Make it so sombra can stick her translocator to the ceiling so I can drop down on people while screaming in a Batman voice

I approve this so much !

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Jeff, you know you want this. Get Carolina on the phone. :phone:

Puts on Morpheus glasses, “She is The One”


I know you want a Batman vibe, but I can’t stop thinking how cool that would look with the Demon Hunter skin, especially on one of the darker maps.

Only if Sombra says in a deep, serious voice “Where’s the fun in playing fair?”

Nah she just growls “BOOP” at people

This is the best idea ever man, imagine for halloween their is a batman skin too. Omg I’m geeking out.

kills you in Spanish

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Hero 32 confirmed: Agent Smith

Sombra in a trench coat and shades AND sombra in a business suit

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