Make "Avoid as teammate" 20-50 players. Maybe even more

We batted around this issue a ton on the old community forum. The problem with unlimited list size, even if it had no impact on queue time is simply that I don’t trust your list, at all.

Why should you, a random player at some given SR, be able to have total say as to who is or isn’t on the team for all the rest of your team too? As if your subjective whimsy like reason to avoid a person is anything more than personal issues with a given player.
Why should the other team get nothing but “avoided” player from your team’s lists?

If the player base is THAT much of a problem for you go to LFG, build your own team, build a friends list of 100+ people and only play in stacks etc. The tool set is there, you’re just not using it.

I can see 5-7 avoids maybe… I would even be fine with a 2nd category that was like avoid for 1 hour only. Being in most cases you never see the player again, unless one is at the very edges of the SR ranges.
Maybe more avoids for gold, less for higher SR with less pop? Like give gold 10, plat 7, 3k+ just 5. Maybe 10 for all QP/arcade.

If SR is hard to earn, you are at your peak or past your skill. You need to improve to keep climbing.

I dont know what your rank is, but up to diamond the meta is feeding the enemy, and the team that feeds less wins… Sometimes. To do that you don’t need specific heroes, So…

If you are like GM I take it all back.

Its Funny that the only people who don’t see this as a problem have either a private profile, or have never made it out of Diamond. Think about the top of the leaderboards and why do you play. Don’t you want to play with a team, that all have mics, with 5 other like minded individuals. You guys are not in a LFG, or do any of you even know each other. Just 5 like minded individuals who all know how to play the game as if it was happening on an Overwatch League Stage. I mean think about it, I hear low ranks complain everyday hoping just to get at least Masters Once in their Lifetime. Do you Honestly think you will enjoy masters? I mean torb is good now, still very technical soo you definitely need great skill to play this hero at a high level. But back in the older seasons this man was a joke. One trick torb mains making top500 on your team every game. Like especially before the “Avoid as Teammate” came out. (Early season 1 didn’t have this problem because of the “Avoid Player” option very early in the game). Like can you even imagine Grandmaster games where old Support Symmtra is your only healer for some reason. And Torb and 3 other dps are crying down your ear while you have all golds. Talk about frustrating, the game is getting better now. But how long will the community put up with this when many other great games have come out. I want this game to be good again, and if it weren’t for Competitive Team Deathmatch, I’d still be playing Call of Duty Bo4. I literally only place at the end of the season, get my competitive points, buy a new gold weapon and hop off. This game is not fun anymore, there’s no way the Overwatch Dev team is playing the same game we are. It would never be in the state it is in now if they did.

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The implications for queue times would be massive if you let 12 people in a game avoid 50 players. In some rank tiers, that could be the entire player base.

Somewhere around 5-8 might be reasonable. But really, just remove someone to make room for whoever was in your last game. If you avoid someone for your next queue, the chance of them being on your team later in the day is slim to none.

Queue times are long enough as is no no no no no

Step 1: avoid
Step 2: play a few games
Step 3: remove avoid

Can’t we all have just 3 avoids? One of the slots is permanent and has the OP on it by default!


Wasn’t like that at the very beginning of the game?
And they had to remove it because people keep avoiding really good players (to avoid getting destroyed) thus giving 20mins+ queue time to those players.

I do not know if it’s true. it’s something that a read when beyblade meta was a thing.

Can we stop necro-ing posts? Like… 2 months ago dang lol

Congratulations on needle-quoting to misrepresent what I said, so let’s focus on the next sentence that you cut out: “and only honor the first N players it finds matched in that list, to prevent abuse.” - ie, the first N from that list it finds of players online and currently searching for games.

If a player has 100 people in his avoid list, I’m not saying the game should honour all 100 avoids. What I’ve clearly said is that it becomes broken the moment those players on a persons avoid list are offline and not actively or currently playing - they’re wasted spots.

it’s not a misrepresentation.
Your little N statement doesn’t solve the problem of huge avoid lists are like turning match making over to the player base to some degree. It also doesn’t change anything about the issue of my lack of trust in your list.

It would be filled with highly subjective bans, robbing those players who like it or not earned their SR ranking to be in the game with you. Also robbing your team of possible wins as maybe they would match up fine with people you blocked.

You don’t need 100s of avoids, you don’t even need more than 10 really. Avoid isn’t meant to solve all the community issues we have, it’s to stop trolling like players for the most part being on your team. All the one trick, hero picks, poor play etc people use avoid for is meant to be solved with LFG and friends lists for stack play.

no mater how a person tries to spin it the harsh truth is the player base isn’t trust worthy (myself included) to be allowed to ban/block more than a handful of players with an avoid list. At least not in a competitive setting where as I said, like it or not, the players at some given SR earned their spot to play there on a team too.

You don’t seem to understand at all what I say about the system only honouring the first N that it finds. If N is 3, as it currently is, all it means is that you have a better chance of avoiding players that are actually online, rather than players who play once a week who are filling up your avoid list. If there’s another 97 players currently online that you’ve avoided, tough - once it finds those first 3, it doesn’t factor in the rest.

/rolleyes/ college grad, so yes I get what you’re trying to say.
It still changes nothing that “akashra” should not be allowed to subjectively block a ton of players from a comp like setting. Your reasons are not trust worthy and just having the list speed rotate to the first say 5-10 it finds from a much larger list doesn’t really change most of the problems with a huge avoid list.

as you’re still asking to be allowed to take over match making and block, forever, players you might of only seen play 2 round of a random KOTH map. It’s brutally unfair to not only the players on your list but also the other on your team if you block the wrong players. It’s also unfair to the players on the other team to get your constant rejects being your avoid list is more extensive than their lists for some given time of day.

letting the list rotate or just a focus on those online etc doens’t change the problem with letting the player base take over match making.
Community issues of a needing a ton of avoids is solved by a friends list and stack game play. LFG is how one is meant to find like minded players other wise or help to build a stack list.

look I get what people want, we all know the sort of players who are a problem and should be sent to a some sort of poor team work purgatory like sub group where they only play against each other.
Yet as I’ve said a few times now, we are just not trustworthy as a community to handle that level of responsibility.

I need 10 avoids. I keep having to remove the 3 people I avoid. Season 13 I had a thrower and leaver. I would avoid these people for a very long time if possible.

I also had two bad dps on my team and a Genji who never switched off, instant locked dps, never killed anything with Dragon Blade and he had the never to message me with ‘idiot’ in the message.

I avoid him and got my SR right back from losing the game with him on my team. People look for something or someone to blame when they don’t look at themselves. If the entire team is telling you to switch due to the reasons I mentioned (I was silver dps with Moira with 16k healing). There is a problem and you aren’t helping the team.

Even trying our best, you cannot carry the team with someone who not willing to be a team player. I would like 6-10 avoids at least. I only need to avoid them for like 3 days and not 7 days. Chances are, I’ll never see them again in the current 7 days limit we have. I see people I avoid the minute I avoid them unless they stopped playing.

As for throwers and leavers. I would like them to stay avoided. I hate that I have to delete a leaver or thrower just to add someone else.

I hope at the end of Season 13 or something. That Blizzard makes another announcement about an increase. They are clearly moderating the avoid system because they increased it during like Season 12.

Pro tip from a lowly 3.2 genji main:
Genji cant kill ANYTHING without support from his team.

That wasn’t the problem though. No matter how much support you gave him. He couldn’t kill anyone. He couldn’t even kill people with his ult. He had 0 Dragon Blade kills. After I avoided him and defeat him next game. It sad to say that it was an easy win. His team was essentially 6 vs 5 against us. My dps as Moira in that game was 7000s silver with the 16k killing. Our Widowmaker was top dps and a Tank was Bronze. That means Genji was like 4000-5000 dps or something. Pretty bad for a Master.

I suspect he was a support main though trying to be a dps. That on hurts the team though when people do that.

Try playing aussie servers in the late night time slot - it’s the same small handful of players in any given large area of rank, for example low silver to high gold, it will be the same 20 people all night more or less. People lose accounts by being reported repeatedly by the same people, because the system is, i’m guessing, largely automated. I lost an account for one tricking doomfist. A 12 season, level 1300+ account.

moral of the story,If they had a 20-50 avoid player list, that would wipe out pretty much many smaller overwatch player lists, ie smaller countries in non-peak time slots. Or 20 minute wait times.

Oh no, we should not do it! Late night time slot in Australia will be affected!..

Moral of the story. Don’t force people to play in team with players they don’t like, allow them to have 20-50 avoid player lists with longer avoid time, so they won’t have to abuse report system, trying to remove those annoying players from their games.

Maybe then no one will ban you for one tricking, instead they won’t have to get annoyed by you.

I’d rather wait longer for a game than have it after 10s and play again with some donkey that is throwing, trolling or being annoying on voice chat.

i was simply pointing out there are side effects of making the list larger. I don’t think Overwatch is as populated as you think it is, especially competitive.

If people want to one trick that’s fine by me. If it was Blizzard policy against it, then enforce a role system. 2-2-2. 2 dps slots already filled? Too bad, you only have tanks and healers to pick from. It would also force more players to join groups, so they have more chance of playing the role they want, as people with the fastest computers/connections would always get first pick in solo queue.That wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

If one tricking is not actively discouraged or banned by Blizzard, then it is by definition fine to do it. As it should be. Pay for the game, play whatever hero you like, when you like.

And that’s the thing. Alot of us don’t want to be queue’d with guys who don’t take competitive modes as serious as its meant to be. The fun in it is to tryhard and win.

Its like going in a restaurant and having some of those diners be rowdy and incredibly rude, but the restaurant’s security just won’t budge. Think of it this way, how would you feel if another diner in the same restaurant spat on your food and the restaurant’s staff won’t do anything about it (like, you know, sending that diner out of the restaurant kind of thing?)?