Make it so Dva can't eat Moira orb

Biggest lie in all of gaming :joy:

Not nano boost. I can’t even see how one can even prevent Ana from successfully nano boosting her ally, other than actions caused by her own teammate’s stupid behavior, or if Ana herself mistakenly boosts the wrong person. I’d love to be able to eat Ana’s ultimate with Defense Matrix, as many Ana players can be just as obvious as a Zarya or a Mei in telegraphing their intent to ult.

I suppose I would accept some other Ana buff to counter D.Va should that happen, or maybe they could change her nano boost ultimate and turn it into some kind of laser or gas that affects only one of her allies.

doomfist would have a word with you

It’s not just supposed to eat bullets and also why?

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Not the correct nerf to Dva.

Make it so she can’t defense matrix and mini missile at the same time.

It’s balanced and it’s fine. It’s not what Moira needs.

I play both.

The right buff to moira would be going back on the “bug fix” that nobody other than the devs knew to be a “bug”.

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How about no.

20 charrrrrrrrrr

+1 her ‘bug’ was never, EVER thought of by the player base as an issue. Now that the ‘bug’ is fixed the player base has spoken that its unnecessary and a bad change, yet it remains.

How does a Moira healing orb pass through a shield and not bounce off of it yet her biotic grasp/gas can’t?

Talk about inconsistency…

Mercy’s beam is similar tech and it goes through shield.

Lucios aura is similar tech, and is not blocked in any way by shields, it should be by all means if Moira’s special sauce is…

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It’s almost like games get updates and changes as time goes by.

It’s not important? Fine… Just let this orb be invincible against the matrix

Yeah, what about it?

I think that matrix SHOULD eat orb. I’m just saying that your logic doesn’t fly far.


Moira’s orb only has 2 counters, Genji and DVA. I think that’s more than fair

Not much to explain. Moira’s doesn’t need her orbs to be immune to matrix, it doesn’t really help anyone. That being said, creating inconsistency is not a valid reason to strike down a balance idea, that just limits options without context. For example: Mercy being unable to boost dragon strike is inconsistent because she can boost every other ult (besides rip tire cuz its alive) but it’s a good balance decision because it takes an unstoppable combo out of the game.

Tbh, deep down i dislike the direction of dragonstrike nerf for obvious reason, it isn’t The overpowered part of Hanzo, it’s the storm arrow charging the ultimate way too fast, and gravdragon isn’t exactly a cheap combo, you need two seperate ultimate plus mercy to accomplish that so it is expensive and pretty acceptable, dragonstrike itself is a pretty bad ult outside the combo, we never have a problem with gravstrike in the past, but it’s suddenly overpowered, but it is because of storm arrow not dragonstrike itself, dragonstrike never had any change

Or maybe we can fix the surfaces it bounces on so when I throw it at a wall to ricochet it toward a teammate it doesn’t suddenly go sky high for little to no reason other than some tiny map detail.

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Well yeah, storm arrows it OP but gravdragon is a problem too. Before, having Zarya, Hanzo, and Mercy on the same team wasn’t worth the combo, especially because Zarya is and Hanzo was easy to exploit. Now Hanzo, Zarya, and Mercy are worth running together: so gravdragons is practical enough to be relevant. The problem with the combo is that nothing can block it. Teamwork should be rewarded, but it doesn’t justify a tactic that nothing, not even enemy teamwork, can stop.

Make it so Dva can’t eat Mei Ultimate :stuck_out_tongue: