Make mercy fun again pls

can u uhh revert the changes to mercy’s movement or atleast revert it to overwatch 1 mercy…its extremely boring to play mercy…mercy’s probably fun to play against her…yeah she’s probably arguably stronger than before…i dont care about being her the strongest…nerf her damage boost to 20% and while rezzing make sure she dosent have any mobility( those insane under the bridge and behind the wall rez)…nerf her healing… is this too much to ask?

before the february 7th patch…even when i lost matches as mercy i had so much fun with her movement and now? we don need to talk about that


The weird metric used to balance supports it’s kinda like this

Healing per second
And utility.

How killable is the support? How much healing does the support do or how killable is something a support is healing? And what unique abilities do they have to enable their team to secure kills or deny the enemy from securing kills.

Mercy they chose to nerf her survivability.
Made what she’s healing harder to kill. And left her utilty(dmg boost/Rez) unchanged.

They could have nerfed dmg boost, Rez, or her healing instead of her personal survivability.

Being a the kill target isn’t very fun… that’s what people do now.

They should have just moved her healing to 45-50hps and left her alone. After all a dps doesn’t need 70hps 45 is plenty

That’s cute. I played Mercy with 50 hps in Overwatch1, and she was awful for like a year and a half.

Now with a lot more damage in Overwatch2 and one less tank to help with damage mitigation, you want her to have 50 hps or less?!

Get out of here with these suggestions.

I’m so sick of people making suggestions for Mercy when they clearly don’t play the hero.


Mercy at 50 hps or lower is bad esp if you want to move her out of the pocket play style. This is not a solution.

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That would make any game with mercy on your team unplayable for tanks. They said she was meant to be a main healer, this change made it so she is one again. I like the healing change, every healer needs a burst heal or they can’t help their tank at all.

Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

I got a few takes on the issue

In the pro scene mercy was never a main healer. She was a main support (completely different things), meaning that her role is just like lúcio, to support the team through other ways than healing. Lucio gives speed boost and it’s used more than healing boost. Mercy’s main role was damage boosting and the rez.

Flex supports or “main healers” are heroes like ana, bap, etc who can heal you a lot with shots and their main function to support the team is that: greater healing overall.

So technically no. Mercy was never a “main healer” but a “main support”. Too bad the devs didn’t understand this.

No, mercy was once a main healer who could work with lucio. Lucio being the offhealer. She had 60hps once. Now she can main heal again. She can actually heal tanks now.