Main Supports vs Off Supports

I understand synergy, but if someone needs a label to figure out who synergizes with who, it probably doesn’t matter because they lack fundamental knowledge to begin with.

I just find the arguments over labelling pointless, synergy is generally only useful if you understand why it exists. At which point, why argue about labels?

You’re still referencing aspects that are 10-15 seasons old.

Role Que is now the measuring stick for all things OW. OQ is far less competitive and far less synergistic.

Again, the idea of a “flex support” is a support who can “flex” within a match to deal with a particular issue with your team or the enemy’s.

A Tracer constantly diving an Ana does not force the Ana off her choice. She is the centerpiece of the team comp as you play and build for Nano for Monkey or Genji, etc.

Mercy is who “flexes” to Brig to deal with the Tracer.

Again, labels from early OW no longer apply. The game has been wildly rebalanced with new heroes and Role Que.

Main Healer/Off Healer and Main Support/Flex Support are 2 different classifications. The former is a casual thing (based on healing strength) and the latter is used by pros and higher ranked players (to do with synergy, I believe).

Lucio Mercy and Brig are the main supports, every one else is a flex support. Occasionally in professional play you might run double flex support like Zen-Ana, which isn’t that uncommon but in the current meta I think you’d usually play either Lucio-Bap or Zen-Brig. And the main support player plays Lucio/Brig and the flex support player plays Bap/Zen. So yeah that’s just how it works.

In many pro comps/metas, the flex support does the majority of the healing, which might seem unintuitive but that’s just how it is. If you want to talk about ladder, then terms like “main” and “flex” are utterly irrelevant, all you need most of the time is one hero that can heal a lot. E.g Brig-Zen probably isn’t a great line-up for plat, even if it’s meta in pro play. Same with “main” and “off” tanks. These terms are important in pro play but not at all on ladder, where the only distinction worth talking about is weather a hero has a barrier.

Yes, you need to explain how a term was created to explain its meaning

And you still fail to properly reply to my arguments. I named multiple examples on how this makes no sense.

If you switch of Lucio you need to switch of Rein too, if you have a Lucio otp you cant play Orisa. If you have a Mercy OTP you cant play multiflanker comps
Ana on the other hand works with nearly every Tank

You bow for the 3rd time ignored my question on how Zen fits into the same role like Mercy and Lucio

Zen/Ana is very uncommon, but Bap/Zen is one example that doesnt hapoen that rarely

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Always wait for one of these owl pros and t500 to come and confuse simple classification into flex support nonsense.

Here is what matters to ladder that doesn’t scrim 8hrs a day.

You have big heals your main , you have less heals you are off

So the OP is correct when he says ana bap moira mercy are main.

Brig Lucio zen are off.

You are a main support if you can pump up a Reinhardt back after he takes a beating.

Just cause you heard your owl pro on stream bragging about how they confuse simple terms don’t act like as if you are using supports as flex supports etc.

If you’re inventing a comp, maybe, but not for just knowing a role and doing your part. There are some things that players don’t particularly need to know the why’s of and can be coached into by either the people coming up with a comp or the meta once it forms. “Play here, do this” can get you pretty far.

Bestie you realize the only thing that changes from Main Healer and Off Healer to Main Support and Flex Support is that Zen is a flex support

although the above is stated as if it is actual fact, it is an opinion - an opinion that many people (myself included) disagree with

Imo, roleless queue mode games are far more competitive due in no small part to the vastly larger number of possible combinations teams can form, and ergo a player must be prepared to handle

For me, 222 and its restrictions feels like OW on training wheels

Though this too is stated as if it were fact, it isn’t…it is an opinion, one that many players (myself again included) disagree with

Mercy can be played as a pocket. can be. But most players who I have watched play her do not use her as a pocket. I personally see this style of play as suboptimal given Mercy’s ability to reach all of the members of her team

just as above, this is another opinion stated as if it were fact, when it isnt a fact.

In truth, any support (or combination of supports) can be played with any tank, and vice versa.

Further, there is no rule that requires any player…ever…to play Tank Y when Support Z is selected.

its main support and flex support.
flex is moira ana bap
main is lucio mercy brig
zen is the hybrid not brig. bap players play zen because zen brig is stupid broken

mercy isnt a flex support. she isnt meant to heal. shes meant to damage boost and only heal dps

and support is the support role not the “healer” role. remember. symmetra was a support. and zen does more damage than healing.

no, zen is a hybrid. bap players play zen for zen brig. and main support players play zen for moira zen and ana zen.

the thing that changes is the name because its not the healer role. its the support role

There’s a difference between main/off healers and main/flex supports.

Main healers (Do the majority of the team’s healing and has a tempo ultimate):


Off Healer (Provides smaller amounts of healing and has a defensive ultimate):


Main support (I don’t remember):


Flex support (I don’t remember):

Main/flex support is used in organized play. Main/off healer is used in ladder play. You are welcome.

This video doesn’t have the exactly which hero is which sub role but its some more info on it.

I didn’t read it all yet but you may be mixing up the casual main and off support with the competitive terms main and flex support. They are very different.

Ironically trying to call someone else out seems to have backfired as it really is you who’s wrong here.