Make 2-2-2 a thing from Gold upwards as

Mine today, and it is still bad, bad bad bad bad

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Actually, it seems as if the player base is much broader there as I wait 5-6 mins on live and 2 on ptr

Yeah I agree. Team composition means nothing in lower ranks.


now it is almost impossible to leave Bronze for better players as they will wait forever as dps. Everybody knows, you cannot leave Bronze as Tank, thus, Bronze is my tier and will remain my tier.

Jeff specifically asked us not to try to evaluate the matchmaking on PTR. The population is too small to evaluate matchmaking.

Don’t take PTR too seriously. It is there to check for show-stopping bugs. Match quality is poor, and MMR/SR is inaccurate (00:52:00).

Tell me about it, I made it to top 500 by being in low diamond on the ptr. That’s the only way I will ever have the shiny top 500 icon on my profile but still feelsgoodman :grin:

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I admire good players like you as their mettle is beyond my limitations. Congrats

Disagree, bronze, silver, and gold need that structure as people in those ranks tend to not care about team comps, nor do they care about playing as a team. The 2-2-2 structure forces more team play brought on by better compositions imo

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wow im finally gold and now have to completely relearn the game because i made the mistake of improving yay


I am pretty trash at the game imo, compared to the real good players (I think you need to be master and higher to call yourself good).
And no way, it’s not beyond your limitations, anyone and everyone can improve.

I’ve added you on bnet if you want I can try to help you out a bit.

My last bronze game (850SR bottom) was when;

  • I still had a potato mouse with default DPI and stock in game sensitivity,
  • Had a 60hz monitor that is blurry af when playing fast paced FPS games like this,
  • Aim like a potato and basically spam my mouse while praying something hits,
  • Had the gamesense of a baby,
  • Got stuck in prolonged brawls without making any decisive move,
  • Kept blaming my teammates because they suck and I don’t,
  • Failed to make plays that win fights,
  • Was busier posting and complaining in the forums than actually playing the game to be better.

I’m Diamond now and still suck. But I don’t suck as bad as I did because I realized I really really sucked, and stopped trying to play everything to ‘flex for my dumb teammates’ and focused on certain heroes to improve on. 2-2-2 doesn’t matter that much, locked roles and separate SR does.


Lower tiers will benefit from it because it will be harder for derankers and throwers to get there in new system + people in low ranks will learn how to make proper comp.

Are you talking about 222 in general or maybe you have examples of such “proper” comps?

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Umm but low/mid ranks is where most of the terrible 4/5/6 DPS comps are found in the first place…

Not implementing 2/2/2 role - lock in those ranks is a terrible idea.

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There’s even easier way for players who are actually better than Bronze. Pick Roadhog and carry games with Hook kills. With smart positioning and TaB you are unkillable as Bronze players cannot focus their fire on you.


You totally wrong. Middle and low elo are the ones who needs it. After Master you don’t neeed it. You might lost a game a week due to the lack of a good composition. Ppl after middle Master play for win. And you barely see a one trick and if they one trick they are pretty good.

Forcing low elo to be flexible would be great.

That’s Bronze, and exactly why lower tiers especially need role lock. I’m in plat, where most people will typically try to form a 2-2-2 (even long before the forums started asking for role lock), but when I was lower tier it was a nuisance playing games where 3+ players wanted to play DPS and would never switch.

You’ll enjoy role lock, you just need to develop your skills with heroes you’re good with.

This game do very poor job with explaining things and teaching new players what they should pick so making game 2 2 2 will make it more easy for them. Sure it doesnt mean every 2 2 2 comp is good , but still better than 3+ dps comps.

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Myself included. And I would like to dive further and not “locking on” but just “showing” further splits, like “main” and “off” stuff. Like, a switchable character select screen or maybe a comp tutorial. I think I’ve said that someplace else.

I’ve heard enough arguments on uselessness of both “dps overall” and “more than 2 dps”, so I’ll better be smart and agree.

Also, “overall”. Got it, thanks.