I laughed way too hard at this. ASOUE flashbacks.
In the Animated Short for Overwatch 2 she says “Does that mean Overughhwatch is bak togethguur?” Which clearly states she doesn’t have any affiliation with Overwatch
she has a futuristic FAMAS, she wins by defult
I want her too I made sure to feature her in my GMV for OW lol
inb4 they add her in 6 months after delaying OW2 and she’s another DPS. KEKW
As long as this Netflix series is not centered around some cops that are part of the Overwatch universe (jus like this Paris Police Lady), I’m fine with it.
I rather get police omnic who was there with her in cinematic as a hero.
I know right
Brig also looked kind of just torbs daughter and look at where she’s now.
But she trained with Reinhardt and builded her own armor and weapons likely learning from Torb
That girl is just a police officer
But she likely has years of practice and can be recruited by a company that will give her something to fight alongside overwatch. This is just a fiction buddy, are we even allowed to dream anymore?
I really like to see the boy from the very first cinematic (the one that punches widow with the DoomFist gauntlet) as the newest recruit.
Along these lines I was hoping we’d get the fly on the wall out of the Dragon’s cinematic, he was a cool design and I keep thinking of all the neat things in his kit. Heck, he might even be Talon! You can’t see him but he was there and should be a playable character worth 6 months of development time.
She’s no doubt at maximum levels of waifuosity.
He does seem like he’d grow up and join the team, since he was brave enough to interfere with the battle,
he would be motivated to fight to protect his little brother,
and he could be the twink male hero some people have been asking for since launch
She has a futuristic Famas. So that should give the idea on how her gunplay is.