hero without heals, and heals just don’t fit into her kit in any way. I personally feel that moving her to damage was the correct thing to do and I like Sym 3.0 better than 2.0 overall. (But not by much!)

That being said, it’s clear that Sym is meant to be a hybrid damage/utility/supportish character. She offers utility through TP and her ult is a textbook support ult. I wish they’d embrace this aspect a bit more and return the one supportive element of Sym that has been present on her since beta: Giving shield HP.

Whether returning photon shield 1.0 (25 blue HP) on the interact key, or some sort of aura/passive, or even the option to deploy a weak shield gen instead of the teleporter… If they brought this aspect back the character would feel more complete and I think a lot more diehard Sym fans (and their teammates!) would be much happier.

Like teleporter, and ult, but yea SUPPORT :smiley:

I used to play s1 Sym a long time ago.
Her shieldpack on E was my favorite ability. She should’ve had that and 2.0’s teleporter/shield gen and then she could be a support. A defensive enhancing support that I’ve wanted forever.

(Brig could’ve been that but the armor on her heal doesn’t stay and you don’t always have ult.)

Old sym was a tank slayer when mercy pocketed you with full charge on primary. Sym to me needs to fill the same role as Torbjorn. A hero with niche damage but also supports their team with some level of shield or armor.

Bring back sym’s primary and secondary fire.
Bring back 6 turrets because with 6 you could turn the map into an alert system for enemy flankers. That and if you had them set up on point it was a web of death.
Leave throwable turrets and leave the destruction in the air properties

Other Ideas:
shield gen as an ability that is LOS based so that you can’t hide it in a corner never to be seen. It also won’t stay up permanently as it degrades fairly quickly.
Teleporter can be destroyed by player when ever. It stays up forever otherwise.
Primary Fire: if used on teammates will act as shield health for the duration of ammo and lock on. ammo will degrade faster when team mate takes damage. Shield will stay for a little bit after use.
Projectile shield: 4 turrets are thrown and will expand infinitely unless barrier takes too much damage or two of the turrets are destroyed. This could be used to wall off a choke or thrown to protect you from bomb.

Ultimate: Like molten core all of her abilities boost. Her turrets do more damage, her shield gen gives more shield her primary fire goes higher.
Ultimate: Light projections She creates copies of herself that will attack the enemy. The number of copies depends on how many turrets she has up. They will spawn from each turret location. so a 6v6 can turn into 12 v 6.

Make her a shield-reliable support hero.

1) Her turrets could give the closest hero/champ 25 shield [stackable with each turret] (with the beams attatched) and they can still be thrown like current sym. (GREAT for stationary heroes like Reign or Orisa.)

2) Her E could be smth like a burst heal. Depending on how many stacks the hero has, she could detonate the turrets to give AOE heals.

3) Her ult could create a teleporter (that gives shields like the obsolete Shield generator) that teleports people from respawn zone like sym 1.0 and 2.0.

Finally, keep her primary + secondary as it is.
Bam, a support sym.

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I really do miss Sym 1.0’s shields though. The beeping when it went down gave teammates a warning they were being shot at. Felt like halo.

sym 2.0 couldn’t work. She was doomed to be either completely useless or completely broken, no in between.
Sym 3.0 sucks and has problems, but can be fixed and made into a powerful hero.
Really, i’d just remove the ramp up damage mechanic all together. It made sense to balance an unavoidable lock-on beam, but on a beam that requires aim 4 seconds of perfect aim are too much, especially in overwatch.
No other hero requires 4 seconds of perfect aim to do their damage.

Symmetra should really become a healer.

Then it would at least be meritable to play her to the general public.

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She was never really a support(with heals) in the first place. She never really fit in the support category with her massive microwave damage.

I think an issue here is that A_Seagul made her popular. I see people picking her all the time but they dont have mic and they dont use TP well. They see Seagul, being one of the best projectile players out there, using her and winning and they say “Hmm… I c4N D00 TH/\t!” Then they fail…

I don’t want Symmetra as a support again, she wasn’t a good support before, much like she’s not a good DPS now.

She has never really been all that she could be, in any of her iterations. The reason for this is a lack of commitment by the devs to truly slot her into a role she’s designed to fulfill.

If she takes a DPS slot, she must do adequate DPS. If she takes a support slot, she has to be able to put some kind of health back on her team, whether it be shield health or actual healing.

As it stands now, she does neither of these things sufficiently to be utilized in these slots over other DPS/Healer picks.

The only way that she will ever be taken seriously, is if her DPS is on par with other DPS characters, and her ability for take downs is on par with other DPS characters. The problem that exists with Symmetra currently is that she can add damage to the enemy team, but she doesn’t secure kills. All this ends up doing is giving the enemy teams healers ultimate generation.

There is only one way to resolve this issue: She needs to be able to take down an enemy hero, and have self sustain while doing so. Her health pool is currently insufficient for this task. She needs more health to survive in the role she’s meant to fulfill, or some other means of damage mitigation that allow her to sustain on the field of battle. She also needs to have her primary fully realized, and the gimmick portion of her primary removed. Either remove the ramp up from her weapon completely, and make it a static damage number, or remove the lower portion of her ramp up damage number to be something equal to, or better than her secondary fire.

Something needs to be done about her primary weapon. She is simply unable to secure kills with it until it ramps up to full DPS values, and even then she lacks the sustainability to fully utilize the weapon due to a lack of health.

If her primary were to synergize with her entire kit, and provide shield health for using it, I could see her longevity increased on the battlefield, and her survival rate go up considerably.

Fix those glaring issues, and Symmetra will adequately fill a DPS slot, and not have the rest of the team questioning the viability of using her in a team comp.

Changes I would make if I was in charge:

  • Primary fire will lock on as on, but not as good as the old Sym gun, ie: smaller tolerance for errors
  • Secondary fire will also bounce around based on how long u charge it, but only the final collision will do splash damage.
  • Max sentries increased to 4 but sentries have to be charged in order to shoot them long distance. Also,
  • Teleporter max distance increased. Deployment time based on distance.
  • Ultimate: Enemies can walk through it, but have to hold the walk button & press up against the wall for 2 secs before they can actually pass through it. At least this way it would be slightly easier to play keep-away. Allies can pass through the wall for a short shield regen.
  • Add a voice line where she comments about Genji’s cybernetic limbs.
  • Add a voice line where she suggests Sombra works for Viska
  • Also her clothes are holograms so breaking her shield will also break her clothes.

Every time I log into the game I remember the good times I had with Symmetra. But now its rare for me to want to log on and play because of this garbage rework. :slight_smile:

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symm is respectable now. For the love of Jeff please don’t change that

Where did you get the data to say that most Sym mains don’t like it? I believe most Sym mains like the rework. She still gets the hate as before but it is decreased a lot after the reworks.

Her turrets do a ridiculous amount of damage compared to old ones. I think a major part of her damage comes from her turrets now.

It is true that her primary fire is in a questionable state. But if they manage to workouts the kinks with it she will be in a good spot.

I don’t need somebody asking for a support and that one dude picks a Symmetra knowing that’s not what we were talking about.
If she goes support, she becomes a healer.