Make Symm support again!

former sym main, and I disagree with your assessment.

I find her new turrets much more useful than the old ones. And i don’t mind a clear vision of what sym is supposed to be by being in the damage catagory.

My only qualm is that she isn’t a damage category worthy hero right now.

The new primary fire is useless and her health is too low for a short range hero in the current balance of the game. if they ever put her on par with other damage heroes I’m fine with her in the damage category.

I love both, so give us Sanjay with Sym’s old kit and tweaks.

The reverse is fine too.

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New ult is good, turrets are better and worse at the same time (pretty situational) but the “hide the shield gen” and the “find the shield gen” minigame was a fun kit of hers and we definitely need it back.

But she was played in OWL so that kind of teleporter will never get removed now…

of course she did symmetra nr1 throw pick character in ow and she has bad rep since season 1.

do you think all that goes away after 1 rework.

i would not look at her pick rate too much as it is a false indicator how sym really is.
she cant really compate against heroes like Hanzo, Widow or even Genji who is getting Nano boosted.

She’d be so much better if she could give allies Barrier heals that were big but went away after a while, so the other support would have time to heal people up. And bring back Shield Gen too, I like the new Photon Barrier, but I prefer her old ult.


frankly I’m sick and tired of “symm mains” speaking for everyone. I’m a builder main across 6 different competitive FPS. and I couldn’t be happier with Symm in her current state. Builders are always a bit clunky but that’s why i love playing them. if she was more fluid like say a typical projectile/beam character i probly wouldn’t even play her.
basicly get off your high horse and stop acting like your the voice of all builder mains. because your not.


Yeah, but her abysmal pickrate shows that a lot of people don’t like her and this [second] rework failed as well so…let people complain?

her pickrate isn’t abysmall >.> most builder mains have private profiles. so there’s no data for her anymore.

Suuuuuuure, I totally buy that buddy…

buy it or not it’s true.

Yeah, I’m not gonna play this “its true because I said so” game with you, bye.

kinda defeats the purpose of being on a forum then… this is litterally a place to say stuff is true because one person says so. and split up in our opinionated groups

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They don’t know how to design shield support properly unlike Heroes of the Storm developers. Not that I am saying their shield support version isn’t any better, but it’s miles ahead of Overwatch concept. I even gave them some concepts to enhance Symmetra support side, but perhaps that was not their intention from the beginning, but here we have Brigitte.

i like where the new symm is. by the way i almost exclusively use her secondary fire because it is absolutely lethal in some cases. i like to sit back behind my team constantly spamming full charged seconadary fire shots while constantly re enabling my turrets if taken down. also i dont mind the teleporter either, it makes for good maneuverability. for the most part i never minded either of the symmetras old or new, but i really like this one

They’ve finally accepted that, so long as the matchmaker can claim “too many supports,” then only characters who can legitimately replace a healer (ie, another healer) should be there. Symmetra could never replace a healer, forcing triple-support comps when she was run.

So either give some ideas for how Symmetra can heal, or let’s keep her in the damage category where she belongs.

Her heals would be shield hp, but regenerating during combat instead of being out of combat. Sym 1.0’s cards always calculated how much shield hp was recovered after combat, but that stat stopped when Sym 2.0 came live.

Aside of Shield Generator giving 75 Barrier to everyone, she could have “Reinforcement Turrets” (when using her turrets, press Left Click to deploy a Sentry or Right Click to deploy a Reinforcer, like Moira’s orbs). The Reinforcement Turret would “heal” the target with Barrier Health(like Lucio and Doomfist) at 60 BP/s. the barrier would last 5s then start to decay.

This way you could play Symm offensively by placing Sentry turrets, or defensive by placing Reinforcement Turrets on the point to act like Healthpacks for the team.

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She still needs some fine-tuning, but the current iteration of Sym is far superior than her previous ones from a gameplay standpoint.

Her kit encourages her to be more active than 2.0 while giving unique solutions for passing chokes and flanking. Old SG and TP were set it and forget it abilities. New photon barrier ult still has the potential to block ultimates like it used to, but it also drastically turns any teamfight into your team’s favor by shield dancing. This also increases Sym’s ability to charge her primary fire by giving her the survivability she needs. Her primary fire change WAS NEEDED! Her power would always be gated and even more niche if it stayed the same. With primary 3.0, we now have room for improvements without the Devs feeling like she will stomp low ranks if she gets any buffs.

Sym is way more active and engaging than 2.0. I’ve been a fan of her since beta, but it wasn’t until now that her kit has reached the potential I always expected it to. She still needs some qol adjustments, but overall I consider this rework a success.

They tried healing turrets and it didn’t work because Overwatch was apparently too faced paced for it. I think she could have had an ability to create health pack spawn points out of hard light.

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