Make smurf bannable,

What government rules? Freedom of speech does not remove you from consequences of that speech. If it is speech against ToS that you agree to by making an account then it is in their rights to ban you.

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Yup. Overwatch is way worse

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Does League have voice chat? I haven’t played it in a while.

Being part of an online service is more akin to being a guest in someone’s household. You can get thrown out even if you say/do something that’s perfectly legal, cuz you’re operating under their houserules.

That being said, I can agree that it’s silly to be banned for saying WT*, if that actually has happened. Silly, but within their rights, I s’pose.


Its pretty easy to tell whenb someone is massively outplayiung a bracket.

If a widow is solo carrying a silver game… yeah we know what is up. If blizzard is serious about overwatch 2 they must do something about the smurf epidemic. Silver is absolutely infested with them.

The last 2 days pretty every game is decided by whoever gets the smurf. When 1 game you go -1 KDR and the next you have more deaths than elims yeah its clear there is an issue.

I would rather have 3 close losses in a row where the games were competitive than have this binary stomp or get curbstomped w/l

In any given game where their opponents could be playing like bots? Sure. But there is no way to determine a smurf from a player who is doing well or someone who is inconsistent. If anyone can come up with a way to automatically detect it that won’t either have a lot of false positives or just be useless since when throwing smurfs could just keep their stats close to decent but oops we lost. Oops I missed a key shot that lost us the game or oops I missed with my ult, guess we lose.

Not to mention in lower ranks a player can be there for any number of reasons. They could have great aim that, if people don’t use cover and just stand in the open, leads to a lot of easy kills for them, but they may not play with their team at all and have horrible positioning leading to a lot of losses as well. Or they could be an extremely smart play, who can punish players when they notice that they are out of position or make a mistake but have inconsistent or even bad aim, leading to a lot of losses due to missed opportunities. A player could even be decent mechanically and know what to punish when but just simply play too aggressively, leading to a lot of losses due to feeding. All of these have behaviors that could lead to them doing well enough to be labeled a “smurf” all while being exactly where they belong.


U make it like it’s magic to detect a smurf, it’s easy. If someone pops of with unusual good aim, and strategies (pocket mercy as example) is worth to look closer the next games and then ban him. It’s really not that hard,many of us can identify smurfs accurate, give me some replay codes and I can tell you. It’s more the game sense then the aim

A pocket Mercy is an unusual good strategy? So most Ashe and Pharah players are just smurfing?

I’m saying that smurfs that want to can mask their play, so good aim looks like just a good/lucky shot. Same way people throwing can make an ult they throw off the map look like “oops I missed”. Even then the issue is not noticing obvious smurfs. Those who smurf and don’t care to hide it also throw and don’t care to hide it. You act like it’s so easy to tell a smurf from someone who is doing well and given by the amount of people saying they get a smurf in every single game they have most people just think they only lose because of smurfs (only to show replays and be proven wrong). I’ve been called out as a smurf several times in games that I’m just doing well in, same thing with being called out as throwing in a game I’m struggling in. People in low ranks are naturally inconsistent and no automated system will ever tell the difference.


I see, your not even remotely interested in a real discussion. Just for hate and trolling.

Lol really? Gotta love these forums. “Oh someone disagreed with me, pshhh obvious troll REEEEEEE”

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Technically it’s banable because you buy a low ranked acc or throw games and these are reportable, but that weeb streamer did it on stream(2,5-3k viewers) and didn’t got punishment so far I know…so who knows really.


That’s what drives me crazy. When people literally stream it, at which point there is actual proof that it is the same person who has an account at a higher rank breaking ToS by either buying an account off of someone or by throwing. Only to have nothing happen because the streams/videos aren’t ever considered.


I would just go for one account per person if I make a decision based on gameplay experience. There would be ways to do this by for example asking the SSN.

That’s not a good idea. What do you ask for outside of the US where there is no SSN (not to mention what a horrible idea it is to generally give out your SSN to anything other than absolutely necessary). Even SMS protect or one account per IP doesn’t work since some people don’t have access to a phone that can SMS (and the internet free phone numbers don’t work for SMS protect, I used to work at a bank and those numbers are not usable for any SMS protect system) and multiple people could want to play the game while living in the same house.

Other countries have codes on their ID for example.

SMS does not work, that’s why I didn’t propose it

I don’t think Blizz would ever do that, because so many people buy alts, but if they want their comp mode to be taken seriously, they should

I’m pretty sure there’s also a legal issue though for them asking SSN, at least in the US.

Smurfing is a punishable offense.

Smurfing = manipulating the matchmaker in some way to put you in games far below your skill level. Any manipulation of the the matchmaker is punishable.

What is however not punishable is buying multiple accounts and why should it be? Punishing buying multiple accounts would be the same as punishing a person for buying multiple refrigerators.

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This. There is no reason to punish someone for having alt accounts if they want to use them. The moment it becomes an issue is when the player starts either throwing in order to stay at a rank they want to, or selling boosts.

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Because ingame bans and punishments lose their meaning, people don’t care how they behave. (smurfing or not)

That’s why you hold IP bans when necessary but only in extreme cases. Yes VPN’s exist but the level that they need to go to just to work around a ban at that point is up to them. Plus if they start to ban faster then you need to care because you’ll end up spending 20-60 dollars a month on new accounts.