Make McCree bi Blizzard

So he can be the lady killer he is, but also be in a committed relationship with me when he’s not on missions


I am going have to contest this in the court of law, as I seem to have already claimed McRee as mine.


Um McCree said Bob’s name approx 4 times during the short while he said Ashe’s 3 times, he’s got a thing for bob confrIMED
(I didn’t actually count so don’t fact check me)


see??? it was planned all along!!!

he should be straight…with a playful frienemy sexual tension thing going on with ashe

kinda like he already does…just with more confirmation


There’s plenty of McCream to go around.

He’ll need another buff to his hammer-the-fan ability.

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Small brain: McCree is straight and into Ashe

Big brain: McCree is bi, he likes everyone

Galaxy brain: McCree is ace and no one gets to have him


let him be pan, the omnics can get some of him too, everyone’s happy

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they should honestly just never address this with mccree…there will be insane backlash no matter how they handle it…better off to just leave it a mystery

McHanzo 2020 reveal confirmed.

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I mean, they had no trouble killing off widowtracer and any soldier pairing, yet they were so quick to shut down mcashe… hm…

While I get what you mean, I don’t think it’s sensible to say it’s unrealistic for him to like men just because of his personality, masculine traits, and that he’s from Texas.

I don’t think we need to know how every character identifies. Just like we don’t go around asking everyone we know their sexual orientation.

Good thing the story takes place in 2077 then


it definitely did happen in the old days, good old history tells us that the wild west was for men who didnt want to settle into marriages with women and oftentimes engaged in sexual behavior or romances with other men. I think hes actually from new mexico or arizona. What you’re thinking of are cowboy movies, which were commonly filmed in Spain and had a lovely touch of hollywood editing out reality :joy:

2nd: what are is ‘macho’ behavior or what are his ‘hyper masculine’ (Fixed that for you) traits.


Ashe wears a thumb ring on her Gangster and Mobster skins.

Now, I read that could mean many things but the most prominent one that shows is that is usually means she could be gay?

I dunno. Just what I saw and read.

Would work just as well bi, or pan, just flirting with every thing and everyone.

Also Broke back Mountain

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Well we do see him flirting with a few people, (mainly pilot in Retribution, and a few voice lines that could be taken that way) Not saying he isn’t ace, but he does likes to flirt

First…Mcree is living in the future not cowboy days. So Ashe being the leader of a gang is meaningless.

2nd and even worse,…Mcree and Ashe are living in THE FUTURE, they are both filthy cos-players, not actual cowboys.

There is probably a Naruto gang running around in the Overwatch universe as well. And Moira was obviously a former member in her youth.