Make a custom Base chill game

Hello, I am currently working on a chill game where players can create their own base!

I have been told the game is great, but is missing a main objective, and really isn’t fun because of that.

This is what I have so far [F6EXW]

I need to generate a new code :neutral_face:

Help me come up with Ideas! :blush:

you could add in a gold system with a server leaderboard
and maybe add bountys that give you gold if you kill someone

Yes… but it’s a chill game…

you could also make obejectives randomly appear
“capture the point”
“kill alaskawolf”
“emote for 10 sec”

Sounds like a good Idea…

deletes everyone’s base as host

Here’s an idea:

Housing simulator. You can buy a house with money (preferably use a map like Havana where there are a lot of open houses). You can earn money via jobs. Roleplay ensues.